Navaratri – garbha dancing (Gujarat)
Garbha and dandiya-ras dancing celebrated by the Gujarati community in Gainesville.
Navaratri – display of dolls (kolu) at home (Tamil Nadu)
Scenes from a Navaratri kolu display. Gainesville, 1998.
Navaratri – veneration of young girls (Punjab)
Young girls are seen as abodes of the divine during the festival of Navaratri.
Scenes from a Navaratri ashtami (8th day after new moon) celebrations at the Sahni’s residence. Gainesville, c. 1996.
Deepavali – festival of lights
Deepavali celebrations with the Arora and Schueller families, Gainesville.
Rituals in the Tamil month of Adi 1 – worship of the goddess by 108 women
The goddess is invoked into the flame of the lamp. July, 1997
Rituals in the Tamil month of Adi 2 – Varalakshmi puja
Rituals in the Tamil month of Adi 3 – street processions
Rituals in the Tamil month of Adi 4 – walking on fire
Votive rituals – karva chauth
Women in bridal finery celebrate karva chauth at the home of Mrs. Rita Palta
Gainesville, 1998
Sumangali puja
c. 1997