Book chapters

[*] indicates that a revised version was reprinted in Text, Context, History, and Archaeology



“Plus ça change: a fractal afterword.” In Continuity and Change in Medieval East Central Europe. Social Ruling and Religious Transformations, edited by Dušan Zupka, 263-275. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2025.




“Hung up on Sclavinia: what actually happened in 602?” In Multum laboravistis propter nos et propter bonum pacis et unionis: episoade şi reverberaţii ale Evului Mediu. Profesorului Ioan-Aurel Pop în al şaptezecilea an al vieţii, edited by Adinel C. Dincă and Alexandru Simon, 565-83. Cluj-Napoca: Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2025.


“De ce au dispărut căldările de lut?” In Lucrurile şi cuvintele. Obiecte ale cotidianului în Ţările Române, edited by Monica Dejan, 14-29. Suceava: Karl A. Romstorfer, 2024.

“Avars in Croatia: new wine in old bottles.” In Fortunatus Ligo. Zbornik povodom sedamdesetog rođendana Ante Miloševića, edited by Ivan Basić, Ivan Josipović, and Miljenko Jurković, 215-230. Split/Zadar/Zagreb/Motovun: University of Split/University of Zadar/University of Zagreb/ International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, 2024. Publisher’s version.



“Marxism in medieval archaeology: a woman’s touch.” In Marxism and Medieval Studies. Marxist Historiography in East Central Europe, edited by Martin Nodl, Piotr Węcowski, and Dušan Zupka, 295-352. East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, 93. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2024. Publisher’s version.




“Legacy of Rome: living in the past in near Barbaricum.” In Heritage. Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Byzantine and Medieval Studies “Days of Justinian I,” Skopje, 10-13 November, 2022, edited by Mitko B. Panov, 18-38. Skopje: Institute of National History, 2023 (together with Andrei Gândilă)


Gesta Hungarorum ca parodie de gen (analiză literară a unui text istoric).” In Istoria azi. Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români. Lucrările din plen, Alba Iulia, 8-10 septembrie 2022, edited by Laura Stanciu and Cosmin Popa-Gorjanu, 25-96. Cluj-Napoca: Mega, 2023.

Gesta Hungarorum as parody. The literary analysis of a medieval text.” In Magistra famosa. Zbornik u čast profesorici Mirjani Matiejvić Sokol, edited by Ivan Botica, Tomislav Galović, Damir Karbić, Suzana Simon, Filip Šimetin Šegvić, Nikolina Šimetin Šegvić, and Marko Trogrlić, 342-420. Split: Književni krug, 2023.


“Introduction.” In The Routledge Handbook of East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 500-1300, edited by Florin Curta, pp. 1-8. Abingdon/New York: Routledge, 2022. Publisher’s version



“Pseudo-Martin of Braga and the Slavs. A re-examination of the poem In basilica.” In “Omnium Magistra Virtutum.” Studies in Honour of Danuta R. Shanzer, edited by Andrew Cain and George Hays, 115-39. Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, 15.Turnhout: Brepols, 2022. Publisher’s version



“Bulgaria beyond the Danube: water under the bridge, or is there more in the pipeline?” In Christianization in Early Medieval Translyvania. The Oldest Church in Transylvania and its Interpretation, edited by Daniela Marcu Istrate, Dan Ioan Mureşan, and Gabriel Tiberiu Rustoiu, 57-77. East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, 83. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2022. Publisher’s version.




“Of beards and men: the archaeology of facial hair in the Carpathian Basin (6th-9th centuries).” In Continuation or Change? Borders and Frontiers in Late Antiquity and Medieval Europe. Landscape of Power Network, Military Organisation, and Commerce, edited by Gregory Leighton, Łukasz Różycki, and Piotr Pranke, 3-58. London/New York: Routledge, 2022 (together with Robert Lierse). Publisher’s version.




“Slavii timpurii şi etnogeneza lor în arheologia sovietică şi post-sovietică.” In Cercetarea şi valorificarea patrimoniului arheologic medieval. Materialele conferinței ştiințifice internaționale, 4 noiembrie 2021, Chişinău, Republica Moldova. Omagiu colegului şi prietenului Ioan Tentiuc la 65 de ani, edited by Sergiu Musteață, 14-30. Chişinău: Pontos, 2022.





“Anchor of faith: the cult of St. Clement in Eastern Europe (ca. 500 to ca. 1050).” In Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference “History and Theology”, Constanța (Romania), November 17-18, 2020, edited by Ionuț Holubeanu, pp.16-54. Bucharest: Editura Universitară, 2021 (together with Ethan Williamson).


“Copper and bronze: the far-reaching consequences of metallurgy,” in Impact of Materials on Society. Edited by Sophia Krzys Acord and Kevin Jones, pp. 88-109. Gainesville: Library Press@UF, 2020. Publisher’s version



“Gold and silver: precious metals and coinage,” in Impact of Materials on Society. Edited by Sophia Krzys Acord and Kevin Jones, pp. 110-125. Gainesville: Library Press@UF, 2020. Publisher’s version



“Migrations in the archaeology of Eastern and Southeastern Europe in the early Middle Ages (some comments on the current state of research).” In Migrations of the Medieval Afroeurasian Transition Zone. Aspects of Mobility Between Africa, Asia and Europe, 300-1500 C.E. Edited by Johannes Preiser-Kapeller, Lucian Reinfandt and Yannis Stouraitis (Studies in Global Social History, 39/13), pp. 101-138. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020. Publisher’s version



“Children in eleventh- and twelfth-century Hungary and Poland. An archaeological comparison.” In The Medieval Networks in East Central Europe. Commerce, Contacts, Communication. Edited by Balázs Nagy, Felicitas Schmieder, and András Vadas, pp. 87-122. London/New York: Routledge, 2019 (together with Matthew Koval). Publisher’s version




“An ironic smile: the Carpathian Mountains and the migration of the Slavs.” In Studia mediaevalia Europaea et orientalia. Miscellanea in honorem professoris emeriti Victor Spinei oblata. Edited by George Bilavschi and Dan Aparaschivei, pp. 47-72. Bucharest: Editura Academiei Române, 2018.


“Angel on earth and heavenly man. St. Sava of Serbia.” In Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe, 900-1400. Edited by Donald Ostrowski and Christian Raffensperger, pp. 91-99. London/New York: Routledge, 2018. Publisher’s version



“Church, churchyard, and children in the early medieval Balkans: a comparative perspective.” In Migration, Integration and Connectivity on the Southeastern Frontier of the Carolingian Empire. Edited by Daniel Dzino, Ante Milošević, and Trpimir Vedriš (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, 50), pp. 244-67. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2018. Publisher’s version



“The earliest Slavs in East Central Europe? Remarks on the early medieval settlement in Nova Tabla (Slovenia).” In Studia Romana et mediaevalia Europaensia. Miscellanea in honorem annos LXXXV peragentis professoris emeriti Dan Gh. Teodor oblata. Edited by Dan Aparaschivei and George Bilavschi, pp. 81-98. Bucharest/Brăila: Editura Academiei Române/Istros, 2018.


“Observații cu privire la opaițele de lut din Peninsula Balcanică în decursul secolului al VI-lea și la începutul secolului al VII-lea.” In Omul, fluviul și marea. Studii de arheologie și istorie în onoarea lui Florin Topoleanu la a 65-a aniversare. Edited by George Nuțu, Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi and Cristian Micu, pp. 159-240. Cluj-Napoca: MEGA, 2017. Publisher’s version



“Social identity on the platter. Clay pans in sixth to seventh century ceramic assemblages.” In Entangled Identities and Otherness in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe. Edited by Jorge López Quiroga, Michel Kazanski and Vujadin Ivanišević, pp. 132-77. Oxford BAR Publishing, 2017. Publisher’s version




“Amphorae and seals: the ‘sub-Byzantine’ Avars and the quaestura exercitus.” In Zwischen Byzanz und der Steppe. Archäologische und historische Studien für Csanád Bálint zum 70. Geburtstag. Edited by Ádám Bollók, Gergely Csiky, and Tivadar Vida, pp. 307-334. Budapest: Institute of Archaeology, 2016.



“Avar Blitzkrieg, Slavic and Bulgar raiders, and Roman special ops: mobile warriors in the 6th-century Balkans.” In Central Eurasia in the Middle Ages. Studies in Honour of Peter B. Golden. Edited by István Zimonyi and Osman Karatay, pp. 69-90. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2016. Publisher’s version



“Burial in early medieval Greece: on ethnicity in Byzantine archaeology.” In Prof d-r Boris Borisov uchenici i priiateli. Edited by Boris Borisov, pp. 419-448. Veliko Tărnovo: IVIS, 2016.

“Observaţii asupra tipsiilor de lut din secolele VI-VII.” In Identităţi şi schimburi culturale în mileniul I p. Chr. Edited by Bogdan Ciupercă (Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr., 5), pp. 149-246. Brăila: Istros, 2016.


“Coins and burials in Dark-Age Greece. Archaeological remarks on the Byzantine ‘Reconquista’.” In Srednovekovniiat chovek i negoviiat sviat. Sbornik v chest na 70-ta godishnina na prof. d. i. n. Kazimir Popkonstantinov. Edited by Rosina Kostova, pp. 55-101. Veliko Tărnovo: Faber, 2014.



“Ethnic identity and archaeology.” In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Edited by Claire Smith, pp. 2507-2514. New York: Springer Reference, 2014. Publisher’s version



“He (Megale) Morabia.” In Mesaionikos Slabikos Kosmos. Edited by Panos Sophoulis and Andreas Papageorgiou, pp. 105-124. Athens: Irodotos, 2014.





“Gift-giving and violence in Bulgaria and Poland. A comparative approach to ruling strategies in the early Middle Ages.” In Consensus or Violence? Cohesive Forces in Early and High Medieval Societies (9th-14th c.). Edited by Sławomir Moździoch and Przemysław Wiszewski (Interdisciplinary Medieval Studies, 1), pp. 113-144. Wrocław: Institute of History at the University of Wrocław, 2013. Publisher’s version



“Horsemen in forts or peasants in villages? Remarks on the archaeology of warfare in the 6th to 7th century Balkans.” In War and Warfare in Late Antiquity. Edited by Neil Christie and Alexander Sarantis (Late Antique Archaeology, 8), pp. 809-852. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013. Publisher’s version



“With brotherly love: the Czech beginnings of medieval archaeology in Bulgaria and Ukraine.” In Manufacturing Middle Ages. Entangled History of Medievalism in Nineteenth-Century Europe. Edited by Patrick J. Geary and Gábor Klaniczay, pp. 377-396. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2013. Publisher’s version




“Introduction.” In Neglected Barbarians. Edited by Florin Curta (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 32), pp. 1-11.Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Publisher’s version



“New remarks on Christianity beyond the 6th and early 7th century frontier of the Roman Empire.” In Keszthely-Fenékpuszta im Kontext spätantiker Kontinuitätsforschung zwischen Noricum und Moesia. Edited by Orsolya Heinrich-Tamáska, pp. 303-321. Budapest/Leipzig/Keszthely/Rahden: Marie Leidorf, 2011. Publisher’s version



“New remarks on early medieval hoards of iron tools and weapons.” In Frühgeschichtliche Zentralorte in Mitteleuropa. Internationale Konferenz und Kolleg der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung zum 50. Jahrestag des Beginns archäologischer Ausgrabungen in Pohansko bei Břeclav, 5.-9.10.2009, Břeclav, Tschechische Republik. Edited by Jiří Macháček and Šimon Ungermann, pp. 251-276. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt, 2011.



“Still waiting for the barbarians? The making of the Slavs in ‘Dark-Age’ Greece.” In Neglected Barbarians. Edited by Florin Curta (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 32), pp. 403-478. Turnhout: Brepols, 2011. Publisher’s version



“Utváření Slovanů. Návrat ke slovanské etnogenezi,” in “Neslované” o počátcích Slovanů. Edited by Przemysław Urbańczyk, translated by Ivo Stefan, pp. 21-40. Prague: Nakladelství Karolinum, 2011.




“Emperor Heraclius and the conversion of the Croats and the Serbs.” In Medieval Christianitas. Different Regions, “Faces,” Approaches. Edited by Tsvetelin Stepanov and Georgi Kazakov (Mediaevalia Christiana, 3), pp. 121-138. Sofia: “Voenno Izdatelstvo” Publishing House, 2010.

“Not ‘Slavic’ after all: bow fibulae of Werner’s class II A.” In Între stepă şi imperiu. Studii în onoarea lui Radu Harhoiu. Edited by Andrei Măgureanu and Erwin Gáll, pp. 149-175. Bucharest: Renaissance, 2010.




“Medieval archaeology in South-Eastern Europe.” In Reflections: 50 Years of Medieval Archaeology, 1957-2007. Edited by Roberta Gilchrist and Andrew Reynolds, pp. 191-223. London: Maney Publishing, 2009. Publisher’s version



“The archaeology of service settlements in Eastern Europe.” In Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages. A Cultural History. Edited by Piotr Górecki and Nancy van Deusen, pp. 30-41. London/New York: I. B. Tauris, 2009.





“Introduction.” In The Other Europe in the Middle Ages. Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans. Edited by Florin Curta (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, 2), pp. 1-12. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2008. Publisher’s version



“The earliest Avar-age stirrups, or the ‘stirrup controversy’ revisited.” In The Other Europe in the Middle Ages. Avars, Bulgars, Khazars, and Cumans. Edited by Florin Curta (East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450, 2), pp. 297-326. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2008. Publisher’s version



“The making of the Slavs: Slavic ethnogenesis revisited.” In MESS and RAMSES II, Mediterranean Ethnological Summer School. Vol. 7Edited by Jaka Repič, Alenka Bartulović, and Katarina Sajovec Altshul (Županić’s Collection, 28), pp. 277-307. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts, 2008.




[*] “The Amber Trail in early medieval Eastern Europe.” In Paradigms and Methods in Early Medieval Studies. Edited by Felice Lifshitz and Celia Chazelle, pp. 61-79. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007. Publisher’s version




“Tworzenie Słowian. Powrót do słowiańskiej etnogenezy.” In Nie-Słowianie o początkach Słowian. Edited by Przemysław Urbańczyk, pp. 27-55 and 157-164. Poznań/Warsaw: Poznańskie Towarzystwo Przyjaciół Nauk/Instytut Archeologii i Etnologii Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2006. Publisher’s version




“Before Cyril and Methodius: Christianity and barbarians beyond the sixth- and seventh-century Danube frontier.” In East Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Florin Curta, pp. 181-219. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. Publisher’s version




“Frontier ethnogenesis in Late Antiquity: the Danube, the Tervingi, and the Slavs.” In Borders, Barriers, and Ethnogenesis. Frontiers in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Edited by Florin Curta (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 12), pp. 173-204. Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. Publisher’s version



“Introduction.” In Borders, Barriers, and Ethnogenesis. Frontiers in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Edited by Florin Curta, pp. 1-9 (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 12). Turnhout: Brepols, 2005. Publisher’s version



“Introduction.” In East Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Florin Curta, pp. 1-38. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. Publisher’s version




[*] “Pavel Chinezul, Negru Vodă, and ‘imagined communities’: medievalism in Romanian rock music.” In Postmodern Medievalisms. Edited by Richard Utz and Jesse G. Swan (Studies in Medievalism, 13), pp. 3-16. Cambridge: D. S. Brewer, 2005.



“The history and archaeology of early medieval Eastern and East Central Europe (ca. 500-1000): a bibliography.” In East Central and Eastern Europe in the Early Middle Ages. Ed. by Florin Curta, pp. 297-380. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2005. Publisher’s version.





“Barbarians in Dark-Age Greece: Slavs or Avars?” In Civitas Divino-Humana. In honorem annorum LX Georgii Bakalov. Edited by Tsvetelin Stepanov and Veselina Vachkova, pp. 513-550. Sofia: Centăr za izsledvaniia na bălgarite Tangra TanNakRa IK, 2004.


“From Kossinna to Bromley: ethnogenesis in Slavic archaeology.” In On Barbarian Identity. Critical Approaches to Ethnicity in the Early Middle Ages. Edited by Andrew Gillett (Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 4), pp. 201-218. Turnhout: Brepols, 2002. Publisher’s version





“Peasants as ‘makeshift soldiers for the occasion’: sixth-century settlement patterns in the Balkans.” In Urban Centers and Rural Contexts in Late Antiquity. Edited by Thomas S. Burns and John W. Eadie, pp. 199-217. East Lansing: Michigan State University Press, 2001.



“The ‘Prague type’. A critical approach to pottery classification.” In Hoi skoteinoi aiones tou Byzantiou (7os-9os ai.). The Dark Centuries of Byzantium (7th-9th c.). Ed. by Eleonora Kountoura-Galake (Diethne Symposia 9), pp. 171-188. Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, Institute for Byzantine Research, 2001.

“Transylvania around A.D. 1000.” In Europe Around the Year 1000. Edited by Przemysław Urbańczyk, pp. 141-165. Warsaw: Wydawnictwo DIG, 2001.