Representative Publications
Gravlee, Clarence C. (2009). How race becomes biology: Embodiment of social inequality. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 138: 47–57.
Gravlee, Clarence C., William W. Dressler, and H. Russell Bernard. (2005). Skin color, social classification, and blood pressure in Puerto Rico. American Journal of Public Health 95(12):2191-2197.
Dressler, William W., Kathryn S. Oths, and Clarence C. Gravlee. Race and ethnicity in public health research: Models to explain health disparities. Annual Review of Anthropology 34:231-252.
Gravlee, Clarence C, Amy L. Non, and Connie J. Mulligan. (2009). Genetic ancestry, social classification, and racial inequalities in blood pressure in Southeastern Puerto Rico. PLoS ONE 4 (9): e6821.
Quinlan, Jacklyn, Laurel N. Pearson, Christopher J. Clukay, Miaisha M. Mitchell, P. Qasimah Boston, Clarence C. Gravlee, and Connie J. Mulligan (2016). Genetic Loci and Novel Discrimination Measures Associated with Blood Pressure Variation in African Americans Living in Tallahassee. PLoS ONE 11 (12): e0167700.