- Medieval East Central and Eastern Europe (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, forthcoming) (together with Sébastien Rossignol)
- “Old habits die hard: the historiography of the 7th century in the Balkans,” submitted for publication in The Balkans in the Seventh Century. Ethnic and Cultural Transformations, edited by Panos Sophoulis and Georgios Kardaras (Leeds: ARC Humanities Press, forthcoming)
- “Avars in Croatia: new wine in old bottles,” submitted for publication in the Festschrift for Ante Milošević, edited by Ivan Josipović, Miljenko Jurković and Ivan Basić (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming)
- “Imperial borderlands to the north and to the west of the Black Sea,” submitted for publication in Contextualizing Imperial Borderlands (9th c. BC – 9th c. AD), edited by Robert Rollinger and Julian Degen, Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen Klasse (Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, forthcoming)
- “Peoples of Eastern Europe,” submitted for publication in the Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Archaeology of Late Antiquity, edited by Olof Brandt, Jodi Magness, and Leonard Rutgers (Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press, forthcoming)
- “Albanezi, români şi slavi la începutul Evului Mediu – o perspectivă lingvistică şi arheologică,” submitted for publication in Arheologia mileniului I p. Chr., edited by Bogdan Ciupercă (Ploieşti, forthcoming; together with Sorin Paliga)
- “Medieval Vlach transhumance: re-assessing the evidence,” submitted for publication in the Festschrift for Sorin Mitu, edited by Vlad Popovici (Cluj-Napoca: Mega, forthcoming)
- “Renaissance or recycling? Roman coins in the early Middle Ages (8th and early 9th centuries),” submitted for publication in the Festschrift for Alan Stahl, edited by Lee Mordechai, David Yoon, and Merle Eisenberg (Turnhout: Brepols, forthcoming; together with Lance Maulsby)
- “Pastoralism and nomadism: an archaeological bifurcation,” submitted for publication in Medieval Archaeology
- “Coins and diademed heads: the memory of Rome in the Late Avar age,” submitted for publication in Slovenská Archeológia
- “Rustics as instruments of God’s wrath. News about the battle of ‘Posada’ in the Ordensland of Prussia,” submitted for publication in Central European History (together with Gregory Leighton)
- “Wallachia(s) before Wallachia,” submitted for publication in the Brill Companion for the History of Wallachia, edited by Ovidiu Cristea and Florin Curta (Leiden/Boston: Brill, forthcoming)
- Medieval Europe from Another Angle, book manuscript in preparation for submission to Routledge
- A Companion to the History of Moldavia up to 1859, co-edited book manuscript in preparation for submission to Brill (together with Liviu Pilat)
- A Companion to the History of Wallachia up to 1859, co-edited book manuscript in preparation for submission to Brill (together with Ovidiu Cristea)
- The Balkans in the Late Middle Ages, 1300 to 1500, co-edited book manuscript in preparation for submission to Routledge (together with Panos Sophoulis)
- Medieval Europe, 250-1450, textbook manuscript in preparation for submission to Routledge (together with Christian Raffensperger)
- Avar Archaeology, book manuscript in preparation for submission to Cornell University Press