2016 UF News: “Old teeth, new stories.” https://universityofflorida.exposure.co/old-teeth-new-stories
2015 UF News: “Tales teeth can tell: Dental enamel reveals surprising migration patterns in ancient Indus civilizations.”
2014 UF News: “Lead in teeth can tell a body’s tale, UF study finds.” Interviewed for Reuters and featured as: “Lead in teeth holds secrets of person’s origins, research shows.”
2013 The Analytical Scientist: “CSI: Geographical jigsaw.”
2012 The New York Times: “A Jane Doe Gets a Back Story”. Press-release related to my GSA Fall 2012 talk.
2012 UF Explore Magazine: “Heating up Cold Cases.”
2011 UF News: “Long distance: Research shows ancient rock under Haiti came from 1,000+ miles away”; Interview for WCJB-TV20 (ABC) aired on July 12, 2011 6 PM News; Explore Magazine (UF): “Lava Deposits Reveal Haiti’s Geological Roots”
2009 ETH Life: “What do dinosaurs and the Maya have in common?”
2008 Science News Magazine: “Machu Picchu’s far-flung residents”;
2008 National Geographic News: “India Basins Half a Billion Years Older Than Thought”;
2006 UF News: “At an underwater volcano, evidence of man’s environmental impact”; Alligator: “Pollution scars ocean floor”; Corriere Della Sera (in Italian): “Un complesso studio dei geologi dell’Università della Florida Il Tirreno è inquinato dal piombo australiano C’è arrivato tramite il piombo che veniva addizionato alle benzine prima dell’introduzione della cosiddetta benzina verde”
2004 UF News: “UF geologists: new technique sheds light on Maya history”