Course Number: GRW 6346. Section: 21E9. Credits: 03. Room: UST 0104. Times: R 9-11. GRW 6346 is a graduate course offered in the Department of Classics at the University of Florida. Department contact: Ms. Tina Williams.
Course Description
Selected readings from the epinician odes, with special attention to the peculiarities of Pindaric language, style, structure, grammar, and metre. The social and historical context of Greek choral lyric and the impact of Pindaric poetry on later literature will also be discussed.
Textbooks and Other Study Aids
- Snell, B.-Maelher, H (eds.), Pindari Carmina I (Teubner)
Additional readings will be distributed by the instructor at orientation and during the course.
Course Requirements and Grading
- Prerequisites. Knowledge of ancient Greek at the advanced level.
- Test I (Translation of 3 passages from the readings covered in sessions 1-6): 30%.
- Test II (Translation of 3 passages from the readings covered in sessions 1-11): 30%.
- Class Performance (inclusive of one oral presentation on a topic to be determined with the instructor): 40%.
Test format: 4 passages, choice of 3; maximum time 3 hours. The tests will be available from the office staff during the examination periods indicated below. Further instructions will be provided with the tests.
Attendance and General Course Policy
- Attendance. Students are required to attend regularly and complete their assignments by the due dates (unless otherwise arranged with the instructor).
- Assignments. It is unlikely that we will be able to cover all reading assignments in class. Students will be accountable for all assigned material, whether there is time to go over it in class or not.
- Honor Code. Students in GRW 6346 are expected to comply with the Academic Honor Code of the University of Florida (see also the section on Academic Honesty in the Graduate Catalog.)
Course Evaluations
Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based on 10 criteria. These evaluations are conducted online at Evaluations are typically open during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at
- Robert S. Wagman. Office Hours: R 5-6 or by appt. Campus address: 125 Dauer Hall. E-mail:
Testing weeks: Test I, March 7 to March 11. Test II, April 25 to 29.
01 | JAN 14 | O. 1 |
02 | JAN 21 | O. 1 |
03 | JAN 28 | O. 1-2 |
04 | FEB 04 | O. 1-2 |
05 | FEB 11 | O. 7 |
06 | FEB 18 | O. 7 (cont’d) |
07 | FEB 25 | P. 1- P. 11 |
08 | MAR 10 | P. 1- P. 11 |
09 | MAR 17 | N. 5 |
10 | MAR 24 | N. 6 |
11 | APR 07 | I. 6 |
12 | APR 15 | I. 7. Selections from the fragments (TBA) |