IDH 3931 Capitalism and Its Greatest Critic: On Marx and Marxism (spring 2015)

Time and Location

M 7 (1:55-2:45), LIT 0117

Description and Goals

As Robert Tucker notes in the preface to The Marx-Engels Reader, “A knowledge of the writings of Marx and Engels is virtually indispensable to an educated person in our time, whatever his political position or social philosophy.” Yet despite the undisputed and enduring significance of Marx and Marxist/Marxian thought, it is relatively “uncommon” (hence the name of the course) in the United States for spaces to exist in which prolonged engagement with Marxism in its many diverse manifestations is possible. This course attempts to provide one such space.

The aim is not to create or cater to a would-be cell of neo-Marxist acolytes, but to deeply engage with his arguments and ways of thinking, as well as those of his interlocutors. While the first (and longer) portion of this class entails careful reading of some of Marx’s most important texts, we will spend the last classes analyzing contemporary extensions and critical appraisals of this rich body of thought. Throughout, our concern is with linking Marx’s insights with current issues, problems, and debates.

For example, through this course students will:

1)  Familiarize themselves with Marx’s critiques of the capitalist system, situate them historically, and consider their impact on the trajectory of world history.

2) Engage with critiques of Marxist thought and contemplate the extent to which Marx/Marxism are still relevant for understanding contemporary politics and economics in the U.S. and throughout the world.

3) Reflect on timeless debates within the humanities and the social sciences concerning how to conduct research and navigate the tension between structure and agency, as well as whether the proper role of intellectuals is to “interpret[] the world” or “to change it.”


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