Papers in refereed journals
2024 “Quantifying transitivity: Uncovering relations of gender and power.” Language Variation and Change, 1-26. doi:10.1017/S0954394524000085
2016. “The road already traveled: Constructional analogy in lexico-syntactic change.” Studies in Language 40:1.26-62. doi: 10.1075/sl.40.1.02aar
2015. “Lone English-origin nouns in Spanish: The precedence of community norms.” International Journal of Bilingualism 19:4.459-480. doi: 10.1177/1367006913516021
2014. “A certain future: Epistemicity, prediction, and assertion in Iberian Spanish future expression.” Studies in Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics 7:2.215-240.
2014. “Getting closer: Codification of subjective semantic prosody in Spanish continuative aspect.” Linguistics 52:1.225-266. (co-author: Maria Fionda)
2010. “An awkward companion: Disability and the semantic landscape of English lame.” Journal of English Linguistics 38.25-55.
2010. “Pushing the envelope: looking beyond the variable context.” Language Variation and Change 22:1.1-36.
2009. “Coming back to life: From indicator to stereotype and a strange story of frequency.” Journal of Sociolinguistics 13:4.1-27.
2007. “El futuro epistémico y la variación: Gramaticalización y expresión de la futuridad desde 1600.” Moenia 13.253-274.
2005. “Quantitative measures of subjectification: a variationist study of Spanish salir(se)” Cognitive Linguistics 16:4.607-634. (co-author: Rena Torres Cacoullos)
2004. “The gendered use of salirse in Mexican Spanish: Si me salía yo con las amigas, se enojaba” Language in Society 33:4.585-607.
2004. “‘So respetamos un tradición del uno al otro’: So and entonces in New Mexican Bilingual Discourse” Spanish in Context 1:2.161-179.
2003. “Bare English-origin nouns in Spanish: rates, constraints, and discourse functions” Language Variation and Change 15:3.289-328. (co-author: Rena Torres Cacoullos)
Papers in refereed conference proceedings
2006. “Te sales: ¿puede cuantificarse la subjetivización?” VIII Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste. Serie Memorias. (co-author: Rena Torres Cacoullos)
2006. “Me voy a tener que ir yendo: A corpus-based study of the grammaticalization of the ir a + INF construction in Spanish” Selected Proceedings of the 9th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium, ed. Nuria Sagarra and Almeida Jacqueline Toribio, 263-272. Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
2003 “Determiner variation with English-origin nouns in New Mexican Spanish: Borrowing bare forms” NWAV 31. Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics. (co-author: Rena Torres Cacoullos)
2003. “Me salí a caminar: Pronominal constructions with intransitive motion verbs in northern New Mexican Spanish” in Selected Proceedings of the First Workshop on Spanish Sociolinguistics, ed. Lofti Sayahi, 123-133. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Proceedings Project.
Chapters in books
2025 La morfosintaxis del español salvadoreño. Enciclopedia Concisa de los Dialectos del Español (ENCODES), ed. Manuel Diaz-Campos and Juan M. Hernández Campoy. John Wiley & Sons.
2021 “Crippled Symphony”; “Choice”; “Walk”; “Speed.” In P. D. C. Bones & J. S. Gullion (Eds.), Redefining disability. Brill/Sense. ISBN: 978-9004512689.
2007. “Quantitative evidence for contact-induced accommodation: shifts in /s/ reduction patterns in Salvadoran Spanish in Houston” Spanish in contact: Policy, social and linguistic inquiries, ed. Kim Potowski and Richard Cameron, 327-341. John Benjamins. (co-author: José Esteban Hernández)
Edited volumes
2013. Selected Proceedings of the 16th Hispanic Linguistics Symposium. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla. (co-editors: Jennifer Cabrelli Amaro, Gillian Lord, Ana de Prada Pérez)