Attendance & Lecture Participation

Regular class attendance is expected and the lecture participation will be taken. Total of 18 lectures and 4 review sessions will be given on the dates indicated in the calendar. On each lecture or review session, a 5-minute attendance/participation quiz will be offered at the end with one short multiple-choice problem and one multiple-choice theory question. For attempting a problem or question, a student will receive 0.5 points. If a student gets a correct answer, he/she will receive 1 additional point. Thus, a maximum of 3 points can be earned on a session. However, the score will be capped by 2 points, that is, a student must answer at least one question correctly to get a perfect score for the attendance/participation. Six bonus points will be added at the end of the term to each student’s account to compensate occasional misses of the class. The total score will be counted out of 44 points.

Note: Attendance will not be taken during the Discussion sessions and Exams – participation in those will be reflected in your grade for the homework or exams. There will be no makeup on the lecture participation.