%%%% Required Packages \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{UF-letterhead}[2018/07/28; A class file for writing official UF-letterhead.] \LoadClass{article} \RequirePackage{ifthenx} \RequirePackage{xcolor}% Used to define UF official colors \RequirePackage[top=2.5in,left=1.25in,bottom=1in,right=0.625in]{geometry}% Text margins are taken from UF-identity website \RequirePackage{graphicx}% Used to include logo. \RequirePackage[absolute]{textpos}% Used to position header/footer info precisely. \RequirePackage{ifthenx}% Used to change versions. \RequirePackage{fancyhdr}% Use to build the logo header and the other header/footer designs. %%%% New Conditional Toggles \newif\ifWebsiteVer% Turn this on with the command \WebsiteVertrue if you want the website letterhead. \WebsiteVertrue \newif\ifColored% Turn this off with the command \Coloredfalse to default to black and white versions. \Coloredtrue %% Package Options %\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \DeclareOption{color}{ % This option will convert the output to a layout suitable for a doc cam or projector. \Coloredtrue } %\DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}} \DeclareOption{blkwht}{ % This option will convert the output to a layout suitable for a doc cam or projector. \Coloredfalse } \DeclareOption{prev}{ % This option will print out the completed course notes, for TAs and/or as reference for the instructor. \WebsiteVerfalse } \ProcessOptions\relax% %%% UF Colors \definecolor{UFBlue}{RGB}{0,33,165} \definecolor{UFOrange}{RGB}{250,70,22} %%%%% Commands to hold some of the config data in case it should be changed at some point. \providecommand{\UFCollege}{\setfontPal{\bf College of Liberal Arts and Sciences}} \providecommand\UFDept{\setfontPal{\bf Department of Mathematics}} \providecommand\UFlogofile{UF_Signature.eps} \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt} %%%% UF Typeset Requirements %Remove paragraph indentation \parindent0pt \setlength{\parskip}{0.8\baselineskip} \raggedright \pagestyle{fancy} % A command to set font to Palantino \providecommand{\fontPalatino}{\fontfamily{ppl}\selectfont} \DeclareTextFontCommand{\setfontPal}{\fontPalatino} % Build the footer depending on which version of letterhead you want. \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt} \fancyfoot{} \ifWebsiteVer \fancyfoot[L]{% {\footnotesize\ifColored\color{UFBlue}\fi \setfontPal{An Equal Opportunity Institution} }} \else \fancyfoot[C]{% {\footnotesize\ifColored\color{UFBlue}\fi \setfontPal{An Equal Opportunity Institution} }} \fi %%%%% Build the UF frontpage header \fancyhead[L]{% \ifthenelse{\thepage < 2}{% Only display the header logo and address on first page. \begin{textblock*}{\textwidth}(1in,0.7in) \includegraphics[width=3in]{\UFlogofile}\\ \vspace{.2cm}\ifWebsiteVer\else\hrule\fi \end{textblock*} \begin{textblock*}{\textwidth}(1in,1.4in) % 6.375=8.5 - 1.5 - 0.625 \ifColored\color{UFBlue}\fi% \ifWebsiteVer% \hspace{2.25cm}% \UFCollege% \else% \UFDept% \fi\hfill 358 Little Hall% \\ \ifWebsiteVer% \hspace{2.25cm}% \UFDept% \fi% \hfill \setfontPal{PO Box 118105} \\ \hfill \setfontPal{Gainesville, FL 32611-8105} \\ \hfill \setfontPal{(352) 294-2350} \\ \hfill \setfontPal{Fax (352) 392-8357} \end{textblock*} }{}% }