To identify and tackle barrier for parents in academia, and to create a community.
Mailing list
If you would like to be on a mailing list, send me an email.
Recent publicity
I have talked my story and our Math Parents Coffee movement in an interview for Mother in Science.
Tracy and her colleagues wrote an article for AMS Notices following their panel at JMM 2023 called Mathematicians Navigating Parenthood: Lessons Learned, Methodologies, and Useful Solutions That Were Beneficial During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
We meet online once a month. Next meeting will on October 27, 2023 at 12:30pm EDT. Send me an email if you’d like to join.
Panel on Thursday, November 3 at 1pm EST on Experience of Mathematicians as Parents: Challenges, what’s great about it, and what we can do betterwas a great success. Thanks to all the panelists and everyone who participated! We are working on a summary.
We have discussed the following topics, but we are open to further ones.
- Childcare support at conferences.
- Parental leave and how to successfully return.
- Plunge in productivity after becoming a parent.
- Panels about parenthood in academia.
- Creating opportunities/building a network.
- Which organizations to approach.
- Future events.