Monday, June 27: Introduction. What is magic?
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 1-4; Rampton 67-79 and 113-119
Tuesday, June 28: Sources on medieval magic – Arabic and Latin
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 5-12 and 90-92; Rampton 119-122, 143-143 and 220-224
Wednesday, June 29: Sources on medieval magic – Romance, Celtic and Norse
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 111-112 and 121; Rampton 104-110 and 208-213
Thursday, June 30: Hermetic and Solomonic magic
- Read: Lawrence- Mather and Escobar Vargas 23-26 and 102-105; Rampton 254-262
Friday, July 1: In-class assignment #1
Monday, July 4: Independence Day – no classes
Tuesday, July 5: Necromancy
- Read: Rampton 224-230 and 262-269
Wednesday, July 6: Late medieval magic: from John of Morigny to Peter of Zealand
- Read: Rampton 290-292
Thursday, July 7: Magic in the church (magic as illusion)
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 13-23 and 99-102; Rampton 247-250
Friday, July 8: Magic and natural philosophy
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 37-43 and 106-111; Rampton 286-290 and 327-333
Monday, July 11: Medical magic
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 60-74 and 119-122; Rampton 156-160 and 344-355
Tuesday, July 12: Magic and gender
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 87-88; Rampton 151-156 and 269-272
Wednesday, July 13: In-class assignment #2
Thursday, July 14: Magic at court: trusting the stones
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 54-56 and 113-115; Rampton 181-187
Friday, July 15: Herbals and potions
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 56-57 and 115-117; Rampton 165-168
Monday, July 18: Bestiaries—was that magic?
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 57-59 and 117-118
Tuesday, July 19: Midterm exam
Wednesday, July 20: Magic in the university
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 27-35 and 112
Thursday, July 21: Magic in literature
- Read: Rampton 187-199, 205-208, 249-254 and 399-404
Friday, July 22: Magic in music
Monday, July 25: The archaeology of medieval magic
Tuesday, July 26: Magic images and magic art
Wednesday, July 27: Magic figures
Thursday, July 28: In-class assignment #3
Friday, July 29: Opposition to magic
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 44-52; Rampton 168-173, 234-241 and 393-399
Monday, August 1: Magic in the pastoral literature and preaching
- Read: Rampton 139-142, 160-165, 214-218 and 269-272
Tuesday, August 2: Sorcery
- Read: Rampton 102-104 and 234
Wednesday, August 3: In-class assignment #4
Thursday, August 4: Witchcraft
- Read: Lawrence-Mathers and Escobar-Vargas 80-87; Rampton 281-286, 295-314 and 344-357
Friday, August 5: Final exam