- Todd Donovan, Daniel A. Smith, Tracy Osborn, and Christopher Z. Mooney. 2015. State and Local Politics: Institutions and Reform. 4th edition. Boston, MA: Cengage.
- Daniel A. Smith and Caroline J. Tolbert. 2004. Educated by Initiative: The Effects of Direct Democracy on Citizens and Political Organizations in the American States. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
- Daniel A. Smith. 1998. Tax Crusaders and the Politics of Direct Democracy. NY: Routledge.
PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES (current PhD students bold; former PhD students italics; undergrad students italics)
86) M.V. (Trey) Hood III, Seth McKee, Enrijeta Shino, and Daniel A. Smith, “Not a Teammate and Not a Fan: Probing the Identities of Unaffiliated Registered Voters,” State Politics and Policy Quarterly. Accepted.
85) Lisa Schur, Mason Ameri, Joseph Dietrich, Michael Herron, Douglas Kruse, Whitney Quesenbery, Melissa Rogers, Jean Schroedel, Daniel Smith, Cameron Wimpy, “Ensuring Voting Access Across the Electorate – Best Practices and New Areas for Research,” Journal of Election Administration Research & Practice Forthcoming.
84) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith, “Vote Method and Confidence in Elections,” Political Research Quarterly. Forthcoming.
83) Michael Morse, Michael C. Herron, Marc Meredith, Daniel A. Smith, and Michael Martinez. 2025. “Election Administration Harms and Ballot Design: A Study of Florida’s 2018 United States Senate,” onlinefirst American Journal of Political Science.
82) Michael Martinez and Daniel A. Smith. 2025. “A Blue Primary in a Reddish State: How Preferences are Shaped by Expectations, Issues, and Sexism,” Florida Political Chronicle, 31(1).
81) Seth C McKee, MV Hood, III, Robert N Lupton, Enrijeta Shino, and Daniel A Smith. 2025. “The Changing South in presidential elections,” onlinefirst Party Politics.
80) Michael P. McDonald, Enrijeta Shino, Daniel Smith, Payton Lussier, and Danielle Dietz. 2024. “Campus Voting During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” American Politics Research 52(3): 225-238.
79) Enrijeta Shino, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2024. “The Fall of Trump: Mobilization and Vote Switching in the 2020 Presidential Election,” Political Science Research and Methods 12: 229-248.
78) Sara Loving and Daniel A. Smith. 2024. “Riot in the Party? Voter Registrations in the Aftermath of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection,” Party Politics 30(2): 209-222.
77) Michael P. McDonald, Juliana Mucci, Enrijeta Shino, and Daniel A. Smith. 2024. “Mail Voting and Voter Turnout,” Election Law Journal 23(1): 1-18.
76) Enrijeta Shino, Daniel A. Smith, and LaRaven Temoney. 2023. “The Effects of Election Administration Changes on Voters of Color in Florida,” Journal of Election Administration Research & Practice 2(1): 38-54.
75) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2022. “The Racial Politics of Early In-Person Voting in Georgia,” Journal of Election Administration Research & Practice 1(2): 27-46.
74) Enrijeta Shino, Daniel A. Smith, and Laura Uribe. 2022. “Lying for Trump? Elite Cue-Taking and Expressive Responding on Vote Method,” Public Opinion Quarterly. 86 (4): 837–861.
73) Seth C. McKee, Daniel A. Smith, and Enrijeta Shino. 2022. “Redrawn, Withdrawn: The Effects of Redistricting on the Representative-Constituent Relationship,” Election Law Journal 21 (4): 280-295.
72) William Zelin and Daniel A. Smith. 2022. “Weather to Vote: How Natural Disasters Shape Turnout Decisions,” Political Research Quarterly 76(2): 553–64.
71) David Cottrell, Michael Herron, and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Vote-by-mail Ballot Rejection and Experience with Mail-in Voting,” American Politics Research 49(6): 577-590.
70) David Cottrell, Felix Herron, Michael Herron, and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Auditing the 2020 General Election in Georgia: Residual vote rates and a confusing ballot format,” Election Law Journal 20(3): 1-18.
69) Anna Baringer, Justin Eichermuller, William Zelin, Enrijeta Shino, and Daniel A. Smith. 2022. “Election Administration and Public Records Responsiveness,” Public Integrity 24(3): 280-291.
68) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Pandemic Politics: COVID-19, health concerns, and vote choice in the 2020 General Election,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties. 31: 191-205.
67) Enrijeta Shino, Mara Suttmann-Lea, and Daniel A. Smith. 2022 “Determinants of Rejected Mail Ballots in Georgia’s 2018 General Election,” Political Research Quarterly 75(1): 231-243.
66) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Postal Delivery Disruptions and the Fragility of Voting by Mail: Lessons from Maine,” Research & Politics (January-March): 1-12.
65) David Cottrell, Michael C. Herron, and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Voting Lines, Equal Treatment, and Early Voting Check-in Times in Florida,” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 21(2): 109-138.
64) William D. Hicks, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2021. “Contemporary Views of Liberal Democracy and the 2016 Presidential Election.” PS: Political Science 54(1): 33-40.
63) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Political Knowledge and Convenience Voting,” Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 32(2): 408-428.
62) Anna Baringer, Michael Herron, and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Voting by Mail and Ballot Rejection: Lessons from Florida for Elections in the Age of the Coronavirus,” Election Law Journal 19(3): 289-320.
61) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Mobilizing the Youth Vote? Early Voting on College Campuses.” Election Law Journal 19(4): 524-541.
60) Enrijeta Shino, Michael Martinez, Michael P. McDonald, and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Verifying Voter Registration Records,” American Politics Review 48(6): 677–681.
59) Charles Bullock, William D. Hicks, M.V. Hood III, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “The Election of African American State Legislators in the Modern South.” Legislative Studies Quarterly 45(4): 581-608.
58) Thessalia Merivaki and Daniel A. Smith. 2019. “A Failsafe for Voters? Cast and Rejected Provisional Ballots in North Carolina,” Political Research Quarterly 73(1): 65-78.
57) Seth C. McKee, Daniel A. Smith, and M.V. Hood III. 2018. “The Comeback Kid: Donald Trump on Election Day in 2016.” PS: Political Science 52 (2): 239-242.
56) Hannah L. Walker, Michael C. Herron, and Daniel A. Smith. 2019. “North Carolina voter turnout and early voting hours in the 2016 General Election.” Political Behavior 41: 841-69.
55) Daniel Biggers and Daniel A. Smith. 2020. “Does Threatening their Franchise Make Registered Voters More Likely to Participate? Evidence from an Aborted Voter Purge.” British Journal of Political Science 50(3): 933-954.
54) Brian Amos, Diana Forster, and Daniel A. Smith. 2018. “Who Signs? Ballot Petition Signatures as Political Participation,” American Review of Politics 36(2): 19-37.
53) David Cottrell, Michael C. Herron, Javier M. Rodriguez, and Daniel A. Smith. 2019. “Mortality, Incarceration, and African-American Disenfranchisement in the Contemporary United States,” American Politics Research 47(2) 195–237.
52) Daniel A. Smith, Seth C. McKee, and M.V. (Trey) Hood, III. 2018. “Election Daze: Voting Modes and Voter Preferences in the 2016 Presidential Election,” Florida Political Chronicle 25(2): 123-141.
51) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith. 2018. “Timing the Habit: Voter Registration and Turnout in the American States.” Electoral Studies 51: 72-82.
50) William D. Hicks, Carl E. Klarner, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2018. “Revisiting Majority-Minority Districts and Black Representation,” Political Research Quarterly 71(2): 408-23.
49) Brian Amos, Daniel A. Smith, and Casey Ste. Claire. 2017. “Reprecincting and Voting Behavior,” Political Behavior 39(1): 133-156.
48) William D. Hicks, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2016. “A Bipartisan Election Reform? Explaining Support for Online Voter Registration in the American States,” American Politics Research 44(6): 1008-1036.
47) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2016. “Race, Shelby County, and the Voter Information Verification Act in North Carolina,” Florida State University Law Review 43: 465-506.
46) William D. Hicks, Seth C. McKee, and Daniel A. Smith. 2016. “The Determinants of State Legislator Support for Restrictive Voter ID Laws,” State Politics & Policy Quarterly 16(4): 411-431.
45) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2016. “Precinct Resources and Voter Wait Times,” Electoral Studies 42: 249–63.
44) Thessalia Merivaki and Daniel A. Smith. 2016. “Casting and Verifying Provisional Ballots in Florida,” Social Science Quarterly 97(3): 729–47.
43) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2015. “Precinct Closing Times in Florida during the 2012 General Election,” Election Law Journal 14: 220-38.
42) William D. Hicks, Seth C. McKee, Mitchell Sellers, and Daniel A. Smith. 2015. “A Principle or a Strategy? Voter Identification Laws and Partisan Competition in the American States,” Political Research Quarterly 68: 18-33.
41) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2014. “Race, Party, and the Consequences of Restricting Early Voting in Florida in the 2012 General Election,” Political Research Quarterly 67: 646-65.
40) Josh Brodbeck, Matthew T. Harrigan, and Daniel A. Smith. 2013. “Citizen and lobbyist access to Members of Congress: Who gets and who gives?” Interest Groups and Advocacy 2: 323-42.
39) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2013. “The Effects of House Bill 1355 on Voter Registration in Florida,” State Politics and Policy Quarterly, 13: 279-305.
38) Michael C. Herron and Daniel A. Smith. 2012. “Souls to the Polls: Early Voting in Florida in the Shadow of House Bill 1355,” Election Law Journal 11: 331-47.
[Winner of the 2013 APSA State Politics and Policy Section’s Best Paper Award]
37) Janine Parry, Daniel A. Smith, and Shayne Henry. 2011. “The Impact of Petition Signing on Voter Turnout,” Political Behavior 34: 117-36.
36) Stephanie Slade and Daniel A. Smith. 2011. “Obama to Blame? African American Surge Voters and the Ban on Same-Sex Marriage in Florida,” The Forum 9(2), Article 6.
35) Daniel A. Smith. 2011. “Generating Scholarship from Public Service: Media Outreach, Nonprofit Foundation Service, and Legal Expert Consulting,” PS: Political Science & Politics 44: 255-9.
34) Josh Huder, Jordan Ragusa, and Daniel A. Smith. 2011. “Shirking the Initiative? The Effects of Statewide Ballot Measures on Congressional Roll Call Behavior,” American Politics Research 39 (3): 582-610.
33) Daniel A. Smith, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Amanda Keller. 2010. “Electoral and Structural Losers and Support for a National Referendum in the U.S.” Electoral Studies 29: 509-520.
32) Daniel A. Smith and Caroline J. Tolbert. 2010. “Direct Democracy, Public Opinion, and Candidate Choice,” Public Opinion Quarterly 74: 85-108.
31) Caroline Tolbert, Daniel A. Smith, and John Green. 2009. “Strategic Voting and Legislative Redistricting Reform: District and Statewide Representational Winners and Losers,” Political Research Quarterly 62: 92-109.
30) Todd Donovan, Caroline J. Tolbert, and Daniel A. Smith. 2009. “Political Engagement, Mobilization, and Direct Democracy,” Public Opinion Quarterly 73: 98-118.
29) Daniel A. Smith. 2009. “An Americanist in Africa,” PS: Political Science & Politics 42 (4): 827-33.
28) Beatrix Allah-Mensa, Kevin S. Fridy, Daniel A. Smith, and Ukoha Ukiwo. “2009 APSA Workshop on African Elections and Democracy,” PS: Political Science & Politics. 42 (4): 827-33. [Editors of a Special Symposium on the 2009 APSA Workshop in Ghana].
27) Todd Donovan, Caroline Tolbert, and Daniel A. Smith. 2008. “Priming Presidential Votes by Direct Democracy,” Journal of Politics 70: 1217-31.
26) Daniel A. Smith and Dustin Fridkin. 2008. “Delegating Direct Democracy: Interparty Legislative Competition and the Adoption of the Initiative in the American States,” American Political Science Review 102: 333-50.
25) Eric Heberlig, Bruce Larson, Daniel A. Smith, and Kristen Soltis. 2008. “Look Who’s Coming to Dinner: Direct versus Brokered Member Campaign Contributions to the NRCC.” American Politics Research 36 433-450.
24) Daniel A. Smith and Caroline J. Tolbert. 2007. “The Instrumental and Educative Effects of Ballot Measures: Research on Direct Democracy in the American States.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4: 417-446.
23) Daniel A. Smith. 2007. “Representation and the Spatial Bias of Direct Democracy,” University of Colorado Law Review 78 (4): 1395-1434.
22) Daniel A. Smith and Caroline J. Tolbert, and Daniel Bowen. 2007. “The Educative Effects of Direct Democracy: A Research Primer for Legal Scholars,” University of Colorado Law Review 78 (4): 1371-94.
21) Daniel A. Smith, Matthew DeSantis, and Jason Kassel. 2006. “Same-Sex Marriage Ballot Measures and the 2004 Presidential Election,” State and Local Government Review 38 (2): 78-91.
20) Caroline J. Tolbert and Daniel A. Smith. 2006. “Representation and Direct Democracy in the United States.” Representation: The Journal of Representative Democracy 42 (1): 25-44.
19) Elizabeth Garrett and Daniel A. Smith. 2005. “Veiled Political Actors and Campaign Disclosure Laws in Direct Democracy.” Election Law Journal 4 (4) 295-328.
18) Caroline J. Tolbert and Daniel A. Smith. 2005. “The Educative Effects of Ballot Initiatives on Voter Turnout.” American Politics Research 33 (2): 283-309.
17) Daniel A. Smith. 2004. “Peeling Away the Populist Rhetoric: Toward a Taxonomy of Anti-Tax Ballot Initiatives.” Journal of Public Budgeting and Finance 24 (4): 88-110.
16) Daniel A. Smith. 2003. “Overturning Term Limits: The Legislature’s Own Private Idaho?” PS: Political Science & Politics 36 (2): 215-220.
15) Caroline J. Tolbert, Ramona McNeal, and Daniel A. Smith. 2003. “Enhancing Civic Engagement: The Effect of Direct Democracy on Political Participation and Knowledge.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 3 (1): 23-41.
14) Daniel A. Smith. 2003. “Distorted by Outside Money: National Parties and the Race for Colorado’s Seventh Congressional District,” PS: Political Science & Politics 36 (3) PSOnline E-Symposium
13) Daniel A. Smith and Joseph Lubinski. 2002. “Direct Democracy during the Progressive Era: A Crack in the Populist Veneer?” Journal of Policy History 14 (4): 349-83.
12) Jonathan Temin and Daniel A. Smith. 2002. “Media Matters: Evaluating the Role of the Media in Ghana’s 2000 Elections.” African Affairs 101: 585-605.
11) Daniel A. Smith. 2002. “Consolidating Democracy? The Structural Underpinnings of Ghana’s 2000 Elections.” Journal of Modern African Studies 40 (4): 1-30.
10) Daniel A. Smith. 2002. “Ghana’s 2000 Elections: Consolidating Multi-Party Democracy.” Electoral Studies 21 (3): 519-26.
9) Daniel A. Smith and Caroline Tolbert. 2001. “The Initiative to Party: Partisanship and Ballot Initiatives in California.” Party Politics 7 (6): 781-99.
8) Caroline Tolbert, John Grummel, and Daniel A. Smith. 2001. “The Effect of Ballot Initiatives on Voter Turnout in the American States.” American Politics Research 29 (6): 625-48.
7) Daniel A. Smith. 2001. “Homeward Bound? Micro-Level Legislative Responsiveness to Ballot Initiatives.” State Politics and Policy Quarterly 1 (1): 50-61.
6) Daniel A. Smith and Robert J. Herrington. 2000. “The Process of Direct Democracy: Colorado’s 1996 Parental Rights Amendment.” Social Science Journal 37 (2): 179-94.
5) Daniel A. Smith. 1999. “Reevaluating the Causes of Proposition 13.” Social Science History 23 (2): 173-210.
4) Daniel A. Smith and Nathaniel Golich. 1998. “Some Unintended Consequences of TABOR.” Comparative State Politics 19 (6): 33-40.
3) Daniel A. Smith, Kevin M. Leyden, and Stephen A. Borrelli. 1998. “Predicting the Outcomes of Presidential Commissions: Evidence from the Johnson and Nixon Years,” Presidential Studies Quarterly 28 (2): 269-85.
2) Daniel A. Smith. 1996. “Populist Entrepreneur: Douglas Bruce and the Tax and Government Limitation Moment in Colorado, 1986-1992,” Great Plains Research 6 (2): 269-94.
1) Daniel A. Smith. 1993: “Removing the Pluralist Blinders: Labor-Management Councils and Industrial Policy in the American States,” Economic Development Quarterly 7 (4): 373-89.
BOOK CHAPTERS (current PhD students bold; former PhD students italics; undergrad students italics)
31) Enrijeta Shino and Daniel A. Smith. 2024. “Vote Choice During a Pandemic: How Health Concerns Shaped the 2020 Presidential Election,” in Lessons Learned from the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election: Hindsight is 2020, Joseph Coll and Joseph Anthony, eds. Berlin: Springer (139-159).
30) Todd Donovan and Daniel A. Smith. 2020, “Direct Democracy and Political Speech in the United States,” in Direkte Demokratie: Festschrift für Otmar Jung, Hermann K. Heußner, Arne Pautsch, and Fabian Wittreck, eds. Berlin: Richard Boorberg Verlag (479-488).
29) Thessalia Merivaki and Daniel A. Smith. 2019. “Challenges in Voter Registration,” in The Future of Election Administration, Mitchell Brown, Kathleen Hale, and Bridgett A. King, eds. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.
28) Seth C. McKee and Daniel A. Smith. 2019. “Trump Territory,” in Florida and the 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump, Matthew Corrigan and Michael Binder, eds. Gainesville: University of Florida Press (49-75).
27) Daniel A. Smith, Brian Amos, Daniel Maxwell, and Tyler Richards. 2019. “Rigged? Assessing Election Administration in Florida’s 2016 General Election,” in Florida and the 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump, Matthew Corrigan and Michael Binder, eds. Gainesville: University of Florida Press (pp. 154-74).
26) Daniel A. Smith, Dillon Boatner, Caitlin Ostroff, Pedro Otálora, and Laura Uribe. 2019. “Early Bird Special: Convenience Voting in Florida’s 2016 General Election,” in Florida and the 2016 Election of Donald J. Trump, Matthew Corrigan and Michael Binder, eds. Gainesville: University of Florida Press (pp.134-53).
25) Michael C. Herron, Daniel A. Smith, Wendy Serra, and Joseph Bafumi. 2017. “Wait Times and Voter Confidence: A Study of the 2014 General Election in Miami-Dade County,” in The American Election 2014: Contexts and Consequences, Tauna Sisco, Christopher Galdieri, and Jennifer Lucas, eds. Akron, OH: University of Akron Press (pp. 107-122).
24) Joseph T. Eagleton and Daniel A. Smith. 2015. “Drawing the Line: Public Support for Amendments 5 and 6,” in Jigsaw Puzzle Politics in the Sunshine State, Seth C. McKee, ed. Gainesville, FL: University Press of Florida (pp. 109-25).
23) Diana Forster and Daniel A. Smith. 2014. “A Climate for Change? Environmental Ballot Measures,” in U.S. Climate Change Policy and Civic Society, Yael Wolinsky-Nahmias, ed. Washington, DC: C.Q. Press.
22) Daniel A. Smith. 2014. “Direct Democracy,” in The Encyclopedia of Political Thought, Michael T. Gibbons, ed. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
21) William Hicks and Daniel A. Smith. 2013. “State Campaigns and Elections,” in The Oxford Handbook of State and Local Government, Donald Haider-Markel, ed. New York: Oxford University Press.
20) Daniel A. Smith. 2012. “Direct Democracy: Regulating the ‘Will of the People,’” in Matthew J. Streb, ed., Law and Election Politics: The Rules of the Game, 2nd ed. New York: Routledge.
19) Daniel A. Smith. 2011. “Direct Democracy in Colorado: A Historical Perspective,” in Courtenay Daum, Robert Duffy, and John Straayer, eds., State of Change: Colorado Politics in the Twenty-first Century. Boulder: University of Colorado Press.
18) Daniel A. Smith. 2010. “Direct Democracy and Candidate Elections,” in Stephen C. Craig and David Hill, The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice, 2nd edition. Washington, DC: CQ Press.
17) Daniel A. Smith. 2010. “Financing Ballot Measures in the U.S.,” in Karin Gilland-Lutz and Simon Hug, eds., Financing Referendum Campaigns. New York: Palgrave.
16) Daniel A. Smith. 2008. “Direct Democracy and Campaigns,” in Shaun Bowler and Amihai Glazer, eds., Direct Democracy’s Impact on American Political Institutions. New York: Palgrave.
15) Todd Donovan and Daniel A. Smith. 2008. “Identifying and Preventing Signature Fraud on Ballot Measure Petitions,” in Michael Alvarez, Thad E. Hall, and Susan D. Hyde, eds., Election Fraud: Detecting and Deterring Electoral Manipulation. Washington, DC: Brookings.
14) Daniel A. Smith. 2008. “Direct Democracy and Election and Ethics Laws,” in Bruce Cain, Todd Donovan, and Caroline Tolbert, eds, Democracy in the States: Experiments in Elections Reform. Washington, DC: Brookings.
13) Daniel A. Smith. 2007. “Ballot Initiatives,” in Gary Anderson and Kathryn Herr, eds., Encyclopedia of Activism and Social Justice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
12) Raymond J. La Raja, Susan E. Orr, and Daniel A. Smith. 2006. “Surviving BCRA: State Party Finance in 2004,” in John Green and Daniel Coffey, eds., The State of the Parties (5th edition). Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
11) Daniel A. Smith. 2006. “Initiatives and Referendums: The Effects of Direct Democracy on Candidate Elections,” in Steven Craig, ed., The Electoral Challenge: Theory Meets Practice. Washington, D.C.: CQ Press.
10) Daniel A. Smith (with Sure Log). 2005. “Orange Crush: Mobilization of Bias, Ballot Initiatives, and the Politics of Professional Sports Stadia,” in David McCuan and Stephen Stambough, eds., Initiative-Centered Politics. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
9) Daniel A. Smith. 2005. “The Initiative to Party: The Role of Parties in State Ballot Initiatives,” in David McCuan and Stephen Stambough, eds., Initiative-Centered Politics. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
8) Daniel A. Smith. 2004. “Strings Attached: Outside Money in Colorado’s Seventh Congressional District,” in David Magleby and Quin Monson, eds., The Last Hurrah? Washington, D.C.: Brookings.
7) Daniel A. Smith. 2004. “Direct Democracy,” in David Wishart, ed., Encyclopedia of the Great Plains. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
6) Daniel A. Smith. 2002. “Direct Democracy and Its Critics,” in Peter Woolley and Albert Papa, eds., American Politics: Core Argument/Current Controversy. 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.
5) Daniel A. Smith. 2001. “Campaign Financing of Ballot Initiatives in the American States,” in Larry Sabato, Bruce Larson, and Howard Ernst, eds., Dangerous Democracy? The Battle Over Ballot Initiatives in America. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield.
4) Daniel A. Smith. 2001. “Special Interests and Direct Democracy: An Historical Glance,” in M. Dane Waters, ed., The Battle Over Citizen Lawmaking. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic Press.
3) Daniel A. Smith and Jonathan Temin. 2001. “The Media and Ghana’s 2000 Elections,” in Joseph Ayee, ed., Deepening Democracy in Ghana: Politics of the 2000 Elections, Volume 1 (Thematic Studies). Accra: Freedom Publications.
2) Daniel A. Smith. 2001. “The Politics of Upper East and the 2000 Ghanaian Elections,” in Joseph Ayee, ed., Deepening Democracy in Ghana: Politics of the 2000 Elections, Volume 2 (Constituency Studies). Accra: Freedom Publications.
1) Daniel A. Smith. 1998. “Unmasking the Tax Crusaders,” in Bruce Stinebrickner, ed., Annual Editions: State & Local Government. 9th ed. Guilford, CT: Dushkin/McGraw-Hill, 83-85 [Reprinted].