- Hi, my name is Natalie Fernandez, and I am a third-year Arabic Language and Middle Eastern Studies Major. I studied abroad in Morocco in Summer of 2019 and highly recommend participating to everyone! I plan to dedicate my career to humanitarian aid and assisting refugees after graduation.
Email: fernandeznatalie@ufl.edu
Tutoring Hours: Mondays 2pm-3pm _Thursdays 1pm-4pm
Where: Mondays: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/95169240098 Thursdays: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97735346641
- Hi! My name is Katie and I have studied Arabic for two years. I started studying Arabic in 2018 through a program at BYU and studied in Rabat, Morocco through the NSLI-Y program in 2019. I love learning about the linguistics of Arabic and how it varies across dialects. Though I’m currently focusing on MSA, I hope to learn more Darija to communicate better with friends in Rabat. After travelling to Morocco, I also became very interested in learning about Gnawa music, its history, and its role in Moroccan society.
Email: kathrynmann@ufl.edu
Tutoring Hours: Fridays from 2-3 pm EST or by appointment
Where: https://ufl.zoom.us/j/97843321396