Jack Ewel is an emeritus professor in the Department of Biology.
Areas of Interest/Research
Most of my work deals with ecosystem processes, a broad topic that I most often addresses through experiments. I have worked on ecological succession in terrestrial, tropical ecosystems, with special emphasis on the early phases of regrowth and recovery following agriculture. I have also worked on invasive species, particularly the mechanisms that influence invasibility, and in restoration ecology. Currently, I am engaged in synthesis work involving long-term data sets from my work in tropical ecosystems, exploring the effects of life-form richness and stand turnover on ecosystem functioning.
Contact Information
Office: 322A Carr Hall
Phone: (352) 392-1095
Fax: (352) 392-3704
Email: jackewel@ufl.edu
Mailing address:
Department of Biology
University of Florida
P.O. Box 118525
Gainesville, FL