
Kevin Funk is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science and the Center for Latin American Studies at the University of Florida.

His dissertation analyzes the political economy and geopolitical significance of relations between Latin America and the Arab world, and utilizes interpretive methodologies to interrogate the claim that there is a “transnational capitalist class” with a shared class consciousness.

He also serves as the Co-President for Graduate Assistants United, the labor union representing all Graduate Assistants at the University of Florida.

Areas of Interest/Research

South/Latin American and global political economy; Arab-Latin American relations; globalization and transnationalism; International Relations and the Global South; postcolonialism and International Relations theory; Chilean politics; qualitative and interpretive methodologies.

Selected Publications

2013. “The Political Economy of South America’s Global South Relations: States, Transnational Capital, and Social Movements.” The Latin Americanist. 57(1): 3-20. Link.

2012. “’Today There Are No Indigenous People’ in Chile? Connecting the Mapuche Struggle to Anti-Neoliberal Mobilizations in South America.” Journal of Politics in Latin America 4(2): 125-140. Link.                                          

2008. The Scramble for Africa: Darfur – Intervention and the USA. Montreal: Black Rose Books (with Steven Fake). Link.


M.A., Political Science (International Relations), University of Florida (2012)

B.A., Political Science, English Writing, Latin American Studies, University of Pittsburgh (2005)

Contact Information

Office Hours (spring 2015): M 3:15-4:15 & W 1:00-2:00 (or by appointment)

Office (spring 2015): 317 Anderson

Email: kevin.funk[at]

Department of Political Science
234 Anderson Hall
P.O. Box 117325
Gainesville, FL 32611
Ph: (352) 392-0262
Fax: (352) 392-8127