Curriculum Vitae
- Ph.D. in Political Science, May 1996. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- M.A. in Political Science, May 1994. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, October 1988. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- M.S. in Physics, December 1983. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
- B.S. in Mathematical and Experimental Physics, June 1981. University of Sciences and Technology, Algiers
Theories of international politics and security, methodology/epistemology (deep machine learning, topological data analysis, category theory, fuzzy logic methodology, statistical methods), religion and democratic theory, politics of Islam, deconstruction, Lacanian theory of psychoanalysis.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2005. International Change and the Stability of Multi-ethic States: Yugoslavia, Lebanon, and Crises of Governance. Indiana University Press.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Linguistic Fuzzy Logic Methods in Social Sciences. Springer-Verlag Publisher.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2012. Re-Thinking International Relations Theory via Deconstruction. Routledge Interventions Series.
- Arfi. Badredine. 2025. Generative AI and Topological Data Analysis of Longitudinal Panel Data. Political Analysis. Forthcoming.
Arfi. Badredine. 2024. The Promises of Persistent Homology, Machine Learning, and Deep Neural Networks in Topological Data Analysis of Democracy Survival.Quality& Quantity (58): 1685-1727
- Arfi, Badredine. 2022. Problématique of Quantization in Social Theory: A Category-Theoretic Way Forward. In: Quantum International Relations: A Human Science for World Politics, edited by James Der Derian and Alexander Wendt. Oxford University Press.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2020. Existential Security qua Surviving (while Always Becoming Otherwise) through Performative Leaps of Faith. International Theory 12 (2): 291-305.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2018. Challenges to a Quantum- Theoretic Social Theory. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 47 (1): 99-113.
- Arfi, Badredine and Kessler, Oliver. 2018. Forum Introduction: Social Theory Going Quantum-Theoretic? Questions, Alternatives and Challenges. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 47 (1): 67-73.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2015. Habermas and the Aporia of Translating Religion in Democracy. European Journal of Social Theory.18 (4): 489–506.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2015. Pluralism to-come and the Debates on Islam and Secularism. Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (7): 655-677.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2013. Causality in Social Theory via Linguistic Fuzzy Logic. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology. 47 (2): 853-880.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2012. Reconfiguring the (Lacanian) Real: ‘Saying the Real (as Khôra — χώρα) qua the impossible–possible event. Philosophy and Social Criticism. 38 (8): 793-819.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2011. Khôra as the Condition of Possibility of the Ontological without Ontology.Review of International Studies 38 (1): 191-207.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Fantasy in the Discourse of ‘Social Theory of International Politics’. Cooperation and Conflict 45 (4) (December): 428-448.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Rethinking International Constitutional Order: The Auto-immune Politics of Binding without Binding. Millennium: Journal of International Studies 39 (2) (December) 299-321.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Auto-Immunity of Trust without Trust. Journal of International Political Theory. 6 (2) (October): 188-216.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Euro-Islam: Going beyond the Aporiatic Politics of Othering. Journal of International Political Sociology. 4 (3) (September): 236-252.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2009. Probing the Democratic Peace Argument Using Linguistic Fuzzy Logic. International Interactions 35:30–57.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2008. North Africa. In: From Superpower to Besieged Global Power: Restoring World Order after the Failure of the Bush Doctrine, edited by Edward A. Kolodziej and Roger Kanet. University of Georgia Press.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2007. Quantum Social Game Theory. Physica A 374 (2007): 794–820.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2006. Linguistic Fuzzy-Logical PD Game and Social Cooperation. Rationality and Society 18 (4): 471-537.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2006. Linguistic Fuzzy-Logic Game-Theory. Journal of Conflict Resolution 50 (1): 28-57.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2005. Resolving the Trust Predicament in IR: A Quantum Game-Theoretic Approach. Theory and Decision. (2005) 59: 127–174
- Arfi, Badredine. 2005. Fuzzy Decision Making in Politics: A Linguistic Fuzzy-Set Approach (LFSA). Political Analysis 13 (1) (Winter 2005): 23-56.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2003. North Africa. In: A Force Profonde: The Power, Politics, and Promise of Human Rights, edited by Edward A. Kolodziej, The University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2003. Review of Günther Schlee (ed.). Imagined Differences: Hatred and the Construction of Identity. New York: Palgrave, 2002. Nationalism and Ethnic Politics 9 (3) (Autumn 2003): 135-37.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2000. “Spontaneous” Interethnic Order: The Emergence of Collective, Path Dependent Cooperation. International Studies Quarterly 44 (4): 563-590.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1998. Ethnic Fear: The Social Construction of Insecurity. Security Studies 8 (1): 151-203.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1998. Democratization and Communal Politics. Democratization 5 (1): 42-63.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1998. State Collapse: The Case of Yugoslavia. International Journal of Sociology 28 (3): 15-42.
- Resonant Scattering-Induced Optical Dichroism in Unconventional Superconductors. B. Arfi, Physical Review B. 47, 519 (1993).
- Thermal Conductivity in Two-Dimensional Superconductors: Effect of Nonmagnetic Impurities. B. Arfi, Physical Review B 47, 523 (1993).
- Circular Dichroism in High-Temperature Superconductors: A Characteristic of Broken Space-Inversion Symmetry. B. Arfi and L. P. Gorkov, Physical Review B 46, 9163 (1992).
- Normal State Optical Conductivity of YBa2Cu3O6+x. B. Arfi, Physical Review B 45, 2352 (1992).
- Effect of Electron – Electron Interaction on Thermal Conductivity of Disordered Systems. B. Arfi, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 86, 213 (1992).
- Transport Properties of Anisotropic Superconductors: Influence of Arbitrary Electron – Impurity Phase Shifts. B. Arfi, H. Bahlouli, and C. J. Pethick, Physical Review B 39, 8959 (1989).
- Unusual Transport Effects in Anisotropic Superconductors. B. Arfi, H. Bahlouli, C. J. Pethick, and D. Pines, Physics Review Letters 60, 2206 (1988).
- Thermal Conductivity and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Heavy Fermion Superconductors. B. Arfi and C. J. Pethick, Physical Review B 38, 2312 (1988).
- Thermal Conductvity and Thermally Induced Charge Imbalance in Heavy Fermion Systems. H. Bahlouli and B. Arfi, Journal of Low Temperature Physics 69, 327 (1987).
- Theory of the Exciton Molecule Bound to an Isoelectronic Impurity in GaP. B. Arfi, T. Masselink, and Y. C. Chang, Physical Review B 33, 2401 (1986).
- Physics Ph.D. Thesis at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: “Transport Properties of Anisotropic Superconductors,” July 1988. Supervisors: Prof. Christopher Pethick and Prof. David Pines.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2019. Relationalistic, Category-Theoretic Intuitionistic, Social Theory! Presented at Quantum Information Revolution: Impact to Foundations? (QIRIF?), 10-13, June 2019. Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2018. A Topological Quantum Field Theory Approach to Power in IR Theory. Presented at the Mershon Center Conference on “Quantum Theory and the International”, April 08, 2018- April 09, 2018, Mershon Center for International Security Studies, The Ohio State University (OSU).
- Arfi, Badredine. 2016. Time in the Politics of Securitization. Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS), Paris (France), May 18th, 2016.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2016. Experimenting with Time in the Politics of (in-)Security: Playing beyond Copenhagen Twice … and Inward … , May 13th, 2016. University of Glasgow (UK).
- Arfi, Badredine. 2015. Inheriting from and Translating Quantum Logic(s) in (Re)Presenting Politics and Security. Presented at Q2 Symposium: The Space-Time of War and Diplomacy, The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 26 – 28 March 2015.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2015. Security qua Everyday Practice of Surviving (while Dying) through Performative Attachments Anchored in Leaps of Faith. Presented at the “Everyday Insecurities and Vulnerabilities” Workshop University of Glasgow, UK, April 30-May 1, 2015.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2014. Islam, State Neutrality and the Ethos of Pluralism to-come. Presented at: UF Center for Global Islamic Studies – Launching Conference: Global Islam and the Quest for Public Space, September 18-19, 2014. University of Florida.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2014. The Absent Political and Existential Faith – A Response to “Can Religion Help – or only Hinder – Global Justice and Peace?” by Miroslav Volf, Henry B. Wright Professor of Systematic Theology, Yale University Divinity School and Founding Director, Yale Center for Faith and Culture. February 20, 2014, University of Florida.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. ‘Negotiating ‘ the Weberian Gaze in IR Methodology: Negating/Denegating the Pragmatic Turn in IR? Presented at the Workshop on Epistemology and Method in International relations, March 26-27, 2010, University of Florida.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2009. ‘Islam’ in EU-trope: The Impossible Politics of Othering under Conditions of Auto-Immunity. Presented at the Workshop for Islam in Europe, organized by the Center of European Studies, University of Florida, March 6th, 2009.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2006. A Discursive Re-evaluation of IR Theories: Uncovering the “Constitutive” Role of Trust in IR Order. Prepared for the Millennium Journal 35th Anniversary Conference: Theory of ‘the International’ Today, 21 and 22 October 2006, London School of Economics and Political Science, London, UK.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2006. North Africa in the Hegemony of the GWTD (Global-War-on-Terrorism Discourse). Presented at the conference on Challenges to U.S. Global and Regional Hegemony and Implications for the Post-Cold War International System, held at the Club Quarters, Chicago, Illinois, March, 20-22, 2006, organized under the auspices of the Center for Global Studies at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2004. Post-Structuralist Game Theory, presented at NAACSOS (North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science) Conference 2004, June 27 – 29, Carnegie Melon University, Pittsburgh PA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2003. International Change and the Stability of Multi-Ethnic States, presented at the Department of Political Science, Cornell University, November 10, 2003.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2003. Ambivalence of Choice and ‘Holistic’ Strategic Interaction: A Quantum Game-Theoretic Proposal. Presented at the Political Economy Workshop, University of Chicago. Tuesday, June, 3, 2003.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2003. Ambivalence of Choice and Holistic Strategic Interaction: A Quantum Game-Theoretic Proposal. Presented at the Positive Political Theory Seminar, Institute of Governmental Studies (IGP), University of California, Berkeley. Monday, April 21, 2003.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2023. AI and Machine Learning via Topological Analysis: Epistemologically and Methodologically Enriching IR Theory and Empirics. Panel on: Between Interpretation and Explanation: Using Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in International Relations. 64th ISA Convention, March, 2023, Montreal, Canada.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2022. Emerging Technologies and AI in World Politics – Opportunities and Challenges. 63rd ISA Convention, March 28-April 2, 2022, Nashville, TN.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2019. The State of Social Theory in International Relations. 60th ISA Convention, March 25-30, 2019. Toronto, CA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2019. Not ‘Quantum’: Category-Theoretic Social Theory!. 60th ISA Convention, March 25-30, 2019. Toronto, CA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2018. Topologies of the Logics and Temporalities of Social Interaction in Simmel’s Thought: Some Forays. 59th ISA Convention, April 4-7, 2018. San Francisco, CA, USA
- Arfi, Badredine. 2018. Security, Power, and Time. 59th ISA Convention, April 4-7, 2018. San Francisco, CA, USA
- Arfi, Badredine. 2018. Interrogating the Void: Lacanian Psychoanalysis in International Relations. 59th ISA Convention, April 4-7, 2018. San Francisco, CA, USA
- Arfi, Badredine. 2017. The Topology of Time and Affect in the Performativity of Securitization. 58th ISA Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2017. Performativity in the Logics of Politics (and Life). 58th ISA Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2107. Time, Temporality and Violence in IR. 58th ISA Convention, Baltimore, MD, USA. , Badredine. 2016. Unhinged Time in Peace and War: Bringing Deleuze, Derrida and Loop Quantum Gravity into a Conversation about Time. 57th ISA Convention, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2016. The logics of the politics of peace. Member of Roundtable on “The Logics of IR in Exploring Peace”. 57th ISA Convention, Atlanta, GA, USA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2015. Inheriting Derrida through the Experience of Deconstruction. Member of Roundtable on “The Provocations and Lessons of Jacques Derrida’s Thought for the study of Global Politics on the 10th Anniversary of his Death”. The 2015 ISA Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2014. Nonlinear Time and Ontological Security. Member of Roundtable on Spaces, Temporalities, and Ontological (In)Security in IR. 55th International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention March 26 – 29, 2014, Toronto, Canada.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2012. Chair and discussant of panel on Psychoanalysis in International Relations. 53rd International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, April 1-4, 2012, San Diego, CA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2012. Member of Roundtable on Uses of Jacques Lacan in International Relations. 53rd International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, April 1-4, 2012, San Diego, CA.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2011. Writing a ‘Book’ on/via Re-thinking IR Theory through Deconstruction. Presented at the 52nd International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, March 16th – 19th, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2011. The Quest for ‘Illogical’ Logics of Action in IR. Presented at the 52nd International Studies Association (ISA) Annual Convention, March 16th – 19th, 2011, Montreal, Canada.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2011. “Islamic” Secularity sans Secularism in a Democracy à-venir. The Postmodernism, Culture and Religion 4: The Future of Continental Philosophy of Religion. Syracuse University April 7-9, 2011.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2010. Khôra as the Condition of Possibility of the Ontological without Ontology. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, February 17-20, 2010.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2008. Chair of, and Participant in, Roundtable on: To Have or Not to Have Ontologically Interpretable Theories of IR? Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, March 25-29, 2008, San Francisco California.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2008. The Ethical and the Politics of Ontology in IR Theory. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, March 25-29, 2008, San Francisco California.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2007. Doing Data Analysis by Fuzzy-Computing with Words. Presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, August 30 – September 2, 2007.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2006. Undecidability, Trust, and Order in International Politics. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, March 22-25, 2006, San Diego California.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2004. Complex Causality in Politics: A Linguistic Fuzzy-Logic Approach. Presented at the APSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, 2-5 September 2004.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2004. Choice Undecidability: A Quantum Proposal. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, Montreal, March 2004.
- Arfi, Badredine. 2001. Trust and the Variation of International Security Relations. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, Chicago, February 2001.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1998. Order and Anarchy in IR: Disentangling Social and Political Orders. Presented at the APSA 94th Annual Meeting, Boston, September 1998.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1998. Historical Memory: A Dual Source of State Legitimacy and Collapse. Presented at the ISA Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, March 1998.
- Arfi, Badredine. 1995. State Implosion: The Imperatives of Historical Memory and Cultural Consciousness. Presented at the APSA Convention in Chicago, August 1995.
- University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, 2012-2015
- CLAS Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Grant, University of Florida, 2012
- Center of European Studies, Course Development Grant, University of Florida, 2009
- Department of Political Summer Research Grant, University of Florida, 2007
- CLAS Humanities Scholarship Enhancement Grant, University of Florida, 2006
- Faculty Seed Grants, Southern Illinois University, 2005
- Postdoctoral fellowship, The Mershon Center for Internationational Security Studies, The Ohio State University, 1996-1998
- August 2008 – August 2013: Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Florida.
- August 2005 – August 2008: Assistant Professor (tenure accruing), Department of Political Science, University of Florida.
- August 2003 – August 2005: Assistant Professor (tenure accruing), Department of Political Science, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.
- August 1998 – May 2003: Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- July 1996 – August 1998: Post-doctoral Fellow, Mershon Center, The Ohio State University.
- August 1993 – May 1996: Instructor, Department of Political Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
- August 1990 – August 1993: Research Associate and Visiting scholar, Department of Physics, Material Research Laboratory and the Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.
- September 1988 – July 1990: Assistant Professor and Principal Researcher, The Institute of Physics, University of Sciences and Technology of Algiers, Algeria.