General Information
This is the the public homepage for MAC1140 Fall 2015. MAC 1140, Precalculus Algebra, is a review of college algebra designed to prepare students for calculus. Students who successfully complete this course with a C or better can advance directly to MAC 2233, Survey of Calculus. For students preparing for MAC 2311, Analytical Geometry and Calculus 1, this class MAC 1140 should be followed by MAC 1114, Precalculus Trigonometry. The sequence of both MAC 1140 and MAC 1114 covers the same material and uses the same text as the one semester, faster paced course, MAC 1147, Precalculus Algebra and Trigonometry.
This class has two main components: Lecture and Discussion. Each week, lecture meets twice and discussion meets once. Attendance in both is required. Check your schedule on the math department class listing for locations and times.
Class materials and important announcements are posted on Canvas.
Course Materials
Lecture notes are available for download on Canvas.
Exam Dates
Midterm exams will be held from 8:30pm to 10pm, the locations are going to be announced in Canvas prior to each exam.
Exam 1: Sep 17, 2015
Exam 2: Oct 23, 2015
Exam 3: Nov 20, 2015
Final Exam will be held from 3pm to 5pm, the locations will be announced in Canvas prior to the exam.
Final Exam: Dec 15, 2015
Please be advised that entering the exam in a wrong location or entering credentials wrong on an exam optical form will be penalized.
A list of required homework problems can be found here.
To access WebAssign, you must use the link:
It will ask you to login to gatorlink and your class will be automatically added.
You can purchase the WebAssign code with the ebook from the publisher of the book for cheaper here: . The difference is that when you buy the access code you get lifetime access to the book but this one gives you limited time access being a semester.
Assignment grades will be available on Canvas. Course grades will be available on ISIS at the end of the semester. Assignment point values and grade descriptions are in the syllabus.
Please do not email asking a question about a grade. Due to FERPA we can not talk about your grades over the email. Instead try attending to office hours or making appointments for such issues.