Michael J. Redmon, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1973, “Dynamics of Alkali Atom- Halogen Atom Collisions”
John C. Bellum, Ph.D., Physics, 1976, “Electronic and Dynamic Aspects of Diatomic Systems”
Zeki C. Kuruoglu, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1978, “Three-Body Theory and Computational Aspects of Collisions between Atoms and Diatomic Molecules”
Lyntis H. Beard, Jr., Ph.D., Chemistry, 1979, “Energy Transfer and Dissociation in Hyperthermal Atom-Diatom Collisions”
Larry R. Relyea, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1980, “Theory of Ionizing Atomic Collisions at Thermal Energy”
Eduardo F. Vilallonga, Ph.D., Physics, 1981, “Energy Transfer in Molecular Collisions”
John A. Olson, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1982, “Dynamics of Diabatic Atom- Diatom Reactions at Low Energies”
Cliff D. Stodden, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1987, “Photodissociation of Polyatomic Molecules; State-to-State Cross Sections from the Selfconsistent Eikonal Method”
Zaida Parra-Gonzalez, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1988, “Scattering of Atoms by Solid Surfaces and by Adsorbates”
Deepak Srivastava, Ph.D. Physics, 1988, “Photoexcitation of Polyatomic Systems
Joel M. Cohen, M.Sc., Chemistry, 1988, “Computational Studies of Molecular Collisions”
Joel M. Cohen, Ph.D. , Chemistry, 1990, “Computational Aspects of Electronically Diabatic Molecular Collisions”
Feng, Ph.D. , Physics, 1991, “A Time-Dependent Molecular Orbital Approach to Ion- Solid Surface Collisions”
Keith Runge, Ph.D. Physics, 1993, “Time-Dependent Many-Electron Theory of Atomic Interactions”
Dario Beksic, Ph.D., Physics, 1994, “Electronically Diabatic Photodesorption of Molecules Adsorbed on Metal Surfaces”
Robert Asher, Ph.D., Chemistry, 1995, (D. A. M. and P. Brucat co-chairs), “Experimental and Theoretical Investigation and Characterization of Small Molecular Ions”.
Herbert daCosta, Ph. D., Chemistry, 1998, “Time-Dependence of Light Emission and Spin-Orbit Coupling in Slow Atom-Atom Collisions”.
Zhigang Yi, Ph. D., Physics, 1998, “Computational Aspects of the Quantum Molecular Dynamics of Adsorbates”
Andres Reyes, Ph. D., Chemistry, 2003, “Density Matrix Theory and Computational Aspects of Atomic Collisions Including Spin-Orbit Coupling”
Alberto Santana, Ph. D., Chemistry, 2003, “Photoinduced Quantum Dynamics of Adsorbates at Surfaces”
Brian Thorndyke, Ph. D., Physics, 2004, “Quantum Dynamics of Finite Atomic and Molecular Systems Through Density Matrix Methods”
Alexander Pacheco, Ph. D., Chemistry, 2006, “First Principles Dynamics of Transient Light Absorption and Emission of Alkali Atoms Interacting with Rare Gas Atoms”
Andrew S. Leathers, Ph. D., Chemistry, 2009, Dissipative Quantum Molecular Dynamics in Gases and Condensed Media: A Density Matrix Treatment
Robert H. Hembree II, Ph. D. Physics, 2014, Photoconductivity at Nanostructured Semiconductor Surfaces: A Density Matrix Approach
Postdoctoral Research Associates to 2019
Dr. Paul Mc Guire
Dr. Jian-Min Yuan
Dr. P. K. Swaminathan
Dr. S. Danko Bosanac
Dr. Bela Gazdy
Dr. Jose Recamier
Dr. Keith Runge
Dr. Akbar Salam
Dr. Alexander Pacheco
Lic. Jose Luis Vega
Dr. Dmitri Kilin
Dr. Andrew Leathers
Dr. Tijo Vazhappilly
David Micha’s Research Group (1996 -2019)
Dr. Tijo Vazhappilly, postdoctoral research associate
Robert Hembree, graduate research student, PhD graduate
Harvy Freitag, undergraduate research student, graduate
Nicolas Vinson, undergraduate research student, graduate
Michael Mavros, undergraduate research student, graduate
Ramon Pulido, undergraduate research student, graduate
David Stewart, undergraduate research student, graduate
Dr. Keith Runge, graduate research student, PhD graduate; senior research associate, departed
Dr. Akbar Salam, postdoctoral research associate, departed
Dr. Jose Luis Vega, research associate, departed
Dr. Herbert DaCosta, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Andrew S. Leathers, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Alexander Pacheco, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Andres Reyes, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Alberto Santana, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Brian Thorndyke, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Zhigang Yi, graduate research assistant, PhD graduate
Dr. Karl Zachary, graduate research co-assistant, PhD graduate
James Sund, undergraduate research assistant , graduate, departed
Sebastien Villaume, REU undergraduate research assistant, graduate, departed
Nicolas Finck, REU undergraduate research assistant, graduate, departed
Shannon Wallace, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Atchar Sudhyadhom, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Jessica Ramirez, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Dr. Andrew Leathers, Postdoctoral research associate, departed
Chris Obara, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
David Arlund, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Travis LaJoie, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
John Boulos, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Rishi Rao, undergraduate research student, graduate, departed
Other Collaborators (1996 – 2021)
Dr. Robert Asher (Argonne Nat. Laboratory)
Dr. Dario Beksic (Univ. Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain)
Prof. Irene Burghardt (Univ. of Frankfurt, Germany)
Prof. Philip Brucat (Chemistry, Univ. of Florida)
Prof. Gerardo Delgado Barrio (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Dr. Maria Pilar deLara-Castells (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Prof. Celso P. DeMelo (Univ. Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Prof. Geerd Diercksen (MPI fuer Astrophysik, Garching, Germany)
Prof. F. Marcelo Fernandez (Univ. Nac. de La Plata, Argentina)
Prof. Helena Hagelin-Weaver (Univ. of Florida, Chemical Engineering)
Prof. Keith H. Hugues, (School of Chemistry, Bangor University, UK)
Prof. Dmitri Kilin (North Dakota State Univ.)
Prof. Y-H. Kim (Inha Univ., Inchon, Korea)
Prof. Bernard Kirtman (Univ. of California, Sta. Barbara)
Prof. Zeki Kuruoglu (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
Prof. Salvador Miret-Artes (CSIC, Madrid, Spain)
Prof. Susan Sinnott (Materials Sciences, Univ. of Florida)
Prof. Clifford Stodden (St Petersburg College, Florida)
Prof. Peter Toennies (MPI fuer Stroemungsforschung, Goettingen, Germany)
Dr. Tijo J. Vazhappilly (Bhabha Research center, Mumbai, India)