Time and Location
For section 2869, the lectures are taught MWF 5th period by Mr. Mahoney in NRN 137. For section 3060 the lectures are taught MWF 7th period by Mr. Amarasinghe in NRN 137.
There are no discussion classes for this course. However, I will still hold office hours Monday 6th period, Tuesday 7th period, and Wednesday 6th period. I am also available by appointment, or over email. Full contact details are on my home page.
The written homework is from the book Calculus with Applications, 10th Edition by Lial, Greenwall, and Richey. There is additional written homework in the lecture notes. The online homework is accessible through both MyMathLab and Canvas. The assignments are accessible through Canvas. Please take care to show work for written assignments that are to be handed in.