Combinatorial Aspects of Determinantal Varieties
Abstract: Schubert calculus has its origins in enumerative questions asked by the geometers of the 19th century, such as “how many lines meet four fixed lines in three-space?” These problems can be recast as questions about the structure of cohomology rings of geometric spaces such as flag varieties. Borel’s isomorphism identifies the cohomology of the complete flag variety with a simple quotient of a polynomial ring. Lascoux and Schützenberger (1982) defined Schubert polynomials, which are coset representatives for the Schubert basis of this ring. However, it was not clear if this choice was geometrically natural. Knutson and Miller (2005) provided a justification for the naturality of Schubert polynomials via antidiagonal Gröbner degenerations of matrix Schubert varieties, which are generalized determinantal varieties. Furthermore, they showed that pre-existing combinatorial objects called pipe dreams govern this degeneration. In this talk, we study the dual setting of diagonal Gröbner degenerations of matrix Schubert varieties, interpreting these limits in terms of the “bumpless pipe dreams” of Lam, Lee, and Shimozono (2021). We then use the combinatorics of K-theory representatives for Schubert classes to compute the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of matrix Schubert varieties, which gives a bound on the complexity of their coordinate rings.