For further information or reprints, please contact Jack Ewel <jackewel@ufl.edu>
Ewel, J. J. 1999. Natural systems as models for the design of sustainable systems of land use. Agroforestry Systems 45:1-21. [Errata: p. 11, Zea maiz s.b. Zea mays; Fig. 3, vertical axis units s.b. centigrams/ha; legends, Figs. 3, 4 & 5, first sentence, at La Selva, Costa Rica s.b. at CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica.] (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 1993. The power of biology in the sustainable land use equation. Biotropica 25: 250-251. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 1991. Yes, we got some bananas. (Diversity column). Conservation Biology 5: 423-425. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J., M. J. Mazzarino, & C. W. Berish. 1991. Tropical soil fertility changes under monocultures and successional communities of different structure. Ecological Applications 1: 289-302. (PDF)
Hazlett, D. L. 1989. Provenance, age, and defoliation effects on the growth of Cordia alliodora in Central America. Forest Ecology and Management 28: 191-202.
Babbar, L. I. & J. J. Ewel. 1989. Descomposición del follaje en diversos ecosistemas sucesionales tropicales. Biotropica 21: 20-29. (PDF)
Berish, C. W. & J. J. Ewel. 1988. Root development in simple and complex tropical successional ecosystems. Plant and Soil 106: 73-84. (PDF)
Brown, B. J. & J. J. Ewel. 1988. Responses to defoliation of species-rich and monospecific tropical plant communities. Oecologia 75: 12-19. (PDF)
Mazzarino, M. J., J. Ewel, C. Berish, & B. Brown. 1988. Efectos de una sucesión de cultivos en la fertilidad de suelos volcánicos respecto a la sucesión natural. Turrialba 38: 345-351. (PDF)
Young, K. R., J. J. Ewel, & B. J. Brown. 1987. Seed dynamics during forest succession in Costa Rica. Vegetatio 71: 157-173. (PDF)
Matson, P., P. Vitousek, J. Ewel, M. Mazzarino, & P. Robertson. 1987. Nitrogen transformations in a cleared tropical forest soil. Ecology 68: 491-502. (PDF)
Brown, B. J. & J. J. Ewel. 1987. Herbivory in simple and complex tropical successional ecosystems. Ecology 68: 108-116. (PDF)
Ewel, J. J. 1986. Designing agricultural ecosystems for the humid tropics. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 17: 245-271. (PDF)
Berish, C. W. 1986. Leaf-cutting ants (Atta cephalotes) select nitrogen-rich forage. The American Midland Naturalist 115: 268-276.
Russell, A. E. & J. J. Ewel. 1985. Leaching from a tropical Andept during big storms: A comparison of methods. Soil Science 139: 181-189. (PDF)
Blanton, C. M. & J. J. Ewel. 1985. Leaf-cutting ant herbivory in successional and agricultural tropical ecosystems. Ecology 66: 861-869. (PDF)
Raich, J. R., J. J. Ewel & M. P. Olivera. 1984. Soil-CO2 efflux in simple and diverse ecosystems on a volcanic soil in Costa Rica. Turrialba 35: 33-42. (PDF)
Williams-Linera, M. G. & J. J. Ewel. 1984. Effect of autoclave sterilization of a tropical andept on seed germination and seedling growth. Plant and Soil 82: 263-268. (PDF)
Hendry, C. D., C. W. Berish, & E. S. Edgerton. 1984. Precipitation chemistry at Turrialba, Costa Rica. Water Resources Research 20: 1677-1684.
Berish, C. W. 1982. Root biomass and surface area in three successional tropical forests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 12: 699-704.
Ewel, J., S. Gliessman, M. Amador, F. Benedict, C. Berish, R. Bermúdez, B. Brown, A. Martínez, R. Miranda, & N. Price. 1982. Leaf area, light transmission, roots, and leaf damage in nine tropical plant communities. Agro-Ecosystems 7: 305-326. (PDF)
Alvarado, A., C. W. Berish, & F. Peralta. 1981. Leaf-cutter ant (Atta cephalotes) influence on the morphology of Andepts in Costa Rica. Soil Science Society of America Journal 45: 790-794.
Ewel, J., C. Berish, B. Brown, N. Price, & J. Raich. 1981. Slash and burn impacts on a Costa Rican wet forest site. Ecology 62: 816-829. (PDF)
Theses and Dissertations
K. R. Young (M.S. 1984). Seeds in the Soil of Successional Vegetation at Turrialba, Costa Rica. University of Florida.
A. E. Russell (M.S. 1983). Nutrient Leaching During Large Storms in Tropical Successional Ecosystems. University of Florida.
C. W. Berish (Ph.D. 1983). Roots, Soil, Litter, and Nutrient Changes in Simple and Diverse Tropical Successional Ecosystems. University of Florida.
B. J. Brown (Ph.D. 1982). Productivity and Herbivory in High and Low Diversity Tropical Successional Ecosystems in Costa Rica. University of Florida.
C. M. Blanton (M.S. 1982). Patterns of Leaf-Cutting ant Herbivory in Simple and Complex Tropical Successional Ecosystems in Costa Rica. University of Florida.
Babbar Amighetti, L.I. (M.S. 1983) Descomposición del follaje en ecosistemas sucesionales en Turrialba, Costa Rica. Universidad de Costa Rica & CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica).