[*] indicates that a revised version was reprinted in Text, Context, History, and Archaeology
“Istoriografia secolului al VII-lea în Peninsula Balcanică sau despre năravuri vechi de care nu-i uşor de scăpat.” Memoriile secției de științe istorice și arheologie a Academiei Române, seria V, 43 (2024): 35-50.
“Migration and Common Slavic: critical remarks of an archaeologist.” Linguistica Brunensia 72 (2024), no.2, 41-56.
“Ţăranii ca instrumente ale mâniei divine. Ştiri despre bătălia de la ‘Posada’ în Prusia Ordinului teutonic.” Revista istorică 35 (2024), nos. 4-6: 261-286. (together with Gregory Leighton)
“Garum or grain? Crimea and the provisioning of Constantinople (7th to 9th centuries).” Studia ceranea 13 (2023), 1-29. Publisher’s version
“Pierit-au avarii? O privire dinspre Europa de răsărit.” Plural 11 (2023), no. 2, 27-44. Publisher’s version
“Pilgrimage in the thirteenth century Balkans. Some archaeological and historical observations.” Porphyra 29 (2023): 49-66.
“The current state of research on early medieval earthworks in East Central and Southeastern Europe.” Offa’s Dyke Journal 5 (2023), 51-74. Publisher’s version
“The Serpent Ramparts in Ukraine: fifty years of archaeological research.” Offa’s Dyke Journal 5 (2023), 75-92. Publisher’s version
“Un stăvilar depășit. 25 de ani de la lucrarea lui Gottfried Schramm, Ein Damm bricht.” Revista istorică 33 (2022), nos. 1-3, 5-28.
“Where have all the Avars gone? A view from Eastern Europe.” Prinosi kăm bălgarskata arkheologiia 12 (2022), 5-20.
“Aging levee. On the 25th anniversary of Gottfried Schramm’s Ein Damm bricht.” Historical Studies on Central Europe 2 (2022), no. 2, 179-213.
“A social history of the Avars: historical and archaeological perspectives.” History Compass 19 (2021), no. 12: 1-19.
“Critical remarks on the Sucidava class.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 25 (2021), no. 3: 57-118.
“Ethnicity, archaeology and nationalism: some remarks on the current state of research.” Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica 25 (2021), no. 1: 229-242.
“Oblivion and invention. Charlemagne and his wars with the Avars.” Frühmittelalterliche Studien 55 (2021), 61-88.
“’Slavic’ bow fibulae from the environs of Bucharest.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 25 (2021), no. 1: 35-54 (together with Eugen S. Teodor).
“Deserted medieval village reconstruction using applied geosciences.” Remote Sensing [Internet] 12 (2020) (together with Alexandru Hegyi, Apostolos Sarris, Cristian Floca, Sorin Forțiu, Petru Udrea, Alexandru Onaca, Fabian Timofte, Michał Pisz, Sergiu Timuț, Mădălina Nica, Daiana Maciulschi, and Andrei Stavilă). Publisher’s version
“Etnogeneza românească în istoriografia polonă” Revista istorică 31 (2020): 303-316.
“Marksizm v rabotakh Marii Komsha.” Stratum+ (2020), no. 5: 29-41.
“Marxism în opera Mariei Comşa.” Arheologia Moldovei 43 (2020): 285-296.
“The Romanian ethnogenesis in Polish historigraphy.” Archiva Moldaviae 12 (2020): 275-289.
“Ethnicity in the steppe lands of the northern Black Sea region during the early Byzantine times.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 23 (2019), no. 1: 33-70.
“Remarks on the economic and funerary uses of imitations of early Byzantine coins.” Byzantion 89 (2019): 177-208.
“Teutonic hierotopy: St. Christopher at Lochstedt.” Ephemeris Napocensis 29 (2019), 127-64 (together with Gregory Leighton).
“Sklavinia in Theophylact Simocatta, (hopefully) for the last time.” Porphyra 27 (2018): 4-15.
“Coins, forts and commercial exchanges in the sixth- and early seventh-century Balkans.” Oxford Journal of Archaeology 36 (2017), no. 4: 439-454. Publisher’s version
“Monede, castre și schimburi comerciale în Peninsula Balcanică (sec. VI-începutul sec. VII).” Pontica 50 (2017): 49-70. Publisher’s version
“Burials in prehistoric mounds. Reconnecting with the past in early medieval Greece.” Revue des études byzantines 74 (2016): 269-85.
“Constantinople and the echo chamber. The Vlachs in the French crusade chronicles.” Medieval Encounters 22 (2016): 427-462.
“Monede, castre și schimburi comerciale în peninsula Balcanică (sec. VI-începutul sec. VII).” Plural 4 (2016), no. 2: 5-26. Publisher’s version
“Postcards from Maurilia, or the historiography of the Dark-Age cities of Byzantium.” Post-Classical Archaeologies 6 (2016): 89-110. Publisher’s version
“Shedding light on a murky matter: remarks on 6th to early 7th century clay lamps in the Balkans.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 20 (2016), no. 3: 51-116.
“Sredina srednjoavarskog perioda: opaske o polukružnim privjescima s alkom.” Starohrvatska prosvjeta 43 (2016): 199-216.
“Theophylact Simocatta revisited. A response to Andreas Gkoutzioukostas.” Byzantion Nea Hellás 35 (2016): 195-209.
“2015 publications on the history and archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe, c. 500 to c. 1250.” Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe 8 (2016): 97-206.
“East Central Europe: the gate to Byzantium.” Byzantinische Zeitschrift 108 (2015), no. 2: 1-42.
“Four questions for those who still believe in prehistoric Slavs and other fairy tales.” Starohrvatska prosvjeta 120 (2015): 286-303.
“Imaginea vlahilor la cronicarii Cruciadei a IV-a. Până unde răzbate ecoul discuțiilor intelectuale de la Constantinopol?” Arheologia Moldovei 38 (2015): 25-68.
“’A hesitating journey through foreign knowledge’: Niculescu, the ostrich, and culture history.” Arheologia Moldovei 37 (2014): 299-306.
“An early seventh-century female grave from Dobruja.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 18 (2014), no. 1: 65-84 (together with Sorin-Cristian Ailincăi, Andrei Soficaru, and Mihai Constantinescu).
“Archeológia ranostredovekej služobníckej organizácie vo východnej Európe.” Forum Historiae 8 (2014), no. 2: 142-158.
“Un hagialâc şovăielnic prin tărâmul unor cunoştinţe străine: d-l Niculescu, struţul şi arheologia cultural-istorică.” Istros 20 (2014): 907-925.
“2014 publications on the history and archaeology of Central and Eastern Europe, c. 500 to c. 1250.” Medieval and Early Modern Studies for Central and Eastern Europe 6-7 (2014-2015): 165-241.
“Markets in tenth-century al-Andalus and Volga Bulghāria: contrasting views of trade in Muslim Europe.” Al-Masāq 25 (2013), no. 3: 305-330.
“Obraz i arkheologiia pechenegov.” Stratum+ (2013), no. 5: 203-236.
“Seventh-century fibulae with bent stem in the Balkans.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 17 (2013), no. 1: 49-70.
“Sixth-century fibulae with bent stem.” Peuce 11 (2013): 101-176 (together with Andrei Gândilă).
“The beginning of the Middle Ages in the Balkans.” Millennium 10 (2013), no. 1: 145-214.
“The elephant in the room. A reply to Sebastian Brather.” Ephemeris Napocensis 23 (2013): 163-174.
“The image and archaeology of the Pechenegs.” Banatica 23 (2013): 143-202.
“Da se smeesh s cialo gărlo: Nedelchev, rannite slaviani i rumănskiiat zagovor.” Izvestiia na Regionalen istoricheski muzei – Veliko Tărnovo 28-29 (2013-2014): 417-428.
“’Slavic’ bow fibulae: twenty years of research.” Bericht der Römisch-Germanischen Kommission 93 (2012): 235-342.
“The Jägala fibula revisited, or remarks on Werner’s class II D.” Eesti arheoloogia ajakiri 16 (2012), no. 1: 26-69.
“Were there any Slavs in seventh-century Macedonia?” Istorija (Skopje) 47 (2012), no. 1: 61-75.
“Charlemagne in medieval East Central Europe (ca. 800 to ca. 1200).” Canadian Slavonic Papers 53 (2011), nos. 2-4: 181-208 (together with Jace Stuckey).
“Exotic lands, quixotic friends: Eastern Lithuania and the Carpathian Basin in Late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages (AD c. 380 to c. 620).” Medieval Archaeology 55 (2011): 28-64 (together with Audronė Bliujienė).
“Linear frontiers in the 9th century: Bulgaria and Wessex.” Quaestiones Medii Aevi Novae 16 (2011): 15-32.
“Medieval archaeology and ethnicity: where are we?” History Compass 9 (2011), no. 7: 537-548.
“Sklaviniai and ethnic adjectives: a clarification.” Byzantion Nea Hellás 30 (2011): 85-98.
“The centrality of the periphery: the archaeology of al-Andalus.” Early Medieval Europe 19 (2011), no. 4: 377-384.
“Too much typology, too little history: a critical approach to the classification and interpretation of cast fibulae with bent stem.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 15 (2011), no. 3: 51-81 (together with Andrei Gândilă).
“Werner’s class I C: errata corrigendum cum commentariis,” Ephemeris Napocensis 21 (2011): 63-110.
“Zhenshchina iz Danchen’ ili k voprosu o fibulakh tip II C po Verneru,” Tyragetia 5 (2011), no. 1: 153-192.
“Hoards and hoarding patterns in the early Byzantine Balkans,” Dumbarton Oaks Papers 65-66 (2011-2012): 45-111 (together with Andrei Gândilă).
“A note on trade and trade centers in the eastern and northern Adriatic region between the eighth and the ninth century.” Hortus Artium Medievalium 16 (2010): 267-276.
“Etnicitet u ranosrednjovjekovnoj arheologiji: primjer ranoslavenskih nalaza u Jadranskom regionu,” Starohrvatska prosvjeta 37 (2010): 17-48.
“The early Slavs in the northern and eastern Adriatic region: a critical approach.” Archeologia Medievale 37 (2010): 303-325.
“A note on the ‘Slavic’ bow fibulae of Werner’s class I J.” Archaeologia Baltica 12 (2009): 124-136.
“Neither Gothic, nor Slavic: bow fibulae of Werner’s class II B.” Archaeologia Austriaca 93 (2009): 45-77.
“The early Slavs in Bohemia and Moravia: a response to my critics.” Archeologické rozhledy 61 (2009): 725-754.
“The history and archaeology of Great Moravia: an introduction.” Early Medieval Europe 17 (2009), no. 3: 238-247.
“Arkheologiia identichnostei v Vostochnoi Evrope (VI-pervaia polovina VII vv.).” Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana (2008), no. 2: 133-154.
“L’area cimiteriale e il casale in località S. Giovanni Piscopìo, Cutrofiano (Lecce).” Archeologia Medievale 35 (2008): 93-133 (together with Paul Arthur, Brunella Bruno, Valeria Camilleri, Marco Leo Imperiale, Salvatore Matteo, Luciano Piepoli, and Marisa Tinelli).
“Once again on bow fibulae of the ‘Pietroasele type’ (Werner’s class I F).” Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 59 (2008): 465-492.
“Some remarks on bow fibulae of Werner’s class I C.” Slavia Antiqua 49 (2008): 45-98.
“The Making of the Slavs between ethnogenesis, invention, and migration.” Studia Slavica et Balcanica Petropolitana (2008), no. 2: 155-172.
“The north-western region of the Black Sea during the 6th and early 7th century AD.” Ancient West & East 7 (2008): 149-185.
“Utváření Slovanů (se zvláštním zřetelem k Čechám a Moravě).” Archeologické rozhledy 60 (2008): 1-54.
[*] “Some remarks on ethnicity in medieval archaeology.” Early Medieval Europe 15 (2007), no. 2: 159-185.
“The archaeology of identities in Old Russia (ca. 500 to ca. 650).” Russian History 34 (2007): 31-62.
“A contribution to the study of bow fibulae of Werner’s class I G.” Arheologia Moldovei 29 (2006): 93-123.
[*] “Merovingian and Carolingian gift giving.” Speculum 81 (2006): 671-699.
[*] “Qagan, khan, or king? Power in early medieval Bulgaria (seventh to ninth century).” Viator 37 (2006): 1-31.
“Slavic bow fibulae? Werner’s class I D revisited.” Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2006): 423-474.
“Imperiul bizantin în Grecia medievală timpurie (materialul numismatic în context balcanic).” Cercetări numismatice 12-13 (2006-2007): 131-152
“Byzantium in Dark-Age Greece (the numismatic evidence in its Balkan context).” Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 29 (2005): 113-146.
“Female dress and ‘Slavic’ bow fibulae in Greece.” Hesperia 74 (2005): 101-146.
[*] “Furor Teutonicus. A note on ethnic stereotypes in Suger’s Deeds of Louis the Fat.” The Haskins Society Journal 16 (2005): 62-76.
[*] “Colour perception, dyestuffs, and colour terms in twelfth-century French literature.” Medium Aevum 73 (2004): 43-65
“Introduction”: for the research dossier “East European Dark Ages: Archaeology, Linguistics, and the History of the Early Slavs.” East Central Europe/L’Europe du Centre-Est 31 (2004), no. 1: 43-47.
“L’administration byzantine dans les Balkans pendant la ‘grande brèche’: le témoignage des sceaux.” Bizantinistica 6 (2004): 155-190.
[*] “The Slavic lingua franca (Linguistic notes of an archaeologist turned historian).” East Central Europe/L’Europe du Centre-Est 31 (2004), no. 1: 125-148.
“Werner’s class I H of ‘Slavic’ bow fibulae revisited.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 8 (2004), no. 1: 59-78.
“Origins of the European economy: a debate with Michael McCormick. East Central Europe.” Early Medieval Europe 12 (2003), no. 3: 283-291.
“Consideraţii privind conceptul de caracter etnic (etnicitate) în arheologia contemporană.” Arheologia medievală 4 (2002): 5-25.
[*] “Language , ethne, and national gods: a note on Emperor Julian’s concept of Hellenism.” Ancient World 33 (2002), no. 1: 3-19.
“Quaestura exercitus Iustiniani: the evidence of seals.” Acta Byzantina Fennica n.s.1 (2002): 9-26.
“Transilvania în jurul anului 1000.” Ephemeris Napocensis 12 (2002): 267-288.
“Limes and cross: the religious dimension of the sixth-century Danube frontier of the early Byzantine empire.” Starinar 51 (2001): 45-70.
“Pots, Slavs, and ‘imagined communities’: Slavic archaeology and the history of the early Slavs.” European Journal of Archaeology 4 (2001), no. 3: 367-384.
[*] “The Prague type: a critical approach to pottery classification.” Archaeologia Bulgarica 5 (2001), no. 1: 73-106.
“Feasting with ‘kings in an ancient democracy: on the Slavic society of the Early Middle Ages (sixth to seventh century A.D.).” Essays in Medieval Studies 15 (1999): 19-34.
[*] “Hiding behind a piece of tapestry: Jordanes and the Slavic Venethi.” Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas 47 (1999): 321-340.
“The cave and the dyke: a rock monastery on the tenth-century frontier of Bulgaria.” Studia Monastica 41 (1999), no. 1: 129-149.
[*] “Iron and potlatch: early medieval hoards of implements and weapons in Eastern Europe.” Archivum Eurasiae Medii Aevi 10 (1998-1999): 15-62.
“Blacksmiths, warriors, and tournaments of value: dating and interpreting early medieval hoards of iron implements in Eastern Europe.” Ephemeris Napocensis 7 (1997): 211-268.
[*] “Kaiserliche Lobrede und politisches Programm: die dritte Rede des Julianus Caesars.” Eranos 95 (1997): 39-56.
”Slavs in Fredegar and Paul the Deacon: medieval gens or ‘scourge of God?’” Early Medieval Europe 6 (1997), no. 2: 141-167.
“Invasion or inflation? Sixth- to seventh-century Byzantine coin hoards in Eastern and Southeastern Europe.” Annali dell’Istituto Italiano di Numismatica 43 (1996): 65-224.
“Slavs in Fredegar: medieval gens or narrative strategy?” Acta Historica (Szeged) 103 (1996): 3-19.
“Atticism, Homer, Neoplatonism, and Fürstenspiegel: Julians’ Second Panegyric on Constantius.” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 36 (1995), no. 2: 177-211
“How to do things with saints: on the iconography of St. Mercurius’ legend.” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 34 (1995), nos. 1-2: 109-129.
“Archaeology and history: a centaur or an interface?” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 33 (1994): 401-416.
“Asupra problemelor de cronologie a tezaurelor de lingouri de la Crasna (jud. Covasna) şi Feldioara (jud. Braşov).” Mousaios 4 (1994), no. 1: 133-148.
[*] “The changing image of the Early Slavs in the Rumanian historiography and archaeological literature. A critical survey.” Südost-Forschungen 53 (1994): 235-276.
“Depozite de unelte şi arme medievale timpurii de pe teritoriul României.” Mousaios 4 (1994), no. 1: 179-221 (together with Adrian Canache).
“On the dating of the ‘Veţel-Coşoveni’ group of curved fibulae.” Ephemeris Napocensis 4 (1994): 233-265.
“The changing image of the Early Slavs in the Romanian historiography. A critical survey.” Revue des études sud-est-européennes 32 (1994), nos. 1-2: 129-142.
“Über die Bügelfibel aus Pietroasele und ihre Verwandten.” Dacia 38-39 (1994-1995): 217-238 (together with Vasile Dupoi).
“Die Fibeln der Sammlung V. Culică.” Dacia 36 (1992): 37-67.
“La mort de l’Apostat (Sur la légende de S. Mercure dans la Vie de S. Niphon).” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 30 (1992): 3-57.
“Apostat et philosophe (sur le reflet historiographique de la personalité de l’empereur Julien chez Voltaire et Gh. Şincai).” Revue des études sud-est-européennes 29 (1991), nos. 1-2: 51-70.
“Zu den chronologischen Problemen der römischen Goldbarrenschätze aus Crasna (Kr. Covasna) und Feldioara (Kr. Braşov).” Dacia 34 (1990): 269-284.
“Semiotică, istorie, cultură. Despre sistemele semnificante.” Revista de istorie 42 (1989), no. 2: 147-171.
“Programul iconografic al paterei din tezaurul de la Pietroasa.” In Buletinul ştiinţific studenţesc 3 (1988): 38-46.