Bio - Copy (2)


Ibrahim Yahaya Ibrahim is a PhD candidate in Political Science and a research associate with the Sahel Research Group at the University of Florida. His academic interest relates to Comparative Politics, Islam and Politics, Political Stability, and International Development in the Francophone Sahelian countries. His current research focuses on political contestations and Islamic discourses in the Sahel, with particular focus on Mali, Niger and Mauritania. Ibrahim was a Fulbright grantee at the University of Florida from 2011 to 2013. He is the co-founder of Project Global Health, an non-profit that aims at improving health care provision in developing countries. From 2009 until 2011, he was the Executive Director of the Niger office of Al-basar International Foundation, an International NGO specialized in establishing ophthalmologic hospitals and running mobile eye clinics in the world.

Areas of Interest/Research

Comparative Politics, Islam and Politics, Political Stability, and International Development

Contact Information

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday

Phone: (352) 392-3290
Office: 109 ROL

Mailing address:
Center for African Studies
427 Grinter Hall
PO Box 115560
Gainesville, Fl. 32611-5560

 Project Global Health