

Interview of Danièle Cybulski’s weekly show The Medieval Podcast (December 6, 2024). Publisher’s version





“Mai e ceva ce nu știm despre formarea poporului român?” interview for (Science)(November 30, 2023, aired December 1, 2023). Publisher’s version.


On-screen interview, From Sarajevo to Red Africa, documentary The Glorious. The Story of the Slavs (August 18, 2022, aired February 15, 2023). Publisher’s version

An interactive conversation on the “Slavs” of Macedonia, Muabet So Meto (February 23, 2022). Publisher’s version.



Interview for “Dialog cu cercetătorii români,” released for Facebook (August 8, 2021). Publisher’s version


Interview for Study in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, episode “Origins of the Bogomils,” released for YouTube (June 2, 2021). Publisher’ version



Interview for Study in Antiquity and the Middle Ages, episode “Origins of the Slavs,” released for YouTube (April 10, 2021). Publisher’ version




Interview for “Impact of Materials of Society (IMOS) – Photovoltaic,” educational video for an undergraduate course about Material Science and Engineering produced by Bruno White Entertainment, Orlando (March 3, 2016). Publisher’s version

Interview for “Impact of Materials on Society (IMOS) – Gold,” educational video for an undergraduate course about Material Science and Engineering produced by Bruno White Entertainment, Orlando (March 4, 2016). Publisher’s version

“An uneasy relation: Byzantium and the nomads,” Byzantine Studies public lecture, Dumbarton Oaks (Washington, D.C., October 13, 2016). Publisher’s version