Hemaho B. Taboe, Asare-Baah, M., Iboi, E. A., & Ngonghala, C. N. (2023). Critical assessment of the impact of vaccine-type and immunity on the burden of COVID-19. Mathematical Biosciences,360, 108981.
Ngonghala, Calistus N., Hemaho B. Taboe, Salman Safdar, and Abba B. Gumel. “Unraveling the dynamics of the Omicron and Delta variants of the 2019 coronavirus in the presence of vaccination, mask usage, and antiviral treatment.” Applied mathematical modelling114 (2023): 447-465.
Hemaho B. Taboe, Asare-Baah, M., Yesmin, A., & Ngonghala, C. N. (2022). The impact of age structure and vaccine prioritization on COVID-19 in West Africa. Infectious Disease Modelling, 7(4), 709-727.
Hémaho B. Taboe, Kolawolé V. Salako, James M. Tison, Calistus N. Ngonghala, Romain Glèlè Kakaï, Predicting COVID-19 spread in the face of control measures in West Africa, Mathematical Biosciences, 328, 108431, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mbs.2020.108431
Honfo, Sewanou H., Hemaho B. Taboe, and Romain Glèlè Kakaï. “Modeling COVID-19 dynamics in the sixteen West African countries.” Scientific African 18 (2022): e01408.
Ahlou, A. E., Taboe, H. B., Fantodji, C., & Saizonou, J. (2024). Unraveling the quality of implementation of sexual and reproductive health projects among adolescents and youths in low-income regions: a case study of the JADES 2 project in Niger in 2021. The Pan African Medical Journal, 47.
Romain Glèlè Kakaï , Sewanou H. Honfo , Hemaho B. Taboe and Mahouton Norbert Hounkonnou. Mathematics for Human Flourishing in the Time of COVID-19 and Post COVID-19 (pp.101-116).
Hemaho B. Taboe, Sergei S. Pilyugin, Calistus N. Ngonghala et al (2024). Resolve Lassa Fever Persistence: A Compartmental Model with Environmental Virus-Host-Vector Interaction., 15 October 2024, available at Research Square [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-5248593/v1] (submitted, Dec 2024)
Armel C. G. Mensah, Tatiana W. Koura, Barthélemy B. Yarou, Cedric Mankpons antoine Assogba, Hemaho B. Taboe, Francoise Assogba Komlan and Guillaume Amadji (2024). Understanding the Difficulties of Tomato Production in OffSeason: Examining the Influence of Sowing Dates on Virus Incidence and Yield in Benin. (Submitted, Dec 2024)
Kakaï, Romain Lucas Glèlè, Yvette Montcho, Hemaho Beaugard Taboe, and Kassifou Traore. “Modeling Mpox Transmission and Burden Across VariousVaccination Levels in the DRC Using an Age-Structured Model.” (2024). (Submitted, Dec 2024)