
My research predominantly delves into specialized realms within mathematical biology, specifically focusing on mathematical epidemiology, immunological modeling, and immuno-epidemiological modeling. My doctoral dissertation centers on the intricate study of infectious diseases, with a particular emphasis on HIV. As a contemporary applied mathematician, my research spans various sub-disciplines, encompassing real and complex analysis, functional analysis, integral and differential equations, dynamical systems, numerical analysis, and, naturally, computer science. I excel in amalgamating concepts and methodologies from these diverse domains to effectively address challenges stemming from scientific inquiries.


  1. Tharusha Bandara, Maia Martcheva, Calistus N Ngonghala, Mathematical Model on HIV and Nutrition, Journal of Biological Dynamics (under review).
  2. Vivek Sreejithkumar, Kia Ghods, Tharusha Bandara, Maia Martcheva, Necibe Tuncer, Modeling the Interplay Between Albumin-Globulin Metabolism and HIV Infection, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (to appear).
  3. Tharusha Bandara, Maia Martcheva, Calistus N Ngonghala, The Impact of Nutrition on the Epidemiology of HIV: An Economic Perspective (in progress).