Study participant showing indices of unhappiness
Jessica (foreground) deciding whether to try out as belly dancer, ABA Atlanta 2006
Jessica, Claudia, Super Dave, me, Natalie, Carrie, Pam, ABA San Francisco 2003
Lots of students, ABA Chicago 2005
Peg & me, 100 mile bicycle race, October 2005
Witch Pam, Carrie (escaped pigeon), me (intestinal tumor), Jessica tool girl, Dave Warhol, Halloween 2003
Claudia, Jessica, Pam, Prader WIlli Conference Niagara Falls 2006
Jon Bailey, me, Jack Michael, Murray Sidman, Tim Vollmer, FABA Sarasota 2005
My fun car, 1986 Ferrari
My mentor, Jon Bailey, ABA Chicago 2005
Sarah, Pam, Michele, Erin, Claudia (milking cow), ABA Chicago 2005