This list of homepages of set theorists was inspired by Computability Theory , maintained by Peter Cholak with encouragement from Ted Slaman. It is complemented by Andrzej Roslanowski’s sleek list, and by Herb Enderton’s ASL-web, links to ASL members.
Note: Institutional links point to departments and/or institutes.
Send comments, corrections, additions to jal at ufl dot edu.
Select the first letter of the last name:
[A] [B] [C] [D] [EF] [G] [H] [IJ] [K] [L] [M] [NO] [PQ] [R] [Sa] [Si] [TUVW] [XYZ]
- Abraham, Uri — Ben Gurion University
- Set theory, model theory, concurrency
- Andréka, Hajnal — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Argyros, Spiros — National Technical University of Athens
- Banach spaces, set theory
- Andretta, Alessandro — University of Torino
- Apter, Arthur — CUNY Baruch
- Mathematical Logic, specifically Set Theory: Large Cardinals and Forcing
- Aharoni, Ron — Technion
- Combinatorics, both finite and infinite, topological methods in matching theory
- Amor Montano, José Alfredo — Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
- Set theory, logic, computability, especially logic programming, automatic theorem proving, artificial intelligence
- Arhangelski, Alexander — Ohio University
- General topology
- Asperó, David — University of East Anglia
- Set theory, infinite combinatorics, forcing, forcing axioms, large cadinals, definability issues
- Aviles, Antonio — Universidad de Murcia, Spain
- Babinkostova, Liljana — Boise State University
- Set-theoretic topology
- Bahakh, Taras — National University of L’viv, Ukraine
- Topology, set theory, Banach space theory, measure theory, Ramsey theory, applications of topological and analytical methods to algebra and combinatorics
- Bankston, Paul — Marquette University
- Logic, topology
- Bagaria, Joan — University of Barcelona
- Set theory, combinatorics, forcing, the continuum problem, generic absoluteness, large cardinals and descriptive set theory
- Barbanel, Julius — Union College
- Logic, set theory, fair division
- Bartoszynski, Tomek — National Science Foundation
- Set theory of the reals
- Bartosova, Dana
— University of Sao Paulo- topological dynamics, set theory, general topology, model theory
- Barwise, Jon, 1943-2000
- Ben-David, Shai — Technion
- Bilaniuk, Stefan — Trent University
- Combinatorial set theory, particularly problems about Souslin trees; also geometry, in particular non-Desarguesian projective planes.
- Blass, Andreas R. — University of Michigan
- Logic, Set Theory, Category Theory, Computational Complexity, Combinatorics
- Borodulin-Nadzieja, Piotr — University of Wroclaw
- Set theory, topology
- Bosch, Roger — University of Oviedo
- Set theory, especially forcing, definability and descriptive set theory
- Brendle, Joerg — Kobe University
- Set theory, in particular sets of reals and applications of set theory to real analysis, algebra (group theory) and topology
- Brooke-Taylor, Andrew — University of Bristol
- Set theory and large cardinals, with applications to category theory and algebraic topology
- Brown, Elizabeth T. — James Madison University
- Set theory
- Brown, Jennifer —California State University, Channel Islands
- Boolean algebras, Tukey reductions
- Bukovsky, Lev — University of P.J.Safarik
- Burke, Dennis — Miami University of Ohio
- Set theoretic topology
- Burke, Douglas — University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Mathematical logic, foundations of mathematics, set theory, large cardinals
- Burke, Max — University of Prince Edward Island
- Caicedo, Andrés — Boise State
- Mathematical logic and foundations; mainly set theory
- Camerlo, Riccardo — Polytechnic of Torino
- Mathematical logic, set theory, real analysis, measure theory
- Cameron, Peter J. — University of London
- groups and their operands, including designs, graphs, codes, ordered sets, even topological spaces (authored textbook Sets, Logic and Categories)
- Gabriela Campero Arena — Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México
- Logic, set theory and combinatorics
- Canjar, R. Michael — University of Detroit Mercy
- Mathematical logic and set theory
- Carlson, Timothy — Ohio State
- Logic, foundations, combinatorics, set theory
- Carmody, Erin — Nebraska Wesleyan University
- Cenzer, Douglas — University of Florida
- Mathematical logic, descriptive set theory, theory of computations, combinatorics
- Cherlin, Gregory — Rutgers University
- Model theory, model theoretic algebra, infinite graphs
- Chmielewska, Katarzyna (Kasia) — Bydgoszcz Academy, Poland
- Measurability of functions, including with set-theoretic assumptions
- Ciesielski, Krzysztof (Chris) — West Virginia University
- Real Analysis, set theory, topology
- Cody, Brent — Virginia Commonwealth University
- Set theory, forcing and large cardinals
- Comfort, W. — Wesleyan University
- Point-set topology, ultrafilters, set theory, topological groups
- Conley, Clinton — Carnegie Mellon University
- Descriptive set theory and mathematical logic, Borel graphs
- Coplakova, Eva — Delft University of Technology
- Set theoretic topology
- Corazza, Paul — Maharishi University of Management
- Set theory: large cardinals and sets of reals
- Cowen, Robert — Queens College, CUNY
- Logic, set theory, graph theory
- Cox, Sean — University of Muenster
- Set theory, mathematical logic, large cardinals, forcing, inner model theory, applications of set theory
- Cuda, Karel — Karls Universitat, Prague
- Set theory, nonstandard models
- Cummings, James — Carnegie Mellon
- Set theory and mathematical logic
- Csirmaz, László — Eotvos University
- Set theory, combinatorics, and mathematical logic
- Darby, Carl
- Set theory
- Dehornoy, Patrick — Université de Caen
- Set theory, algebra and braid theory
- Deiser, Oliver — Technical University of Munich
- Set Theory, Logic, Probability Theory, Number Theory
- De la Cruz, Omar (formerly in set theory)
- Devlin, Keith — CLSI Stanford
- Dimonte, Vincenzo — U Vienna
- Set theory, in particular large cardinals
- Di Nasso, Mauro —University of Pisa
- Mathematical logic and its applications, nonstandard methods and their foundations, infinite combinatorics, foundational theories of counting
- Di Prisco, Carlos — IVIC
- Foundations of the theory of sets
- Dobrinen, Natasha — University of Denver
- Set theory, Boolean algebras, logic, foundations of mathematics
- Dominik, Thomas — UC Berkeley
- Set theory, inner model theory, precipitous ideals, stationary sets
- Donder, Hans-Dieter — University of Munich
- Dordal, Peter Lars — Loyola University
- set theory, mathematical logic, theory of programming languages, and computer networks
- Dow, Alan — University of North Carolina, Charlotte
- Set Theoretic Topology
- DuBose, Derrick — University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- Descriptive Set Theory
- Dzamonja, Mirna — University of East Anglia, UK
- Set theory and its applications, mathematical logic
- Eisworth, Todd — Ohio University
- Set theory and set-theoretic topology
- Elekes, Márton — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Set-theoretic topology
- Erdélyi-Szabo, Zsigmond — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Artificial Intelligence, intuitionistic logic, topological models, set theory
- Eklof, Paul — UC Irvine
- Logic and algebra; set-theoretic algebra
- Enayat, Ali — American University
- Set theory, mathematical logic
- Enderton, Herbert B. (died October 20, 2010)
- Esser, Olivier — Université Libre de Bruxelles
- Set theory with a universal set
- Farah, Ilijas — York University
- Applications of set theory to operator algebras
- Feng, Qi — Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Set theory, symbolic logic
- Fischer, Vera — U Vienna
- Combinatorial set theory, structure of the real line and forcing
- Flaskova, Jana — University of West Bohemia in Pilsen
- Set theory, especially ultrafilters
- Fleissner, William — University of Kansas
- Set theory, topology
- Foreman, Matt, — UC Irvine,
- Descriptive set theory, ergodic theory, set theory,
- Forster, T.E. — University of Cambridge
- Ramsey theory, Kolmogorov complexity, recursive structure of Brownian motion
- Frankiewicz, Ryszard — Polish Acadamy of Sciences
- Fremlin, David — University of Essex
- Measure theory; set-theoretic analysis
- Friedman, Sy — U Vienna
- Mathematical logic, and more specifically set theory
- Fuchino, Sakaé — Kobe University
- Set theory, Boolean algebra, computer science
- Fuchs, Gunter — CUNY Staten Island
- Set theory, inner model theory, forcing, large cardinals, applications of set theory in algebra
- Galvin, Fred — University of Kansas
- Set theory, combinatorics
- Gao, Su — North Texas State University
- foundations of mathematics, mathematical logic, and set theory
- Gerlits, János — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Set-theoretic topology, function spaces
- Geschke, Stefan — University of Bonn
- Set theory, mathematical logic
- Gitik, Moti — Tel-Aviv University
- Set theory, mathematical logic
- Gitman, Victoria — New York City College of Technology
- Set theory, models of Peano Arithmetic and computability theory
- Göbel, Rüdiger — University of Essen
- Interaction of model theory and algebra, application of methods of infinite combinatorics and set theory
- Goldstern, Martin — Technical University of Vienna
- Logic, set theory, uniform distribution, universal algebra, theoretical computer science
- Golshani, Mohammad — School of Mathematics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Teheran
- Set theory
- Gowers, W.T. — Cambridge University — Fields Medal Winner
- Functional Analysis, Combinatorics
- Grossberg, Rami — Carnegie Mellon
- model theory, especially classification theory of infinitary logics, set theory, and the applications of these areas to algebra
- Gruenhage, Gary — Auburn University
- Topology and set theory
- Hajnal, Andras — Renyi Institute
- Set theory
- Halbeisen, Lorenz — University of Zurich
- Set theory, combinatorics
- Halilovic, Ajdin — U Vienna
- Set theory, in particular large cardinals and the tree property
- Halko, Aapo — The Helsinki Logic Group
- Set theory, descriptive set theory
- Hall, Eric J. — University of Missouris, Kansas City
- Set theory, especially ZFA and models of ¬AC
- Hamburger, Peter — Indiana-Purdue University
- combinatorics, graph theory, set theory, topology
- Hamkins, Joel David — CUNY College of Staten Island, CUNY Graduate Center, reporter on Logic in New York City
- Mathematical logic, set theory, forcing, large cardinals
- Harnik, Victor — University of Haifa
- Harrington, Leo A. — UC Berkeley
- Recursion theory, model theory, set theory
- Hart, Joan — University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh
- Set theory and logic, topology, automated deduction
- Hart, K. P. — TU Delft
- Hauser, Kai — TU Berlin
- Mathematical logic and foundations, philosophy of mathematics, cognitive science
- Hellsten, Alex — Finnish Matriculation Examination Board
- Henle, Jim — Smith College
- Set theory, logic, nonstandard analysis, mathematics education, philosophy of mathematics
- Hindman, Neil — Howard University
- Topological Semigroups and Ramsey Theory
- Hirschorn, James — Stevens Institute of Technology, WebCampus
- Hjorth, Greg 1963–2011
- Holy, Peter — U Vienna
- Set theory, large cardinals, forcing, the constructible universe, and the interplay between generalized condensation principles and large cardinals
- Holben, Ryan — UC Irvine
- Set theory, forcing, combinatorial principles
- Honzik, Radek — Charles University, Prague
- Set theory
- Hrbacek, Karel — CUNY
- Set theory, nonstandard analysis, foundations of physics
- Hrusak, Michael — UNAM Morelia
- Topology and set theory
- Huuskonen, Taneli — University of Helsinki
- Model theory, set theory
- Ikegami, Daisuke — The Helsinki Logic Group
- Set theory, descriptive set theory
- Ishiu, Tetsuya — Miami University of Ohio
- Set theory
- Jackson, Steve — North Texas State University
- Logic, set theory, descriptive set theory, especially the influence of the axiom of determinancy
- Jasinski, Jakub — U Scranton
- Logic, set theory, set theoretic analysis
- Jech, Thomas J. in Prague and Jech at Penn State — Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Prague
- Set theory; preprints
- Jensen, Ronald B. — Humboldt University
- Set theory, fine structure
- Jin, Renling — College of Charleston
- Nonstandard Analysis, Set Theory, Model Theory, Measure Theory, Ergodic Theory, Probability Theory, Additive Number Theory, Point-Set Topology
- Johnstone, Thomas — New York City College of Technology
- Set theory, especially forcing axioms and large cardinals
- Jones, Albin —
- Set theory, combinatorics and mathematical logic
- Juhász, István — Renyi Institute
- Set-theoretic topology, cardinal functions, combinatorial set theory
- Junqueira, Lucia — Universidade de Sao Paulo
- Set theory and set theoretic topology
- Just, Winifred — Ohio University
- Math biology, set theory
- Kada, Masaru — Information Processing Center, Kitami Institute of Technology, Kitami
- Set theory, set theoretic topology
- Kafkoulis, George (Yorgos) — Florida International U
- Set theory, logic
- Kakuda, Yuzuru — Kobe University
- Mathematical Logic, Set Theory, Non-standard Analysis
- Kanamori, Akihiro — Boston University
- Set theory
- Kanovei, Vladimir — Institute for Information Transmission Problems, Russian Academy of Sciences,,
- Kastermans, Bart — ADGOJI where Bart is a data scientist
- Mathematical logic, almost disjoint sets, cofinitary groups, effective randomness
- Kechris, Alexander S. — Cal Tech
- Foundations of mathematics; mathematical logic and set theory; their interactions with analysis
- Kellner, Jakob — University of Vienna
- Set Theory, especially forcing theory and set theory of the reals
- Kennedy, Juliette — The Helsinki Logic Group
- Set theory and set-theoretic model theory, foundations and philosophy of mathematics, history of logic
- Ketchersid, Richard — University of Texas, Dallas
- Inner model theory, set theory
- Kleinberg, Eugene (Emeritus) — SUNY Buffalo
- Mathematical logic, infinite combinatorics
- Koenig, Bernhard
- Koepke, Peter — University of Bonn
- Set theory, inner model theory and large cardinals
- Kojman, Menachem — Ben Gurion University
- PCF, combinatorial set theory, topology
- Kolman, Oren — University of Cambridge, UK
- Set theory, model theory, infinitary combinatorics, interactions of logic and mathematics, personal research site
- Komjáth, Péter — Eötvös University — email list
- Set theory
- Koszmider, Piotr — Polish Academy of Sciences
- Banach spaces, applications of forcing, combinatorial set theory, Boolean algebras and compact spaces, independence and consistency proofs
- Kraszewski, Jan — University of Wroclaw
- Set Theory
- Krawczyk, Adam — Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw
- Set theory
- Krueger, John — University of North Texas
- Mathematical logic and set theory: forcing, consistency results, combinatorial set theory.
- Kubis, Wieslaw — Institute of Mathematics, AS CR, Prague
- Applications of set theory and topology in functional analysis
- Kunen, Kenneth — University of Wisconsin, Madison
- set theory, automated deduction, topology, measure theory
- Kurilic, Milos — University of Novi Sad
- Topology and set theory
- Kwiatkowsk, Aleksandra — UCLA
- Descriptive set theory and its connections to ergodic theory and topological dynamics
- Kysiak, Marcin — Warsaw University
- Set theory, especially small subsets of the real line, and connections of set theory with other branches of mathematics, including topology, measure theory and real analysis.
- Laflamme, Claude — University of Calgary
- Set theory; applications of set theory; combinatorial set theory/combinatorics
- Landraitis, Charles — Boston College
- Larson, Jean A. — University of Florida
- Set theory and foundations, combinatorics
- Larson, Paul — Miami University of Ohio
- Set theory
- Laver, Richard — University of Colorado
- Set theory
- Leary, Chris — SUNY Geneseo
- Set theory and logic, especially infinitary combinatorics and large cardinals
- Leathrum, Tom — Jacksonville State University
- LeComte, Dominique —University of Paris-Jussieu
- Set theory, Borel equivalence relations, functional analysis
- Leth, Steven C. — University of Northern Colorado
- Nonstandard analysis
- Leshem, Amir — Bar Ilan University
- Transmission over copper lines, statistical and array signal processing, applications of signal processing, set theory and mathematical logic
- Levinski, Jean-Pierre — Université de Caen
- Set theory
- Lipparini, Paolo — Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
- Set theory, universal algebra, model theory, topology and foundations of mathematics
- Lipton, James — Wesleyan University
- Computer science, especially relational programming, categories and logic programming, intuitionistic semantics, constructive set theory, and linear logic
- Löwe, Benedikt — University of Bonn, ILLC at Universiteit van Amsterdam
- Set theory (descriptive set theory, set theory of the reals, inner model theory), philosophy of mathematics
- López-Abad, Jordi — University of Paris VII
- Losada, Maria — Universidad Antonio Narino
- Set theory, math education
- Lubarsky, Robert — Florida Atlantic University
- Lücke, Philipp — University of Bonn
- Set theory and applications of set theory in algebra
- Magidor, Menachem — Hebrew University
- Makai jr., Endre, — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Convex geometry, discrete geometry, combinatorial geometry, set-theoretic topology
- Marcone, Alberto — University of Udine
- Reverse mathematics, descriptive set theory, wqo and bqo theory
- Marks, Andrew — California Institute of Technology
(moving to UCLA in 2015)- Recursion theory, set theory and related areas
- McAloon, Ken — Brooklyn College, CUNY
- Maté, Attila — Brooklyn College, CUNY
- Set theory
- Matet, Pierre — Université de Caen
- Logic and set theory
- Mauldin, R. Daniel — North Texas State University
- Analysis, probability, descriptive set theory, chaos and dynamical systems
- Martin, Tony — UCLA
- Logic, set theory, philosophy of mathematics
- Mathias, A. R. D. — Université de La Réunion —,,
- Set theory, axiomatics, dynamics, number theory, sociology of mathematics
- McAloon, Kenneth — Brooklyn College, CUNY
- Logic and computer science
- McKenney, Paul — Miami University of Ohio
- Mendelson, Elliott (retired) — Queens College, CUNY
- Logic and set theory
- Merimovich, Carmi — Tel-Aviv Academic College
- Set theory, especially forcing and extenders
- Michalewski, Henryk — U Warsaw
- general topology, descriptive set theory, abstract functional analysis
- Mijares, Jose (Goyo) — University of Denver
- Set theory, Ramsey theory, Topological Dynamics, Combinatorics, Functional Analysis
- Mildenberger, Heike — U Freiburg
- set theory, infinite combinatorics
- Miller, Arnold W. — University of Wisconsin, Madison
- set theory, especially independence and consistency results in axiomatic set theory using the method of forcing
- Miller, Benjamin — University of Muenster
- Descriptive set theory
- Miller, Sheila — New York City College of Technology
- Minami, Hiroaki — U Vienna
- Set theory, forcing, cardinal characteristics
- Mitchell, William J. — University of Florida
- Logic and set theory
- Matrai, Tamas
- Set theory
- Miyamoto, Tadatoshi — Nanzan University
- Mlcek, Josef — Karls Universitat, Prague
- Set theory, nonstandard models
- Monk, Don — University of Colorado
- Logic, Boolean Algebra, especially set theoretic and logical aspects
- Montenegro, Carlos — Universidad de los Andes, Bogatá
- Set theory, combinatorics, computer-aided instruction
- Moore, Justin Tatch — Cornell University
- Set theory, Ramsey theory of infinite sets
- Morgan, Charles — University of East Anglia, UK
- Moschovakis, Yiannis — UCLA and University of Athens
- Descriptive set theory, theory of algorithms
- Mota, Miguel — University of Toronto
- Set theory
- Motto Ros, Luca — U Freiburg
- set theory, descriptive set theory, Wadge theory, AD, analytic equivalence relations and quasi-orders
- Mycielski, Jan — University of Colorado
- Logic and foundations, math problems concerning the brain, games with perfect info, topological and general algebra
- Nagy, Zsigmond — Hungarian Mathematics Institute
- Set-theoretic topology, graph theory
- Neeman, Itay — UCLA
- Mathematical logic, set theory
- Nguyen Van Thé, Lionel — Université d’Aix-Marseille
- Set theory and dynamics
- Nowik, Andrzej — University of Gdansk
- Set Theory of the real line
- Nyikos, Peter — University of South Carolina
- Point-set topology and applications of special axioms of set theory
- Paris, Jeff — University of Manchester
- Mathematical logic, in particular uncertain reasoning
- Pawlikowski, Janusz —University of Wroclaw
- Perovic, Zikica — MiraCosta College
- Plebanek, Grezgorz — University of Wroclaw
- Measure theory, set-theoretic topology and analysis
- Pohlers, Wolfram — WWU Muenster
- Recursion theory, set theory, proof theory
- Pouzet, Maurice — Université Claude Bernard, Lyons 1
- Order, relations, combinatorics, both finite and infinite
- Pretorius, Lou — University of Pretoria
- Ramsey theory, discrete mathematics, combinatorics, algebra, cryptography
- Prikry, Karel — University of Minnesota
- Set theory
- Ramsamujh, Taje — Florida International U
- Descriptive Set Theory and its applications to Analysis.
- Raghavan, Dilip — National University of Singapore
- Mathematical logic, set theory and general topology
- Rathjen, Michael — Leeds University and Ohio State
- proof theory, constructive set theory, type theory
- Reclaw, Ireneusz — University of Gdansk
- Set Theory of the real line (with applications to real analysis, measure theory, topology)
- Richter, Wayne — University of Minnesota
- Recursion theory, set theory
- Rinot, Asaf — Bar-Ilan University
- Set theory and foundations of mathematics, especially infinitary combinatorics (partition relations, singular cardinal combinatorics) and set theoretic topology
- Roitman, Judith — University of Kansas
- Set theory applied to topology and Boolean algebras
- Rojas-Rebolledo, Diego — UNAM in Chiapis
- Set theory
- Rosendal, Christian — University of Illinois at Chicago
- Set theory and functional analysis
- Roslanowski, Andrzej — University of Nebraska, Omaha
- Set theory, especially set theory of the reals
- Rubin, Matatyahu – Ben Gurion University
- Model theory, set theory, general topology
- Rudominer, Mitch — was at Florida International U, now in San Francisco Bay Area
- Set theory
- Sabok, Marcin —
- Set theory and functional analysis
- Sacks, Gerald E. — Harvard University and MIT
- Logic, recursion theory, computational set theory
- Sageev, Gershon — SUNY Buffalo
- Set theory: infinite combinatorics, models, forcing, applications
Sargsyan, Grigor —Rutgers University- Logic, set theory
- Sakai, Hiroshi — Kobe University
- Set theory, large cardinals, combinatorics
- Sanchis, Luis E. — Syracuse University (EE and CIS)
- Sauer, Norbert — University of Calgary
- Set theory, universal algebra, graph theory, Ramsey theory
- Schechter, Eric — Vanderbilt
- Nonlinear Initial Value Problems, Functional Analysis, The Axiom of Choice and Weak Forms of Choice, Nonclassical Logics.
- Scheepers, Marion — Boise State University
- Set theory, game theory, cryptology, elementary number theory, algorithmic phenomena in biology
- Schimmerling, Ernest — Carnegie Mellon
- Logic and Set Theory
- Schindler, Ralf — University of Muenster
- Set theory
- Schlicht, Philipp — University of Bonn
- Applications of inner model theory to descriptive set theory, large cardinals, Borel and computable reducibility, Borel and computable structures, and universality
- Schlindwein, Chaz — Lander University
- Set theory, forcing, Aronszajn trees
- Schlutzenberger, FarmerSchlutzenberger, Farmer — University of North Texas
- Set theory, inner model theory and fine structure
- Scott, Dana — Carnegie Mellon
- Seabold, Daniel — Hofstra University
- Set theory, large cardinals, strong combinatorial propositions on small uncountable cardinals
- Sgall, Jiri — Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic
- Complexity and combinatorics, On-line algorithms, DNA computations, alternative set theory
- Shakhmatov, Dmitri — Ehime University
- Applied topology, topological algebra, set-theoretic topology, general topology
- Shelah, Saharon — Hebrew University
- Shioya, Masahiro — University of Tsukuba
- Mathematical logic, set theory
- Shore, Richard — Cornell
- Mathematical logic, recursion theory, set theory
- Shi, Niandong — East Stroudsberg University
- Model theory and graph theory
- Simms, John — Marquette University
- Logic, set theory, foundations of mathematics
- Simon, Petr — Charles University, Prague
- Boolean algebras
- Sinapova, Dima — University of Illinois at Chicago
- Mathematical logic and set theory, especially singular cardinal combinatorics, and relative consistency in the context of large cardinals and forcing
- Sokic, Miodrag —Cal Tech
- Ramsey theory, set theory, topological dynamics, combinatorics, logic
- Solecki, Slawomir — University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Set theory, applications of descriptive set theory to topology and analysis
- Unger, Spencer — UCLA
- Set theory
- Solovay, Robert M. —
- Soukup, Lajos — Mathematical Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
- Set-theoretic topology, set theory
- Spinas, Otmar — C-A-U Kiel
- Set theory, descriptive set theory
- Stanley, Adrienne N. — University of Northern Iowa
- Set theoretic topology, set theory
- Stanley, Lee J. — Lehigh University
- Set theory, mathematical logic
- Stanley, Maurice C. (Mack) — San Jose State University
- Stark, W. Richard — University of South Florida
- Stavrova, Dimitrina — Steel, John — UC Berkeley
- Set theory, descriptive set theory, fine structure
- Steffens, Karsten — Universität Hannover
- Set theory, infinite combinatorics
- Steprans, Juris — York University
- Set theoretic topology
- Stern, Jacques — Ecole Normal Supérieure
- Suzuki, Akira — Kobe U
- Groebner bases, boolean-valued design theory, set theory
- Swanepol, Chris — University of South Africa
- Szeptycki, Paul — York University
- Set theoretic topology
- Szyszkowski, Marcin — University of Gdansk
- Real analysis, applications of set theory in real analysis, and combinatorics
- Takahashi, Makoto — Kobe U (Human Development)
- Mathematical logic, set theoretic topology, infinite Boolean algebras
- Taylor, Alan — Union College
- Set theory, logic, simple games, social choice, mathematical political science
- Taylor, Paul
- Astract Stone duality, intuitionistic ordinals, synthetic, stable and continuous domain theory
- Thomas, Simon — Rutgers University
- Set theory and infinite permutation groups
- Thompson, Katie — Technical University of Vienna
- Set theory and mathematical logic
- Todorcevic, Stevo — CNRS, Paris, University of Toronto,
- Set theory, combinatorics, topology
- Trang, Nam — Carnegie Mellon
- Truss, J.K. — Leeds University
- axiomatic set theory, model theory, infinite permutation groups
- Tsaban, Boaz — Bar-Ilan University
- Infinite combinatorial topology and set theory, and mathematical logic
- Tserunyan, Anush — Univeristy of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
- Descriptive set theory
- Uzcategui, Carlos — University of Los Andes, Mérida
- Descriptive set theory and its applications to analysis and topology, non-monotonic logic and theory of representation of knowledge, discrete mathematics
- Vaananen, Jouko — University of Helsinki
- Set theory, especially infinitary combinatorics, model theory, especially generalized quantifiers, infinitary logic and abstract model theory, and finite model theory
- Vaughan, Jerry E. — U North Carolina, Greensboro
- Set-theoretic Topology, General Topology, Set Theory and Logic, Functional Analysis
- Velickovic, Boban — Université Denis Diderot, Paris
- Velleman, Daniel J. — Amherst College
- Set theory
- Viale, Matteo — University of Torino
- Set theory, forcing axioms, large cardinals and singular cardinal combinatorics
- Villaveces, Andres — Universidad Nacional de Colombia
- Logic, set theory, model theory, game theory, semantics and study of information, phenomenology and its applications
- Villegas-Silva, Luis Miguel — Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa
- Fine structure, model theory and core model theory
- Vojtas, Peter — University of P.J.Safarik
- Logic, in particular in set theory; also real analysis, general topology and theoretical computer science
- Vopenka, Petr — Karls Universitat, Prague
- Set theory
- Wadge, Bill — University of Victoria
- Wagon, Stan — Macalester College
- Walczak-Typke, Agatha — The Helsinki Logic Group
- Model theory, set theory and algebra
- Watson, Stephen — York University
- Set-theoretic topology
- Weese, Martin — Universität Potsdam
- Set theoretic topology, boolean algebras
- Weiss, Tomasz — Insitute of Mathematics and Phyics, Akademia Podlaska, Siedlce, Poland
- Weiss, W. — University of Toronto
- Set theory, set-theoretic topology
- Welch, Philip — University of Bristol
- Set theory, fine structure and core models,
Problems concerning determinancy, large cardinals and strong axioms of infinity
- Set theory, fine structure and core models,
- Williams, Scott — SUNY, Buffalo
- Topology, Set Theory, Dynamics
- Wilson, Trevor — UC Irvine
- Logic and foundations
- Witzany, Jiri
- Wylie, Dorshka — Brooklyn Community College
- Set theory, large cardinals, inner models
- Wojciechowski, Jerzy — U West Virginia
- Graph theory, combinatorics
- Woodin, W. Hugh — UC Berkeley (moving to Harvard in January 2015)
- Set theory, large cardinals
- Yatabe, Shunsuke — Kobe University
- Set theory and truth theory within many-valued logic
- Yorioka, Teruyuki — Shizuoka U
- Set theory of the reals
- Yoshinobu, Yasuo — Nagoya University
- Zakrzewski, Piotr — Institute of Mathematics, University of Warsaw
- Set theory and its applications in measure theory and topology.
- Zdomskyy, Lyubomyr — U Vienna
- Set theory
- Zhang, Shugao — Sichuan University, Chengdu
- Mathematical logic, set theory
- Zhang, Yi — Sun Yat Sen University, Guangzhou
- Set theory, infinite permutation group theory, set theoretical topology and combinatorics
- Zapletal, Jindrich — University of Florida
- Set theory
- Zarach, Andrzej — East Stroudsberg University
- Set theory
- Zeman, Martin — UC Irvine
- Zoble, Stuart — High 5 Games, New Jersey
last change December 6, 2013