Publications & Preprints

Listed below are my publications and preprints in reverse chronological order:

  • TBD (with A. Berkovich) in preparation.
  • TBD (with R. Gupta, A. Mukhopadhyay and R. Sarma) in preparation.
  • Finite analogs of partition bias related to hook length two and a variant of Sylvester’s map (with A. Berkovich). [arXiv]
  • On new minimal excludants of overpartitions related to some \(q\)-series of Ramanujan (with A. Mukhopadhyay and R. Sarma) Bull. Aust. Math. Soc. (in press). [arXiv] [DOI]
  • New Borwein-type conjectures (with A. Berkovich) Exp. Math. (in press). [arXiv] [DOI]
  • Extension of Bressoud’s generalization of Borwein’s Conjecture and some exact results (with A. Berkovich), Ramanujan J. 67 (2025). [arXiv] [journal]
  • Pfaff’s Method Revisited, to appear in Contributions to Discrete Mathematics. [arXiv]
  • On partitions with bounded largest part and fixed integral GBG-rank modulo primes (with A. Berkovich) Ann. Comb. (in press). [arXiv] [DOI]
  • A bijective proof of an identity of Berkovich and Uncu (with A. Mukhopadhyay) to appear in Séminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire. [arXiv]
  • On \(_5\psi_5\) identities of Bailey, Int. J. Number Theory, 20 (2), 507-517, 2024. [arXiv] [journal]
  • Generalization of the Extended Minimal Excludant of Andrews and Newman (with A. Mukhopadhyay and R. Sarma), J. Integer Sequences, 26, 2023, Article 23.3.7. [arXiv] [journal]
  • Proofs of Two Formulas of Vladeta Jovovic, The Mathematics Student, 93, Nos. 1-2, January – June (2024), 24-29. [arXiv] [journal]