“2014 publications on the history and archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe, c. 500 to c. 1250.” Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe 6-7 (2014-2015): 165-241.

“’A hesitating journey through foreign knowledge’: Niculescu, the ostrich, and culture history.” Arheologia Moldovei 37 (2014): 299-306.

“An early seventh-century female grave from Dobruja.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 18 (2014), no. 1: 65-84 (together with Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi, Andrei Soficaru, and Mihai Constantinescu).

“Archeológia ranostredovekej služobníckej organizácie vo východnej Európe.” Forum Historiae 8 (2014), no. 2: 142-158.


“Coins and burials in Dark-Age Greece. Archaeological remarks on the Byzantine ‘Reconquista’.” In Srednovekovniiat chovek i negoviiat sviat. Sbornik v chest na 70-ta godishnina na prof. d. i. n. Kazimir Popkonstantinov. Edited by Rosina Kostova, pp. 55-101. Veliko Tărnovo: Faber, 2014.



“East Central Europe: the gate to Byzantium,” keynote address for the international workshop “A Forgotten Region? East Central Europe in the Global Middle Ages” (Central European University, Budapest, March 27, 2014)

“Ethnic identity and archaeology.” In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Edited by Claire Smith, pp. 2507-2514. New York: Springer Reference, 2014. Publisher’s version



“Getting into the heads of the medieval people,” lecture for the University of Florida History of Medicine (University of Florida, January 17, 2014; again on February 18, 2015)

“He (Megale) Morabia.” In Mesaionikos Slabikos Kosmos. Edited by Panos Sophoulis and Andreas Papageorgiou, pp. 105-124. Athens: Irodotos, 2014.




Interview for Live Science, livescience.com (October, 2014). Publisher’s version

“Islam and markets in 10th-century Europe: al-Andalus and Volga Bulgharia,” paper presented at the 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 8-11, 2014

Review of Strategies of Identification. Ethnicity and Religion in Early Medieval Europe, ed. by Walter Pohl and Gerda Heydemann (Turnhout, 2013), in The Medieval Review 14.03.06.

“Some remarks on the Byzantine reconquista in Greece,” public lecture for the Center of Greek Studies (University of Florida, February 15, 2014)

“Un hagialâc şovăielnic prin tărâmul unor cunoştinţe străine: d-l Niculescu, struţul şi arheologia cultural-istorică.” Istros 20 (2014): 907-925.