Jonathan Bradley-Thrush

Unilateral and bilateral summation theorems in the theory of basic hypergeometric series


March 15, 2022, 1:55 — 2:45 pm at LIT 368.


 The 6φ5 summation theorem of L.J. Rogers has a formulation, due to F.H. Jackson, which is symmetrical with respect to three of its parameters. I will re-examine the problem, first considered by Jackson, of extending Rogers’s identity to one which possesses a fourfold symmetry. I will then provide some examples to demonstrate how the theory of elliptic functions may be used to convert certain unilateral summation theorems into bilateral summation theorems. The bilateral series considered will include those which feature in Ramanujan’s 1ψ1 identity and Bailey’s 6ψ6 identity, along with a few others which are similarly expressible as infinite products. Combinatorial interpretations of several q-series identities will also be given in terms of Ferrers diagrams.