My CV provides details of my research career along with contributions to teaching and service. Broadly, my research focuses on the development of psychopathology, health compromising, and health promoting behaviors during adolescence. Much of this work has been on the experience of puberty with particular attention to bio-psychosocial processes, during the pubertal transition as pathways to depression and aggression (funded by NICHD and NIMH) as well as serious psychopathology. In related work, I have conducted studies on mediating mechanisms of prevention program effectiveness for a violence and alcohol, tobacco, and drug prevention program (funded by NIDA) in order to gain a better understanding of the development of social competence in early adolescence. I have also collaborated on evaluating health promotion programming with a community agency serving rural counties in Florida (funded by the Administration for Children and Families). Overall, this work has resulted in > 65 peer-reviewed publications, > 35 chapters, an edited volume, as well as 29 national and international invited talks, and >135 presentations. The majority of my published work and conference presentations included graduate student and early-career scientists as co-authors as well as exceptional undergraduates.