- Contextualizing Science: From Science Studies to
Cultural Studies, Philosophy of Science Association
PSA, 4 (1995): 402-412. (pdf)
- Disciplining Evolutionary Biology: Ernst Mayr and the
Founding of the Society for the Study of Evolution and
Evolution (1939-1950), Evolution 48 (1994b): 1-8. (pdf)
- With Mark Lesney. Assessing Human Genome:
Agricultural Impact of Biotechnology, Agriculture and
Human Values (Winter 1994c): 10-18. (pdf)
- Trends in the History, Philosophy and Social Studies
of Biology, Trends in Ecology and Evolution 9 (1994d):
- Talking about Sociobiology, Social Epistemology 6
(1992b): 459-470. (pdf)
- Disciplining Botany: A Taxonomic Problem, Taxon 41
(1992c): 459-470. (pdf)
- The Politics of Writing Biology, Essay Review of Greg
Myers Writing Biology, Journal of the History of Biology
24 (1991): 521-527. (pdf)
- With Karl J. Niklas, Evidence for a Conducting Strand in
Early Silurian (Llandoverian) Plants: Implication for the
Evolution of the Land Plants, Paleobiology 9 (1983):
Over Eighty Reviews in the Following Journals
Science, American Historical Review, Quarterly Review of
Biology, Isis, British Journal for the History of Science,
The European Legacy, Historical Reflections/Reflexion
Historiques (New Vico Studies), American Studies,
The Eighteenth Century: A Current Bibliography,
Historical Studies in the Physical and Biological Sciences,
Metascience, Endeavour, Journal of the History of Biology,
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, Journal of the
History of the Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Human
Biology, Journal of the American Medical Association,
Plant Science Bulletin, Journal of Heredity, Bulletin of
Mathematical Biology, Agriculture and Human Values,
Mendel Newsletter, Museum History Journal,
Science and Education, BioScience, American Journal of Physical
Anthropology, National Center for Science Education, Nevada
Historical Quartely
Featured Reviews
- “Scopes Monkey Trial, in Context,” Science
386 (2024):1100-1100. DOI:10.1126/science.ads4948
- “The Worst Science in the World,” a review of Edward J.
Larson’s Empire of Ice in Science 332 (2011): 1152-1153. (pdf)
- “Darwin is Dead-Long Live Evolution,” a review of David
F. Prindle’s, Stephen Jay Gould and the Politics of
Evolution in Science 326 (2009): 801-802.
- “Delicious Tales,” a review of James Endersby’s Guinea
Pig’s History of Biologyin Science 319 (2008): 160. (pdf)
- Harry Liebersohn’s Traveller’s World in Endeavour 31
(2007): 1-2. (pdf)
- “Fielding Biology,” a review of Robert E. Kohler’s
Labscapes and Fieldscapes in Science 299 (2003):
1665-1666. (pdf)
- Jean Gayon’s Darwinism’s Struggle for Survival in
Endeavour 23 (1999): 44-45. (pdf)
- Helena Cronin’s The Ant and the Peacock in Isis
(1994): 349-351. (pdf)
- Misia Landau’s Narratives of Human Evolution
26 (1993): 149-153. (pdf)
- Martin Rudwick’s Scenes of Deep Time in Journal of the
History of Biology 3 (1993): 571-573. (pdf)