Published Papers


Jonathan H. Hamilton

“Optimal Tax Theory: The Journey from the Negative Income Tax to the Earned Income Tax Credit” Southern Economic Journal (April 2010, 2009 Presidential Address)

“Commodity Tax Competition and Industry Location under the Destination and Origin Principle” (with Kristian Behrens, Gianmarco Ottaviano, and Jacques-François Thisse), Regional Science and Urban Economics (July, 2009)

“Commodity Tax Harmonization and the Location of Industry” (with Kristian Behrens, Gianmarco Ottaviano, and Jacques-François Thisse), Journal of International Economics (July, 2007; revision of “Destination- vs. Origin-based Taxation and the Location of Industry”, CEPR Working Paper No. 4671)

“Optimal Nonlinear Income Taxation with a Finite Population” (with Steven Slutsky), Journal of Economic Theory, 2007

“Private Information, Coasian Bargaining, and the Second Welfare Theorem” (with Dagobert Brito, Michael Intriligator, Eytan Sheshinski, and Steven Slutsky), Journal of Public Economics, 2006

“Equilibrium with Strategy Dependent Trembles” (with Steven Slutsky), International Journal of Game Theory, 2005

“Optimal Income Taxation and the Ability Distribution: Implications for Migration Equilibria” (with Pierre Pestieau), International Tax and Public Finance, 2005

“Nonlinear Price Discrimination with a Finite Number of Consumers and Constrained Recontracting” (with Steven Slutsky), International Journal of Industrial Organization 2004