BOOKS, Edited
- Krigbaum, John and Ambrose, Stanley H. (eds.) (2003) Bone Chemistry and Bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22:191-304.
BOOKS, Contributor of Chapter(s)
- Lape, Peter V., Krigbaum, John, Futch, Jana, Jordan, Amyg, and Peterson, Emilyg (2020) The Ira Ara site: A fortified settlement and burial complex in Timor-Leste. In (S. O’Connor, A. McWilliam, and S. Brockwell, eds.) Forts and Fortification in Wallacea: Archaeological and Ethnohistoric Investigations. Terra Australis, Canberra, ANU Press, pp. 49-66.
- Ali, Zara, Wilson, Brent, Rutherford, Mike, Fanovich, Lanya, Krigbaum, John, and Van Voorhis, Laurag (2018) Initial interpretations of the Red House Faunal Assemblage. In (B.A. Reid, ed.) An Archaeological Study of the Red House, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Kingston, Jamaica: University of West Indies Press, pp. 132-153.
- Krigbaum, John, Kamenov, George D., Van Voorhis, Laurag, and Reid, Basil A. (2018) Multi-isotopic analysis of the Red House site skeletal remains: Inferring paleodiet and paleomobility from recovered bones and teeth. In (B.A. Reid, ed.) An Archaeological Study of the Red House, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago. Kingston, Jamaica: University of West Indies Press, pp. 53-81.
- Roberts, Patrick, Krigbaum, John, and Lee-Thorp, Julia (2018) Hunting and gathering in prehistoric rainforests: Insights from stable isotope analysis. In (A.K. Lemke, ed.) Foraging in the Past: Archaeological Studies of Hunter-Gatherer Diversity. Louisville, CO: University of Colorado Press, pp. 165-216.
- Lloyd-Smith, L., Krigbaum, J. and Valentine, B.g (2016) Social affiliation, settlement pattern histories, and subsistence change in Neolithic Borneo. In (M. Oxenham and H. Buckley, eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Bioarchaeology in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. London: Routledge, pp. 257-288.
- Liu, C-h.g, Krigbaum, J., Tsang, C-h, and Liu, Y-c (2013) Paleohealth assessment of the SSH site from Iron Age Taiwan. In (K. Pechinkina and M. Oxenham, eds.) Bioarchaeology of East Asia: Movement, Contact, Health. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, pp. 417-443.
- Lloyd-Smith, Lindsay, Barker, Graeme, Barton, Huw, Cameron, Judith, Cole, Franca, Doherty, Chris, Hunt, Chris, Krigbaum, John, Lewis, Helen, Manser, Jessica, Paz, Victor, Piper, Philip .J., Rabett, Ryan J., Rushworth, Garry, and Szabó, Katherine (2013) ‘Neolithic’ societies c. 4000-2000 years ago: Austronesian farmers? In (G. Barker, ed.) Rainforest Foraging and Farming in Island Southeast Asia, Volume 1. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Monographs, pp. 255-298.
- Schultz, J.J., Warren, M.W. and Krigbaum, J. (2008) Analysis of modern cremated human remains: Gross and chemical methods. In (C. Schmidt and S. Symes, eds.) Analysis of Burned Human Remains. London: Academic Press, pp. 75-94. [The second edition of this volume was published in 2015, pp. 83-103].
- Krigbaum, John (2007) Prehistoric dietary transitions in tropical Southeast Asia: Stable isotope and dental caries evidence from two sites in Malaysia. In (M. Cohen and G. Crane-Kramer, eds.) Ancient Health: Skeletal Indicators of Agricultural and Economic Intensification. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, pp. 273-285.
- Harrison, Terry, Krigbaum, John, and Manser, Jessicag (2006) Primate biogeography and ecology on the Sunda Shelf Islands: A paleontological and zooarchaeological perspective. In (S. Lehman and J. Fleagle, eds.) Primate Biogeography: Progress and Prospects. New York: Kluwer Academic, pp. 331-372.
- Krigbaum, John and Ipoi Datan (2005) The Deep Skull and associated human remains from Niah Cave. In (Zuraina Majid, ed.) The Perak Man and other Skeletons in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: National Museums Publication, pp. 131-154.
- Krigbaum, John and Manser, Jessicag (2005) The West Mouth Burial Series from Niah Cave: Past and present. In (Zuraina Majid, ed.) The Perak Man and other Skeletons in Malaysia. Kuala Lumpur: National Museums Publication, pp. 175-206.
REFEREED Publications (g = graduate student, & = undergraduate student)
- Aronsen, G.P., Fehren-Schmitz, L., Krigbaum, J., Kamenov, G.D., Conlogue, G., Warinner, C., Griego, A., DeLuca, D., Eckels, H., Bycieweicz, R., Grurich, T., Pellatier, N., Brownlee, S., Marichal, A., Williamson, K.g, Tonoike, Y., Bellantoni, N.F. (2019). “The dead shall be raised”: Multidisciplinary analysis of human skeletons reveals complexity in 19th century immigrant socioeconomic history and identity in New Haven, Connecticut. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0219279.
- LeFebvre, M.J., deFrance, S.D., Kamenov, G., Keegan, W.F., and Krigbaum, J. (2019) The zooarchaeology and isotopic ecology of the Bahamian hutia (Geocapromys ingrahami): Evidence for pre-Columbian anthropogenic management. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0220284.
- Stone, J.H.g, Fitzpatrick, S.M., and Krigbaum, J. (2019) Stable isotope analysis of human diet at Chelechol ra Orrak, Palau. Bioarchaeology International 3(2):142-156. DOI:
- Giovas, Christina M., Kamenov, George D., Krigbaum, J. (2019) 87Sr/86Sr and 14C evidence for peccary (Tayassuidae) introduction challenges accepted historical interpretation of the 1657 Ligon map of Barbados. PLoS ONE 14(5): e0216458.
- Jeong, C., Wilkin, S., Amgalantugs, T., Bouwman, A.S., Taylor, W.T.T., Hagan, R.W., Bromage, S., Tsolmon, S., Trachsel, C., Grossman, J., Littleton, J., Makarewicz, C.A., Krigbaum, J., Burri, M., Scott, A., Davaasambuu, G., Wright, J., Irmer, F., Myagmar, E., Boivin, N., Robbeets, M., Rühli, F., Krause, J., Frohlich, B., Hendy, J., and Warinner, C. (2018) Bronze Age population dynamics and the rise of dairy pastoralism on the eastern Eurasian steppe. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
- Kamenov, G.D., Lofaro, E.M.g, Goad, G., and Krigbaum, J. (2018) Comparison of modern and archaeological human enamel chemical compositions: Implications for metal exposure through time and diagenetic changes. Journal of Archaeological Science 99:27-34.
- Sharpe, Ashley E., Emery, Kitty F., Inomata, Takeshi, Triadan, Daniela, Kamenov, George D., and Krigbaum, John (2018) Earliest isotopic evidence in the Maya region for animal management and long-distance trade at the site of Ceibal, Guatemala. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115:3605-3610.
- Tomcyzyk, Weronikag, Giersz, Miłosz, Soltysiak, Arkadiusz, Kamenov, George, and Krigbaum, John (2018) Patterns of camelid management in Wari Empire reconstructed using multiple stable isotope analysis: Evidence from Castillo de Huarmey, northern coast of Peru. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 18 pp.
- Lofaro, Ellen M.g, Kurin, Danielle S., Gómez Choque, D. Emanuel, and Krigbaum, John (2018) Reconstructing diet and mobility using multi-isotopic analysis in Apurimac, Peru (~AD 880-1260). Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences pp.
- Robertson, Kimberly L.g, Yarrow, Joshua F., Rowland, Neil E., and Krigbaum, John (2018) A rodent model of caloric restriction using bone mass, microarchitecture, and stable isotope ratios: Implications for revealing chronic food insufficiency in archaeological populations. STAR: Science & Technology of Archaeological Research 4:1-12.
- Ikehara-Quebral, Rona M., Stark, Miriam T., Belcher, William, Vuthy, Voeun, Krigbaum, John, Bentley, R. Alexander, Toomay Douglas, Michelle, and Pietrusewsky, Michael (2017) Biocultural practices during the transition to history at the Vat Komnou cemetery, Angkor Borei, Cambodia. Asian Perspectives 56(2):191-236.
- Price, Gypsy C.g, Krigbaum, John, and Shelton, Kim (2017) Stable isotopes and discriminating tastes: Faunal management practices at the Late Bronze Age settlement of Mycenae, Greece. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 14:116-126.
- Laffey, Ann O.g, Krigbaum, John, and Zimmerman, Andrew R. (2017) A protocol for pressurized liquid extraction and processing methods to isolate modern and ancient bone cholesterol for compound-specific stable isotope analysis. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 31:235-244.
- Price, T. Douglas, Plog, Stephen, LeBlanc, Steven A., and Krigbaum, John (2017) Great House origins and population stability at Pueblo Bonito, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico: The isotopic evidence. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 11:261-273.
- Sharpe, Ashley E.g, Kamenov, George D., Gilli, Adrian, Hodell, David A., Emery, Kitty F., Brenner, Mark, and Krigbaum, John (2016) Lead (Pb) isotope baselines for studies of ancient human migration and trade in the Maya region. PLoS ONE 11(11):e0164871. 28 pp.
- Whiting, Evan T.g, Steadman, David W., and Krigbaum, John (2016) Paleoecology of Miocene crocodylians in Florida: Insights from stable isotope analysis. Palaeogeography, Palaeo-climatology, Palaeoecology 451:23-34.
- Giovas, Christina M., Kamenov, George D., Fitzpatrick, Scott M., and Krigbaum, John (2016) Sr and Pb isotopic investigation of mammal introductions: Pre-Columbian zoogeographic records from the Lesser Antilles, West Indies. Journal of Archaeological Science 69:39-53.
- Eusebio, Michelle S.g, Ceron, Jasminda R., Acabado, Stephen B., and Krigbaum, John (2015) Rice Pots or Not? Exploring Ancient Ifugao Foodways through Organic Residue Analysis and Palaeobotany. National Museum Journal of Cultural Heritage 1(1):11-20.
- Valentine, Benjaminp, Kamenov, George D., Kenoyer, Jonathan Mark, Shinde, Vasante, Mushrif-Tripathy, Veena, Otárola-Castillo, Erik, and Krigbaum, John (2015) Evidence for patterns of selective urban migration in the Greater Indus Valley (2600-1900 BC): A lead and strontium isotope mortuary analysis. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0123103. https://doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0123103. 20 pp.
- Hastings, Alexanderg, Krigbaum, John, Steadman, David W., and Albury, Nancy A. (2014) Domination by reptiles in a terrestrial food web in the Bahamas prior to human occupation. Journal of Herpetology 48:380-388.
- Kurin, D.S., Lofaro, E.M.g, Gómez Choque, D.E., and Krigbaum, J. (2014) A bioarchaeological and biogeochemical study of warfare and mobility in Andahuaylas, Peru (ca. AD 1150 – 1250). International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 26:93-103.
- Robertson, Kimberly L.g, Rowland, Neil E., and Krigbaum, John (2014) Effects of caloric restriction on nitrogen and carbon stable isotope ratios in adult rat bone. Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 28:2065-2074.
- Adams, Justin W., Kegley, Anthony D.T., and Krigbaum, John (2013) New faunal stable carbon isotope data from the Haasgat HGD assemblage, South Africa, including the first reported values for Papio angusticeps and Cercopithecoides haasgati. Journal of Human Evolution 64:693-698.
- Krigbaum, John, Berger, Michael H.&, Daegling, David J., and McGraw, W. Scott (2013) Stable isotope canopy effects for sympatric monkeys at Taï Forest, Côte d’Ivoire. Biology Letters 23 August 2013 9(4):20130466. https://doi:10.1098/rsbl.2013.0466. 5 pp.
- Krigbaum, John, Fitzpatrick, Scott M., and Bankaitis, Jamieg (2013) Human paleodiet at Grand Bay, Carriacou, Lesser Antilles. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 8:210-227.
- Secord, Rossp, Bloch, Jonathan I., Chester, Stephen G.B.g, Boyer, Doug M., Wood, Aaron R., Wing, Scott L., Kraus, Mary J., McInerney, Francesca A., and Krigbaum John (2012) Evolution of the earliest horses driven by climate change in the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Science 335:959-962.
- Coutts, Karen Harveyg, Chu, Alejando, and Krigbaum, John (2011) Diet and activity in late Preceramic Peru: Preliminary isotopic data from Bandurria. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 6:196-210.
- Thornton, E.K.g, deFrance, S.D., Krigbaum, J., and Williams, P.R. (2011) Isotopic evidence for Middle Horizon to sixteenth century camelid herding in the Osmore Valley, Peru. International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 21:544-567.
- Quinn, Rhonda L., Tucker, Bryan D.g, and Krigbaum, John (2008) Diet and mobility in Middle Archaic Florida: Stable isotopic and faunal evidence from the Harris Creek archaeological site (8Vo24), Tick Island. Journal of Archaeological Science 35:2346-2356.
- Valentine, Benjaming, Kamenov, George D., and Krigbaum, John (2008) Reconstructing Neolithic groups in Sarawak, Malaysia through lead and strontium isotope analysis. Journal of Archaeological Science 35:1463-1473.
- Barker, Graeme, Barton, Huw, Bird, Michael, Daly, Patrick, Ipoi Datan, Dykes, Alan, Farr, Lucy, Gilbertson, David, Harrisson, Barbara, Hunt, Chris, Higham, Tom, Kealhofer, Lisa, Krigbaum, John, Lewis, Helen, McLaren, Sue, Paz, Victor, Pike, Alistair, Piper, Phil, Pyatt, Brian, Rabett, Ryan, Reynolds, Tim, Rose, Jim, Rushworth, Garry, Stephens, Mark, Stringer, Chris, Thompson, Jill, and Turney, Chris (2007) The ‘human revolution’ in lowland tropical Southeast Asia: The antiquity and behavior of anatomically modern humans at Niah Cave (Sarawak, Borneo). Journal of Human Evolution 52:243-261.
- Wentz, Rachel K.g, Tucker, Bryang, Krigbaum, John, and Doran, Glen H. (2006) Gauging differential health among the sexes at Windover (8Br246) using the Western Hemisphere Health Index. Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 101(2):77-83.
- Krigbaum, John (2005) Reconstructing subsistence in the West Mouth (Niah Cave) burial series using stable isotopes of carbon. Asian Perspectives 44:73-89.
- Krigbaum, John (2003) Neolithic subsistence patterns in northern Borneo reconstructed with stable carbon isotopes of enamel. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22:292-304.
- Ambrose, Stanley H. and Krigbaum, John (2003) Bone chemistry and bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22:193-199.
- Ambrose, Stanley H. and Krigbaum, John (2003) Foreword: Bone chemistry and bioarchaeology. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 22:191-192.
- Barker, G., Barton, H., Beavitt, P., Bird, M., Daly, P., Doherty, C., Gilbertson, D., Hunt, C., Krigbaum, J., Lewis, H., Manser, J.g, McLaren, S., Paz, V., Piper, P., Pyatt, B., Rabett, R., Reynolds, T., Rose, J., Rushworth, G., and Stephens, M. (2002) Prehistoric foragers and farmers in southeast Asia: renewed investigations at Niah Cave, Sarawak. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 68:147-164.
- Harrison, T., Verniers, J., Mbago, M.L., and Krigbaum, J.g (1993) Stratigraphy and mammalian palaeontology of Neogene sites in the Manonga Valley, northern Tanzania. Discovery and Innovation 5:175-180.
NON-REFEREED Publications
- Sharpe, Ashley E., Kamenov, George, and Krigbaum, John (in press) Mobility and lead isotopes. In (S.L. López Varela, ed.) The SAS Encyclopedia of Archaeological Sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3 pp.
- Krigbaum, John (2017) Early occupation of Southeast Asia: Dental-skeletal evidence. In (J. Habu, J. Olsen, and P. Lape, eds.) Handbook of East and Southeast Asian Archaeology, New York: Springer, pp. 309-318. doi 10.1007/978-1-4939-6521-2_21.
- Krigbaum, John (2007) Bioarchaeology (Osteoarchaeology). In (D.M. Pearsall, ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology. San Diego: Elsevier, pp. 924-927.
- Krigbaum, John (2007) Stable Isotopes. In (D.M. Pearsall, ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeology. San Diego: Elsevier, pp. 2075-2077.
- Barker, G., Barton, H., Bird, M., Cole, F., Daly, P., Gilbertson, D., Hunt, C., Krigbaum, J., Lampert, C., Lewis, H., Lloyd-Smith, L., Manser, J.g, Menotti, F., Paz, V., Piper, P., Pyatt, B., Rabett, R., Reynolds, T., Stephens, M., Thompson, G., Trickett, M., and Whittaker, P. (2002) The Niah Caves Project: The third (2002) season of fieldwork. Sarawak Museum Journal 57 (n.s. 78):87-177.
- Barker, G., Barton, H., Beavitt P., Chapman, S., Derrick, M., Doherty, C., Farr, L., Gilbertson, D., Hunt, C., Jarvis, W., Krigbaum, J.g, Maloney, B., McLaren, S., Pettitt, P., Pyatt, B., Reynolds, T., Rushworth, G., and Stephens, M. (2000) The Niah Caves Project: Preliminary report on the first (2000) season. Sarawak Museum Journal 55 (n.s. 76):111-49.
- Stringer, C.B. and Krigbaum, J.S. (2000) Niah Cave. In (E. Delson, I. Tattersall, J.A. Van Couvering, and A.S. Brooks, eds.) Encyclopedia of Human Evolution and Prehistory, second edition. New York: Garland Publishing, pp. 479.
- Krigbaum, J.g and Ipoi Datan (1999) The Deep Skull of Niah: Borneo’s first people. Borneo 5(1):12-17.
- Heckenberger, Michael J. and Krigbaum, John (2015) Book Review: Colin Renfrew & Paul Bahn (eds.) The Cambridge World Prehistory, Volume 2: East Asia and the Americas. Antiquity 89: 763-765.
- Krigbaum, John (2008). Book Review: Crossing the Rubicon: Stories of a small-brained hominin in the modern era. Evolutionary Anthropology 17:239-241.
- Krigbaum, John (2008) Book Review: Human Ecology: Biocultural Adaptation in Human Communities. Journal of Archaeological Science 35:3043.
- Krigbaum, John (2002) Book Review: Biogeochemical Approaches to Paleodietary Analysis – S.H. Ambrose and M.A. Katzenberg, eds. Journal of Anthropological Research 58:421-422.
- Krigbaum, J.S. and Baer, A. (1998) Meeting Review: Glimpses of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association (IPPA) Conference held in Melaka, 1-7 July, 1998. Borneo Research Bulletin 29:232-234.