“Tracing Historical Immigration through language – the case of Vietnamese”. The lecture is part of the “Reaching for the Stars as Global Citizen – An Intellectual Journey of Asia and the World” lecture series, sponsored by the Eurasia Foundation (From Asia), organized by the College of Arts and Humanities of the University of Central Florida. October 17.
Pham, A. H. & Andrew T. Pham. “New Media – New Narrative?”. Talk presented at the University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue city, Vietnam. July 8.
“Vietnamese Studies in the United States”. Talk presented at the University of Foreign Languages and International Studies, Hue city, Vietnam. July 8.
“Vietnamese tones and Quang Nam phonology”, seminar for teachers, writers, film directors, students and others, organized by Khai Tam Book Club, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Dec 18.
“Vietnamese tone – issues in methodology and argumentation”, International Workshop on Vietnamese Linguistics at National University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam. Dec 17.
“Vietnamese tone, applied in language teaching”, at University of Hue, Hue city. Dec 13.
“Vietnamese tones” at University of Pedagogy, Danang city, Vietnam. Dec 12. Canceled in the last minute due to beaurocratic issues.
“Why do Quang Nam speakers talk like today?”, seminar for students Grades10-12, Skyline highschool, Hoi An city, Vietnam. Dec 11.
“Thanh Hoa dialect in relation to Quang Nam dialect, and methodology in linguistic research”, at the Hồng Đức University, Thanh Hoa city, Vietnam. Dec 7.
“Vietnamese phonetics and phonology in major dialects”, at Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Dec 5.
“Features in Vietnamese tones”, organized by Hanoi Saturday Cafe Book Club, Hanoi city, Vietnam. Dec 3.
“Sound change in Vietnamese through dialect contact” at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. One of 2 speakers for the 2023-24 Bringing Southeast Asia Home initiative, organized by the Carolina Asia Center at UNC-Chapel Hill. This series of talks is a part of the grant with the mission to connect scholars of Southeast Asia who reside in the US Southeast with scholars of Southeast Asia at the National University of Singapore. November 14.
“Fieldwork in Phonetics-Phonology – designs, data collections, and digitizing”. International workshop on “Fieldwork and Statistics in Linguistics” at the National University of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ho Chi Minh City. May 25.
“Teaching the Vietnamese language in North America”, organized by Ton Duc Thang University. Ho Chi Minh City. May 23.
“Fieldwork and statistics for linguists”, at the Department of Linguistics and Literature, Danang University of Education, Danang City. May 17. Co-presenter: Andrew Pham.
“Đi tìm nguồn gốc giọng Quảng Nam” [The origin of the Quang Nam dialect]. Talk given to 700 students and 40 teachers of the Hà Huy Tập high school, Tam Kỳ City, Quang Nam province. May 16.
“On some linguistic issues discussed in Pham’s book “Nguồn gốc và sự hình thành giọng Quảng Nam – Quang Nam phonology and sound change through contact”. Organized by the Vietnamese Linguistic Institute, approved by the Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, Hanoi, July 18.
“Incorporating inferential statistics into your work: a brief primer”, presented with Andrew Anh Nguyen. Organized by the Vietnamese Linguistic Institute. Hanoi, July 18.
“Bring Linguistics to the classroom”, sole speaker, Department of Foreign Languages, Hanoi University of Humanities and Social Sciences, January 3.
“Translation English poems to Vietnamese”, Department of English, Technology University, Ho Chi Minh City, October 22, 2018.
“Issues in Vietnamese Dialectology and Phonetics”, Danang University of Education, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Danang City, October 14, 2018.
“Issues in the translation of poetry”, organized by the Department of Culture and Information, Danang City, October 20, 2018.
“Issues in Vietnamese linguistics”, Vietnamese Linguistic Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 8, 2018.
“Issues in Vietnamese linguistics”, invited talk, Vietnamese Linguistic Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam, October 8, 2018.
“Integrating Mainland & Insular Southeast Asian Linguistics”, panelist, at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the SOUTHEAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS SOCIETY, Padang, Indonesia, May 11.
“Phonation types in the phonology of tones and Experimental studies in linguistics”. Seminar at the Vietnamese Linguistics Institute, Hanoi, organized by the Department of Phonetics and Dialectology. April 25, 2017.
“The role of dialects in sound change”, a paper presented at the 3rd International Conference in Vietnamese Linguistics, organized by the Institute of Vietnamese Linguistics Institute, April 24, 2017. Hanoi.
“Sound change and Vietnamese syllabic structure”. Workshop on VIETNAMESE PROSODY, Department of Phonetik, Universität zu Köln, August 17-18.
Discussant “Tango as a non-verbal language”, panelist, Harn Museum, UF, April 4.
Guest speaker “Asian American Women in the Professional World”, organized by the Department of Asian Pacific Islander American Affairs (APIA) and the Asian American Student Union (AASU) at the University of Florida, February 16, 2015.
“Higher Education in North America and Cultural Issues of Vietnamese-American Students”, talk given at Department of Foreign Languages, University of Technical Education, Hochiminh City, June 10.
“Nguyên tắc Tiết kiệm và Lý thuyết đánh dấu: âm vị tiếng Việt” (Principle of Economy and Markedness Theory in Vietnamese Phonology), talk was given at Department of Linguistics and Literatures, University, Hue, May 29.
“Ngôn ngữ biến đổi – giọng Quảng Nam như một koine qua khảo sát đồng đại” (Language change – the Quangnam dialect as a koine in a synchronic examination), talk was given at Department of Linguistics and Literature, University of Education, Đà Nẵng. May 25.
“Hiện tượng rút gọn từ và hiện tượng giản lược âm tiết – Nguyên tắc Tiết kiệm của Ngôn ngữ” (Vietnamese cliticization and simplification – Principle of Economy in Language), invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Literatures, University of Education, Hồ Chí Minh City, May 22.
“New approaches to teaching advanced level Vietnamese language to heritage and non-heritage students”. Panel Chair, Association of Asian Studies (AAS) annual conference, San Diego, March 22-24(2012)\
“Câu chuyện nguyên âm trong một giọng địa phương miền Trung” (Vowel change in the Quang Nam dialect, Central Vietnam), and “Vai trò chất giọng trong tiếng Việt” (Role of phonation types in Vietnamese tone), talk given at Department of Linguistics and Literature, University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Feb 23, 2012.
“Vài vấn đề trong Âm Vị Học Đương Đại’ (Issues in Contemporary Phonology), talk given at Department of Linguistics and Literature, Hue University, Vietnam. February 3, 2012.
“Quan hệ một-đối-một giữa Ngữ âm và Âm vị học: thanh điệu tiếng Việt” (The one-on-one relationship between Phonetics and Phonology: Vietnamese tone), talk given at Department of Linguistics and Literature, Hue University, Hue city, Vietnam. Feb 2, 2012.
“Câu chuyện nguyên âm trong một giong địa phương miền Trung” (Vowel change in the Quang Nam dialect, Central Vietnam), and “Vai trò chất giọng trong tiếng Việt” (Role of phonation types in Vietnamese tone), invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Literature, University of Education, Ho Chi Minh City, Feb 23, 2012.
“Vài vấn đề trong Âm Vị Học Đương Đại’ (Issues in Contemporary Phonology), invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Hue University, Vietnam. February 3, 2012.
“Quan hệ một-đối-một giữa Ngữ âm và Âm vị học: thanh điệu tiếng Việt” (The one-on-one relationship between Phonetics and Phonology: Vietnamese tone), invited talk, Department of Linguistics and Literature, Hue University, Hue city, Vietnam. Feb 2, 2012.
“Online Learning Communities for Less Commonly Taught Languages”, held at University of Hawaii at Manoa, July 11 – 15. Invited Active Workshop Participant for the Vietnamese language group.
“Language, Culture and Diversity”, guest speaker for the 3rd Language Workshop, organized by Asian American Student Union at UF, November 22, 2010.
“Super Woman” Forum, guest speaker, organized by Gamma Eta Sorority, Inc. and Alpha Kappa Delta Phi Sorority, April 1, 2010. The University of Florida.
“On controversial issues of teaching Vietnamese spelling and Issues on Vietnamese culture through proverbs and folk songs.” Sole lecturer of a one-day training Workshop (8 am – 5 pm) for Vietnamese teachers of K-12 and Heritage Programs in Central and South Florida, Orlando. June 7.
“Visual Aids in Teaching Sounds.” Invited speaker at Workshop on Teaching Vietnamese Pronunciation organized by the Foreign Service Institute and the Center for Advanced Study of Language at the University of Maryland, Washington, D.C, April 1–3.
“Issues on the Vietnamese sound system, syntax, and dialects; Introduction to poetic language.” Sole lecturer of a three-day Training Workshop for Vietnamese teachers of K-12 and Heritage Programs in Central and South Florida, Orlando, August 18–20.
“On Vietnamese phonological characteristics and a solution for teaching reading.” Sole speaker, invited by Toronto Board of Education organized for teachers of Vietnamese in Toronto and neighboring areas. October 1997.
“On the voiced bilabial approximant in a dialect of Thanh Hoá”. International Workshop on Trends in Linguistics – Theories and Applications, University of Foreign Languages, Hanoi, Vietnam. November 30-Dec 2.
“Tone-Register Harmony in Vietnamese Reduplication with Statistical Evidence: a Reassessment in Colloquial Language Style”. Paper to be presented at the Linguistic Association of America and Canada (LACUS) Conference at The University Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, July 19-23, 2020. With Andrew Nguyen.
“Sociolinguistic Variation in Attitudes in the use of Vietnamese Personal Pronouns – a Statistical Analysis”. Paper to be presented at the 6th International Conference in Vietnamese Studies, The National Conference Center, Hanoi, July 15-16. With Andrew Nguyen.
“A statistical analysis of politeness and gender-bias through personal pronouns in southern Vietnam”. Paper presented at the International Workshop The Anthropology of Language in Mainland Southeast Asia, at University of Sydney, August 19-21, 2019, with Andrew Anh Pham.
“Tone-register harmony in Vietnamese reduplication: change in progress?” Paper presented at the 29th annual meeting of Southeast Asian Linguistic Society, May 26-29, Tokyo, Japan, with Andrew Anh Pham.
“Gender equality in a gender-unequal society: Vietnamese Pronouns”, paper presented at the International Conference on Gender Studies 2018 (Gender Studies ’18), Bangkok, Thailand, October 4-5, with Andrew Anh Pham.
“The emergence of a new phoneme: the Vietnamese case”, talk presented at the 23rd meeting of the International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL23), San Antonio, Texas, July 30-August 5.
“The phonemicization of a vowel through dialect-contact and internal structuring: Quang Nam Vietnamese”, talk presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society (SEALS27). Padang, West Sumatra, Indonesia, May 11-13, 2017.
“The role of dialects in sound change.” Talk presented at the 3rd International Conference in Vietnamese Linguistics. Hanoi, April 22, 2017.
“Integrating Mainland & Insular Southeast Asian Linguistics”, panelist, at the Twenty-Seventh Annual Meeting of the SOUTHEAST ASIAN LINGUISTICS SOCIETY, Padang, Indonesia, May 11.
“Chain Shifts in the Vietnamese Rhyme”. Poster at Linguistics Matters Festival, Florida International University, Miami, March 10-12, 2016.
“The Emergence of a New Phoneme in Vietnamese – Sound Change as Structure-Preservation”, talk presented at the Linguistic Association of Canada and United States (LACUS) 2015, August 4-7, Molloy College in Rockville Centre, New York.
“Vietnamese syllabic structure and confusing orthographic cases.” Talk presented at the GUAVA Workshop 2015, May 15-16, Department of Asian Languages and Cultures, University of California in Los Angeles.
Discussant “Tango as a non-verbal language”, panelist, Harn Museum, UF, April 4.
Yoonjung Kang, Andrea Hòa Phạm, and Benjamin Storme. “French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast in loanword adaptation”, talk presented at the MIT Phonology 2014, September 19-21, at MIT, Cambridge, MA.
Kang, Yoonjung, Andrea Hòa Phạm and Benjamin Storme. “French loanwords in Vietnamese: the role of input language phonotactics and contrast.” Talk presented at the CRC-Sponsored Summer Phonetics/Phonology Workshop. June 19. U of Toronto.
“Vowel Chains in Vietnamese.” Paper presented at the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Southeast Asian Linguistic Society. Bangkok, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, May 29-31.
“New approaches to teaching advanced level Vietnamese language to heritage and non-heritage students”. Panel Chair, Association of Asian Studies (AAS) annual conference, San Diego, March 22-24.
“Synchronic Evidence For Diachronic Hypothesis: Vietnamese Palatals”. Paper given at the 39th annual conference of the Linguistic Association of Canada and United States, York University, Toronto, August 8 – 11, 2012.
“A-bờ-cờ or a-bê-xê? Dạy đánh vần (Should spelling be taught to elementary students?” Talk presented at the GUAVA annual meeting, Yale University. August 11.
“Connecting the dots: on the way to vowel stability”. Talk presented at the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures colloquium, University of Florida. March 31.
“Tango as a language”. Talk given at the linguistic seminar, Department of Linguistics, University of Florida. February 11.
“Issues in the Vietnamese consonant inventory and syllable structure”. 3rd Toronto Workshop on East Asian Languages (TWEAL 3), University of Toronto. September 2008.
“A contrastive phonological analysis of Northern and Southern Vietnamese dialects and application to the teaching of Vietnamese,” Workshop on Dialects in Teaching Vietnamese in North America, organized by Group of Universities for the Advancement of Vietnamese Abroad (GUAVA), Santa Ana, California, August 11-13, 2007.
“The battle of dialects in Vietnamese classrooms,” talk was given at the department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures, University of Florida, Nov 6, 2007.
“Vietnamese cliticization,” talk given at Program in Linguistics seminar, University of Florida. Nov 16.
“Is the phonology grounded in the phonetics? Vietnamese tone.” Paper presented at the 11th Mid-Continental Workshop on Phonology at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Nov 4-6, 2005.
“New Acoustic cues in teaching and learning Vietnamese.” Paper presented at the GUAVA annual workshop at Harvard University. Aug 20-22.
“Some implications of a new treatment of Vietnamese tones – Nghi Loc dialect.” Paper presented at the 7th Annual Meeting of the French Network of Phonology, Aix-en-Provence, France, June 2-4.
“The key phonetic properties of Vietnamese tone: a reassessment.” Paper presented at the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences,” Barcelona, Spain, August 3-9.
“What is tone in a tone language?,” talk was given at the Program in Linguistics, University of Florida. December 5.
“Tone deaf? You still can learn Vietnamese,” talk given at Department of African and Asian Languages and Literatures. November 13.
“A phonetic study of Vietnamese tones: Reconsideration of the Register Flip-Flop rule in reduplication.” Paper presented at the Fifth Holland Institute of Generative Linguistics Phonology Conference (HILP 5), January 2001, University of Potsdam, Germany.
“Phonation types of Vietnamese tones: new evidence for phonological features.” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of Michigan Linguistics Society, November 2000, Oakland University, Michigan.
“An acoustic study of tones in Northern Vietnamese dialects: a reliable new diagnostic for register features.” Paper presented at the Niagara Linguistics Society Conference, September, University of Toronto.
“A structural representation of Vietnamese tones.” Paper presented at the Canadian Linguistic Association conference, June 1999, University of Sherbrooke, Quebec.
“Gender and Sound Changes in Vietnamese.” Paper presented at the 44th Conference of the International Linguistic Association, April, New York University. New York.
“Phonetics-Phonology mismatch: Vietnamese tones.” Paper presented in the Montreal-Ottawa-Toronto Phonology Workshop, February 1999, McGill University. Montreal.
“The Markedness Differential Hypothesis: Vietnamese learners and English consonants.” Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Generative Approaches to Second language acquisition IV (GASLA IV), September, University of Pittsburgh.