The Life on the Edge Lab at UF houses a state-of-the-art Agilent 7890B GC-MS with an external Frontier pyrolysis oven, a new Phenom ProX tabletop scanning electron microscope, and a full wet chemistry laboratory for organic geochemistry and geobiology experiments.
Agilent 7890B GC-MS andĀ Frontier 3030 Pyrolysis Oven
Phenom ProX TableTop Scanning Electron Microscope
Laboratory space:
The LotE Lab houses the following wet chemistry equipment and facilities:
- Rotary Evaporator with diaphragm pump
- Microbalance
- Fume hood
- TurboVap N2-concentrator for rapid and customized solvent extraction of organics from solid geological and biological samples
- Steel, glass, and teflon beakers, tubes, etc. for sample preparation
- High temperature furnace for ashing steel and glassware
- Cold storage for samples
- Organic standards, reagents, and absorption media
Other equipment available within the department include:
- Fritsch ball mill with a set of 250 ml solid stainless steel jars and balls and a set of 125ml agate jars and balls
- Fritsch Jaw Crusher with removable stainless steel interior walls
- Agilent 7890B GC-MS with Gerstel MAS Controller C506
- Trace 1310 GC-MS
- ThermoScientific TSQ8000 Triple Quadrupole MS
- Thermo Scientific Sorvall Legend XTR Centrifuge
- CEM Microwave Hydrolysis
- Dionex ASE 300 Accelerated Solvent Extractor
- Christ Alpha 1-4 LD Plus Freeze Dryer
- X-ray diffractometers