Rules for hand-in homework

MAT 4930: Curves and Surfaces
Spring 2014


Homework will be collected at the beginning of the period on the announced hand-in day, and must be completed and stapled together before the start of the class period.

I have a general rule that has many corollaries. The general rule is, “Don’t make your homework unnecessarily difficult or unpleasant for me to grade.” Some of the corollaries are:

  • The homework you hand in must be neat, and must be written in pen (not pencil!), or typed. You may ask me in class why I have the no-pencil rule.
    • Work everything out on scrap paper first.
    • Rewrite the solutions carefully on clean sheets of 8.5″ x 11″ paper, leaving enough space for me to write comments.
    • Staple the sheets together, if there’s more than one sheet. Do not use paper clips. Do not attach your sheets of paper simply by folding and/or tearing the corners. Stapling is the only approved attachment-method; anything else makes extra work for me.
  • I won’t grade homework that is messy, or that looks like it has been erased and written over (or written over without being erased). Crossing-out is okay. Over-writing is not.
  • I won’t grade homework that has shreds of paper dangling from it (for example, from being ripped out of a spiral-bound notebook), or that comes apart when I turn pages.

On all work submitted for credit by students at the University of Florida, the following pledge is implied:

    “On my honor, I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.”

If you have a friend or friends in this class with whom you like to work on homework, see me. What I’m most interested in is that you learn, and that you enjoy the process. This class is not a competition. I will probably be willing to authorize some collaborative efforts, but not unless I know about them in advance.

Last update made by D. Groisser Jan 17 22:28 EST 2013

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