- (July 2023) On Cohomological Dimension of Group Homomorphisms, 40th Annual Workshop in Geometric Topology at Colorado College, Colorado Springs
- (May 2023) On Cohomological Dimension of Group Homomorphisms, GTA:Philadelphia 2023, Temple University
- (February 2023) On Cohomological Dimension of Group Homomorphisms, Topology and Dynamics Seminar, University of Florida
Talks Given at the Graduate Student Topology Seminar at University of Florida:
- (November 2024) Yu’s Property A for Metric Spaces, series of two lectures.
- (September 2023) Bestvina’s Complex, series of two lectures.
- (September 2022) Group Cohomology and Group Extensions.
- (April 2022) The Eilenberg-Ganea Theorem and finite-dimensional K(G,1)-complexes.