Simple Words Seminar Spring 2025

The Simple Words Seminar meets on Thursdays at LIT 219, 3:00 pm – 3:50 pm, unless otherwise indicated. Here is the Zoom link.

Sl No. Date Speaker Affiliation Title of talk (click to see the abstract) Slides of talk Video recording of talk
1. 02/06/2025 Ridgway Scott Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, UChicago Simple Math: Counting Piecewise Polynomials NA (board talk) Video
2. 03/06/2025 Pierre Sikivie Department of Physics, UF The Dark Matter Puzzle Slides Video
3. 03/27/2025 Zachary Hamaker Department of Mathematics, UF Symmetric polynomials and symmetric functions
5. 04/10/2025 Aaron Thrasher Department of Mathematics, UF
6. 04/17/2025 George Andrews Department of Mathematics, Penn State Ramanujan’s Lost Notebook in Five Volumes__Afterthoughts