South Eastern Logic Symposium
March 6-8, 2006
The conference opened on Friday, March 6 with a colloquium talk by Ted Slaman on Relative Randomness.
Invited speakers in computability:
- Marat Arslanov, Kazan State University, Difference hierarchy degree structure
- Barbara Csima, Waterloo, Computability of Fraisse limits
- Valentina Harizanov, George Washington University, Orders on computable groups
- Antonio Montalban, University of Chicago, Equimorphism invariants for scattered liner orderings
- Andre Nies, University of Auckland, Recent results relating computability and randomness
- Richard Shore, Cornell, Forcing and conservation results in second order arithmetic
- Theodore Slaman, Berkeley, Relative Randomness
Invited speakers in set theory:
- Alan Dow, UNC Charlotte,
- Ilijas Farah, York University, Maharam algebras and Cohen reals
- Michael Hrusak, UNAM, Cardinal invariants of definable ideals on omega
- Justin Moore, Boise State University, Uncountable linear orders
- Slawek Solecki, UIUC, Extreme amenability of L0 and a Ramsey theorem