Kernaghan, Richard. (2022). Crossing the Current: Aftermaths of War along the Huallaga River. Stanford University Press.
Kernaghan, Richard. (2022). “El resplandor.” Anthropology News website, August 29, 2022.
Kernaghan, Richard. (2022). El trueno lejano: imágenes que persisten en el río Huallaga (The Distant Thunder—images that persist in the Huallaga River) Encartes – Revista digital multimedia, 5:9, 59-85,
Kernaghan, Richard and Gabriela Zamorano Villareal. (2022). “Obtuso es el sentido”: visualidad y práctica etnográfica. (Sense Rendered Obtuse: Visuality and Ethnographic Practice) Encartes – Revista digital multimedia, 5: 9, 1-27,
Kernaghan, Richard (2017). “Oblivious Title: on the Political Time of Land Tenure in Postwar Peru.” Anthropological Quarterly 90:3, 637-674, 10.1353/anq.2017.0039
Kernaghan, Richard. (2015). “Cocaine’s Minor Destinies—Ephemerality and legal threat on the margins of the Peruvian state.” American Ethnologist. 42:4, 658–672.
Kernaghan, Richard. (2014). “Time as Weather. Corpse-work in the Prehistory of Political Boundaries.” In Governing the Dead: Sovereignty and the Politics of Dead Bodies, edited by Finn Stepputat, Manchester University Press, 179-202.
Kernaghan, Richard. (2013). “Readings of Time: of Coca, Presentiment and Illicit Passage in Peru” In Times of Security: Ethnographies of Fear, Protest and the Future, edited by Martin Holbraad and Morten Axel Pedersen. Routledge, 118-156.
Kernaghan, Richard. (2012). “Furrows and Walls, or the Legal Topography of a Frontier Road in Peru.” Mobilities 7:4, 501-520,
Kernaghan, Richard. (2009). Coca’s Gone: of Might and Right in the Huallaga Post-Boom. Stanford University Press.