Colloquium Spring 2017

The canonical time and room is 9th period (4:05-4:55pm) in the Atrium (Little Hall 339), but nonstandard days and rooms will happen.

Some additional relevant sites:

Speaker Affiliation Title Inviting Host Colloquium Host Date Day Time Room
01/9/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
  MLK Day
   01/16/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
Tudor Zamfirescu Technische Universität Dortmund   Disks held in cages
 McCullough 01/23/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
01/30/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)

02/06/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
02/13/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
 George Andrews  Ramanujan and Computer Algebra: From the Movie to Mathematica 02/20/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
 UF/FSU TopDyn 02/24/2017 Fri 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
02/27/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
03/03/2017 Fri 4:05pm LIT 121
03/06/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
John Klein
 Wayne State Spanning trees in higher dimensions  Catanzaro 03/13/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
Peter Elliot
 U of Colorado  RAMANUJAN LECTURE:Encounters with Ramanujan
03/20/2017 Mon 4:05pm LIT 109
    George Glauberman  University of Chicago   An application of algebra to topology  Turull 03/27/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
Jeffery Remmel UCSD ERDOS LECTURE:The Combinatorics of Rational Parking Functions and the Shuffle Conjectures  Cenzer 04/03/2017 Mon 4:05pm LIT 109
Jeffery Remmel UCSD WONG LECTURE:A DNR Approach to Training Middle and High School Teachers in Math and
 Cenzer 04/05/2017 Wed 4:05pm LIT 109
Dmitri Burago
 Penn State A relaxed discussion of several problems involving Geometry, Dynamics, PDEs, Discretization, Control Theory and such  Dranishnikov 04/10/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)
 Cheyne Homberger  Department of Defense  A Combinatorial Approach to System Testing​.  Bona 04/17/2017 Mon 4:05pm Atrium (LIT 339)