
My research is broadly in the domain of algebraic topology, geometric topology, and their applications. My current areas of particular interest include the following:

  • Symmetric products (mainly of surfaces)
  • Topological robotics (Lusternik–Schnirelmann category, sequential topological complexity, and the distributional versions of these invariants, etc.)
  • Symplectic topology and geometry (symplectic asphericity, Kähler geometry, etc.)
  • Čech and Vietoris–Rips complexes (mainly of spheres)

I enjoy studying interactions between topics from the above areas. Some of my work has been in using the cohomology of symmetric products of finite CW complexes to study the distributional invariants. More recently, I have been exploring symmetric products of surfaces from the point of view of Kähler geometry and topological robotics.

My PhD advisor is Dr. Alexander Dranishnikov.