Also see our lab website for recent publications
- Kaan, E., Dai, H. and Xu, X. (2023) Adaptation in L2 sentence processing: An EEG study. Second Language Research;
- Kaan, E. (2023), Adaptation to and–coordination: An ERP study. Languages,8(3), 207;
- deMeurisse, G. and Kaan, E. (2023) Bilingual Attentional Control: Evidence from the Partial Repetition Cost Paradigm. Bilingualism Language and Cognition link
- Valdés Kroff, J., Souad Kheder, Aleksandra Tomic & Edith Kaan (2023). The psycholinguistics of multilingual code-switching. In Jennifer Cabrelli, Adel Chaouch-Orozco, Jorge González Alonso, Sergio M. Pereira Soares, Eloi Puig-Mayenco and Jason Rothman (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Third Language Acquisition and Processing (pp 437-465)
- Kaan, E. (2023) The neurocognition of prediction in L2 processing and learning In: Kara Morgan-Short and Janet van Hell (Eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Neurolinguistics
- Kaan, E. and Keng-Yu Lin (2023) Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Language Learning. In: M.G. Frasch and E. Porges (eds.) Vagus Nerve Stimulation. Springer Neuroscience Methods Series.
- Tomic, A. and E. Kaan (2022). Oscillatory brain responses to processing code-switches in the presence of others, Brain and Language, 231, 105139
link - Frank, S., X. Hinaut, E. Kaan, Y.-H. Khoe, L. Chen, I.E. Winther, Y. Matusevych (2022) Bilingual Sentence Processing: When Models Meet Experiments. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 44 (pp 18-19)
- Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (eds.) (2021). Prediction in second-language processing and learning, John Benjamins link
- Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (2021). Prediction in second language processing and learning: Advances and directions. In: Kaan, E. and Theres Grüter (editors) Prediction in second-language processing and learning, pp 1-24,John Benjamins. link to preprint
- Kaan, E., De Aguiar,I, Clarke, C, Lamb, D., Williamson, J. and Porges, E.(2021) A transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation study on verbal order memory. Journal of Neurolinguistics, 59,100990
- Román Fernández, P. E., Kaan, E. and Dussias, P.E. (2021) Access to verb bias and plausibility information during syntactic processing in adult Spanish–English bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 1–13.
- Kheder, S, and Kaan, E. (2021) Language control in bilinguals: The effect of proficiency and code-switching frequency. Cognition, 209, temporary link to publication
- Dai, H. Kaan, E. and Xu, Xiaodong ( 2021) Understanding counterfactuals in transparent and non-transparent context: An ERP investigation. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition.
- Lee, A., Perdomo, M. and Kaan, E. (2020) Native and second-language processing of contrastive pitch accent: An ERP study. Second Language Research, 36 (4), 503-527. doi:10.1177/0267658319838300 Link to accepted version:
- Kaan, E., Kheder, S., Kreidler, A., Tomic, A. and Valdes Kroff, J. (2020) Processing code-switches in the presence of others: an ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology, 11: 1288.
- Chun, E., and Kaan, E. (2020) Effects of speaker-accent on syntactic priming in second-language learners. Second Language Research.
- Perdomo, M., and Kaan, E. (2019) Prosodic cues in second-language speech processing: A visual world eye-tracking study. Second Language Research 367, (2), 349-375.
- Chun, E. and Kaan, E. (2019). L2 Prediction during complex sentence processing. Journal of Cultural Cognitive Science.
- Kheder, S., & Kaan, E. (2019). Lexical selection, cross-language interaction, and switch costs in habitually codeswitching bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 22(3) 569 – 589. DOI:10.1017/S1366728918000500.
- Kaan, E., Futch, C., Fernández Fuertes, R., Mujcinovic, S. and Álvarez de la Fuente, E. (2018) Adaptation to syntactic structures in native and non-native sentence comprehension. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40 (1) 3-27. link to accepted version
- Kaan, E. and Chun, E. (2018). Syntactic Adaptation. In: D. Watson & K. Federmeier (Eds.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation, Volume 68.
- Kaan, E., & Chun, E. (2018). Priming and adaptation in native speakers and second-language learners. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 21, 228−242. DOI:10.1017/S1366728916001231; Corrected pdf (April 2017) and supplementary materials
- Stowe, L.A., Kaan, E., Sabourin, L. & Taylor, R. (2018). The sentence wrap-up dogma, Cognition, 176, 232-247. pdf
- Siyanova-Chanturia, A., Conklin, K., Caffarra, S. Kaan, E. & Van Heuven, W. J. B. (2017). Representation and processing of multi-word expressions in the brain. Brain and Language, 175, 111-122.
- Boland, E., Kaan, E., Valdés Kroff, J., & Wulff, S. (2016). Psycholinguistics and variation in language processing. Linguistics Vanguard (Vol. 2). DOI:10.1515/lingvan-2016-0064.
- Kaan, E. (2016). Susceptibility to interference: underlying mechanisms, and implications for prediction. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 20(4), 696-697. DOI:10.1017/S1366728916000894. pdf
- Chun, E., Barrow, J., & Kaan, E.(2016). Native English speakers’ structural alignment with foreign-accented speech. Linguistics Vanguard. DOI:10.1515/lingvan-2016-0027.
- Kheder, S., and Kaan, E. (2016) Processing Code-Switching in Algerian Bilinguals: Effects of Language Use and Semantic Expectancy. Frontiers in Psychology,
- Kaan, E., Kirkham, J., and Wijnen, F. (2016) Prediction and integration in native and second-language processing of elliptical structures. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 19(1), 1-18,
- Kaan, E. (2015) Knowing without predicting, predicting without learning, Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 5:4 (2015), 482–486.
- Wayland, R. , Kaan, E., and Zhu, Y. Perception of Pitch Contours by Native and Non-Native Tone Listeners. The Scottish Consortium for ICPhS 2015 (Ed.), Proceedings of the 18th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Glasgow, UK: the University of Glasgow.
- Lu, S., Wayland, R. and Kaan, E. (2015) Effects of Production Training and Perception Training on Tone Perception – A Behavioral and ERP Study. Brain Research, 1624, 28-44.
- Kaan, E., Ballantyne, J. C., & Wijnen, F. (2015). Effects of reading speed on second-language sentence processing. Applied Psycholinguistics, 36(04), 799-830. DOI:10.1017/S0142716413000519
- Kaan, E. & Carlisle, E. (2014). ERP indices of stimulus prediction in letter sequences. Brain Science, 4, 509-531, DOI:10.3390/brainsci4040509.
- Kaan, E. , (2014). Predictive sentence processing in L2 and L1: What is different? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism, 4(2), 257-282.
- Kaan, E., Wayland, R., and Keil, A. (2013). Changes in oscillatory brain networks after lexical tone training, Brain Sciences, 3,757-780.
- Kaan, E., Overfelt, C., Tromp, D., and Wijnen, F. (2013). Integrating gapped verbs. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 42, 307-338, DOI:10.1007/s10936-012-9220-8.
2011 and prior
- Kirkham, J., Lu, S., Wayland, R., Kaan, E. (2011). Comparison of vocalists and instrumentalists on lexical tone perception and production tasks. Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences.
- Kaan, E., Dallas, A., Wijnen, N.K. (2010). Syntactic predictions in second-language sentence processing. In: Jan-Wouter Zwart and Mark de Vries (eds). Structure preserved. Festschrift in the honor of Jan Koster. John Benjamins. (pp. 208-213).
- Wayland, R., Herrera, E., Kaan, E. (2010). Effects of musical experience on lexical pitch contour perception. Journal of Phonetics, 38, 654-662.
- Kaan, E.(2009). Syntax and its putative relation to the brain. In: D. Bickerton and E. Szathmáry (eds.). Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pp. 117-133)
- Tallerman, M., D. Bickerton, D. Bouchard, T. Givón, E. Kaan, F. Newmeyer, L. Rizzi,and M. Steedman. (2009). What kinds of syntactic phenomena must biologists, neurobiologists, and computer scientists try to explain and replicate? In: D. Bickerton and E. Szathmáry (eds.). Biological Foundations and Origin of Syntax. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 3. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pp 135-157)
- Wayland, R., Kaan, E., Bao, M. and Barkley, C.M. (2008). Effects of native language and training on speaker normalization on lexical tone perception: A behavioral and ERP study. In: Emily Tummons and Stephanie Lux (eds.), Proceedings of the 2007 Mid-America Linguistics Conference, Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics Vol. 30, 359 .
- Kaan, E.,Barkley, C.M., Bao, M., Wayland, R. (2008). Thai lexical tone perception in native speakers of Thai, English and Mandarin Chinese: an event-related potentials training study. BMC Neuroscience,9:53.
- Dallas, A.C. and Kaan, E. (2008) Second language processing of filler-gap dependencies by late leaners. Language and Linguistics Compass, 2 (3), 372-388.
- Kaan, E. (2007) Event-related potentials and language processing. A brief introduction. Language and Linguistics Compass, 1(6), 572-591.
- Kaan, E., Dallas, A.C., Barkley, C. M. (2007). Dealing with new discourse referents: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1146, 199-209
- Kaan, E., Wayland, R., Bao, M., Barkley, C.M. (2007). Effects of native language and training on lexical tone perception: an ERP study. Brain Research, 1148, 113-122.
- Wijnen, F. and Kaan, E. (2006). Dynamics of semantic processing: The interpretation of bare quantifiers. Language and Cognitive Processes, 21(6), 684-720.
- Kaan, E.(2005). Direction effects in number word comparison: An Event Related Potential study. Neuroreport, 16(16), 1853-1856.
- Kaan, E., Wijnen, F. and Swaab, T.Y. (2004). Gapping: Electrophysiological evidence for immediate processing of “missing” verbs in sentence comprehension. Brain and Language, 89, 584-592.
- Kaan, E. and Vasic, N. (2004). Cross-serial dependencies in Dutch: The influence of NP-type on processing load. Memory & Cognition, 32 (2), 175-184.
- Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y (2003). Electrophysiological evidence for serial processing: A comparison between nonpreferred and ungrammatical continuations. Cognitive Brain Research, 17 (3), 621-635.
- Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y. (2003). Revision, repair and complexity in sentence processing: An electrophysiological differentiation. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15 (1), 98-110.
- Kaan, E., and Vinokurova, N. (2003). Resolving number ambiguities in Sakha: Evidence for the Determiner Phrase as a processing domain. In: M. Coene and D’hulst (eds.). From NP to DP. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, pp. 179-193.
- Vinokurova, N., and Kaan, E. (2003). DP as a processing domain: Evidence from Sakha. InÖzsoy, A.S., Taylan, E. & Koç, A. (eds.), Studies in Turkish Linguistics; Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference in Turkish Linguistics. Istanbul:Bogazici University Press.
- Kaan, E. and Swaab, T.Y. (2002). The neural circuitry of syntactic comprehension. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 6 (8), 350-356.
- Kaan, E.(2002). Investigating the effects of distance and number interference in agreement processing: An ERP study. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 31 (2),165-193.
- Kaan, E. (2001). Effects of NP-type on the resolution of word order ambiguities. Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 30 (5), 527-545.
- Kaan, E., Harris, A., Gibson, E. and Holcomb, P. (2000). The P600 as an index of syntactic integration difficulty. Language and Cognitive Processes, 15 (2), 159-201.
- Kaan, E.(1998). Sensitivity to NP-type: processing subject-object ambiguities in Dutch. Journal of Semantics, 15, 335-354.
- Kaan, E. (1997) Processing subject-object ambiguities in Dutch, PhD. dissertation, University of Groningen.
- Kaan, E. (1992). Minimalist Approach to Extraposition, MA thesis, University of Groningen.