“Feasting with ‘kings in an ancient democracy: on the Slavic society of the Early Middle Ages (sixth to seventh century A.D.).” Essays in Medieval Studies 15 (1999): 19-34.

“Hiding behind a piece of tapestry: Jordanes and the Slavic Venethi.” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 47 (1999): 321-340.

In boream Viscla tenus commorantur: Jordanes’ Slavic Venethi revisited,” paper presented at the 34th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 7-10, 1999

“Peasants as ‘makeshift soldiers for the occasion’: sixth-century settlement patterns in the Balkans,” paper presented at the Third Conference on Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity, “Urban and Rural in Late Antiquity (ca. 200-600)” (Emory University, Atlanta, March 11-14, 1999)

“Pots and Slavs: archaeology, ethnicity and the construction of national identities,” lecture at the invitation of the Department of Anthropology and the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, April 2, 1999)

Review of Aigaion Pelagos (Die nördliche Ägäis), by Johannes Koder (Vienna, 1998). In The Medieval Review 99.08.10.

Review of Die frühe Völkerwanderungszeit in Rumänien, by Radu Harhoiu (Bucharest, 1997). In Archaeologia Bulgarica 3 (1999), no. 3: 95-100.

Review of Medieval Europeans. Studies in Ethnic Identity and National Perspectives in Medieval Europe, ed. by A. Smyth (New York, 1998). In The Medieval Review 99.03.06.

“Slavic archaeology and early Slavic ethnicity,” paper presented at the Mellon Seminar, Medieval Studies Program, Cornell University (Ithaca, April 15, 1999)

“The cave and the dyke: a rock monastery on the tenth-century frontier of Bulgaria.” Studia Monastica 41 (1999), no. 1: 129-149.

“The ‘Prague type’: a critical approach to pottery classification,” paper presented at the Symposium “The Dark Centuries of Byzantium” (Athens, May 6-9, 1999)