Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
(with Rachel Black)
2015 The Confederate and the Freedmen: Bioarchaeological Comparisons from the Reconstruction-Era South. Southeastern Archaeology 34(1):1-22.
2015 “A Cluster of Sacred Symbols”: Interpreting an Act of Animal Sacrifice at Kingsley Plantation, Fort George Island, Florida (1814-1839). International Journal of Historical Archaeology 19(1):76-121.
2014 Deconstructing the Myth of the “Hand Charm”: Mundane Clothing Fasteners and Their Curious Transformations into Supernatural Objects. Historical Archaeology 48(2):18-60.
2012 Encountering the Ex-Slave Reparations Movement from the Grave: The National Industrial Council and National Liberty Party, 1901-1907. The Journal of African American History 97(1,2):13-38.
(with Karen E. McIlvoy)
2012 New Perspectives from Old Collections: Potential Artifacts of African Spirituality at Couper Plantation, Georgia. The Journal of African Diaspora Archaeology and Heritage 1(2):107-166.
2012 “They laid planks ‘crost the coffins”: The African Origin of Grave Vaulting in the United States. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 16(1):86-134.
2010 Keeping the Devil at Bay: The Shoe on the Coffin Lid and Other Grave Charms in 19th and Early 20th Century America. International Journal of Historical Archaeology 14(4):614-649.
2008 Identity and Violent Death: Contextualizing Lethal Gun Violence within the African-American Community of Dallas, TX (1900-1907). The Journal of Social Archaeology 8(3):321-356.
(with Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.)
2008 Two Late Nineteenth Century Cemeteries in Northwest Arkansas: A Study in Contrasts. Arkansas Historical Quarterly LXVII (4):414-428.
2007 “Resurrection Men” in Dallas: The Illegal Use of Black Bodies as Medical Cadavers (1900-1907). International Journal of Historical Archaeology 11(3):193-220.
2004 Rituals Captured in Context and Time: Charm Use in North Dallas Freedman’s Town (1869-1907), Dallas, TX. Historical Archaeology 38(2):22-54.
1998 The Old Dallas Burial Ground: A Forgotten Cemetery. Southwestern Historical Quarterly CII(2):162-184.
Book Chapters
(with Megan Ann Teague)
2011 Victorian Ideals and Evolving Realities: Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Black Dallas and an Engendered African-America. In The Materiality of Freedom: Archaeologies of Post-Emancipation Life, edited by Jodi Barnes, pp. 87-114. University of South Carolina Press, Columbia.
(with Jerome C. Rose, Myron Gutmann, Michael Haines, Cindy Condon, Keith Condon)
2002 The Quality of African-American Life in The Old Southwest Near the Turn of the 20th Century. In The Backbone of History: Health and Nutrition in the Western Hemisphere, Richard Steckel and Jerome C. Rose, editors, pp. 226-277. Cambridge University Press.
Monographs (peer reviewed)
(contributor and editor, with Robert C. Mainfort, Jr.)
2006 Two Historic Cemeteries in Crawford County, Arkansas. Research Series No. 62. Arkansas Archeological Survey, Fayetteville.