“Archaeology and history: a centaur or an interface?” Revue Roumaine d’Histoire 33 (1994): 401-416.
“Asupra problemelor de cronologie a tezaurelor de lingouri de la Crasna (jud. Covasna) şi Feldioara (jud. Braşov).” Mousaios 4 (1994), no. 1: 133-148.
“Depozite de unelte şi arme medievale timpurii de pe teritoriul României.” Mousaios 4 (1994), no. 1: 179-221 (together with Adrian Canache).
“How to do things with saints: on the iconography of St. Mercurius’ legend,” paper presented at the 29th International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, May 5-7, 1994
“On the dating of the ‘Veţel-Coşoveni’ group of curved fibulae.” Ephemeris Napocensis 4 (1994): 233-265.
“The changing image of the Early Slavs in the Romanian historiography. A critical survey.” Revue des études sud-est-européennes 32 (1994), nos. 1-2: 129-142.
“The changing image of the Early Slavs in the Rumanian historiography and archaeological literature. A critical survey.” Südost-Forschungen 53 (1994): 235-276.
“Über die Bügelfibel aus Pietroasele und ihre Verwandten.” Dacia 38-39 (1994-1995): 217-238 (together with Vasile Dupoi).