Distinguished ProfessorOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Contact Information

Office: 209 Carr Hall
Phone: 352.392.1486
Fax: 352.392.3704
Email: fep@ufl.edu

Mailing address:
Department of Biology
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118526
Gainesville, FL 32611-8526, USA


Oxford University, NATO Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1985
Cornell University, Ph.D., 1982, Dissertation: Natural history of lianas and their influences on tropical forest dynamics
University of Wisconsin, B.S. (Education/Biology), 1973


  • Distinguished Professor, Department of Biology, University of Florida, 2015-present (Professor 1992-2015; Associate Professor 1987-1992; Assistant Professor 1982-1987)
  • Affiliate Faculty: School of Forest Resources and Conservation (SFRC): School of Natural Resources and the Environment (SNRE);  Center for Latin American Studies; Center for African Studies
  • Senior Research Associate, Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR)
  • Prince Bernhard Professor of International Conservation, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 2004-2019

Areas of Interest/Research

Conservation Biology, Tropical Forestry, Fire Ecology, Restoration Ecology, Economic Botany, Natural Resource Economics, Plant Ecology, Botany, Plant Biomechanics

Current Graduate Students

Name Email Research Interests
Ana Carolina Fiorini anacarolinafiorini@gmail.com Conservation Biology (Brazil)
Siddarth Machado siddarthmachado@ufl.edu Plant Functional Traits and Ecological Restoration (India)
Milton Diaz Toribio miltonhdiazt@ufl.edu Ecological Restoration and Savanna Ecology (Mexico)